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  • Soooo....first blog entry.

    I´m basically going to plug my band Citizen Scream.

    We are a 3-piece, located in Gothenburg but two of us originally hail from Norrköping on the other side of Sweden. Our music is best described as that dubious term "action rock" I´d say. Whatever that means. We write and play what sounds like punky Kiss tunes or somehing. Or I could be completely off here ;)

    The band actually started in 2007, but after a rushed demo and one gig, I decided to move to Stockholm.

    This more or less marked the end for the band, even though we actually pulled or shit together enough to perform one gig in january of 2008.

    After that though, the whole thing was put on ice until I finally moved to Gothenburg in 2010 where my good friend and former bassplayer Tobbe already ha relocated to a couple of years before.

    Last fall we finally found our new drummer Johan, or as we affectionately call him; Johnny Swede seeing as his lastname actually means "Swede" in swedish. Stupid, i know,


    So enough with the readers digest version, here´s a URL to our soundcloud where we´ve posted three songs from our latest 8-song demo which we just finished last week.

    Citizen Scream on Soundcloud

    Thanks for reading, and don´t hesitate to drop me a line!
