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Manis on Fire

  • Pussy & The Learjets bass player Manis On Fire exploded in a provincial town near Bangkok this weekend. There were no casualties.

    A spokesman for the band tried to calm the situation and stated this morning that Manis On Fire, the Learjets’ most fashionable member, is made of solid Rock'n'Roll matter. Highly-paid independent experts have confirmed that chances of complete disintegration are remote.

    According to officers from the International Music Police (IMP) familiar with the case, the ramifications of Manis burning out could be serious and far-reaching. One spokesman admitted, off the record and on condition of anonymity, that Manis on Fire could raze the entire city to the ground, if serious Rock’n'Roll measures were not taken soon.

    The Learjets’ supporters have since been searching for several cooling agents – Lek, Nok and Nong – who are said to have the right consistency to reduce Manis’s red hot status to a stable flambé (flahm-Bay) type situation.

    Since Saturday, Manis On Fire, who also engages in dangerous hit and run guitar attacks with Bangkok’s surf kings, the Klong Riders, has been spotted in several locations around the Thai capital, burning brightly and giving Thailand's political movements demonstrating for personal privileges a run for their money.

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