The S.S. Mojo Workout has a new crew member! As the FBI continues to call on the services of our resident master-mind, Thee Gentleman "Love Holster" Diplo-Matt, more and more we present his personal co-co-host, Seanzi Dirtbag, of the Arkhams, the Othermen and more in his debut - donning the legendary Gorilla pants! And for Seanzi's 1st trick you'll witness him vanishing right before your very ears (constantly) as a special Halloween prank on this three hour tour.
Celebrity BowlerSkating matches include: Brian Jones vs. Keith Richards, The Hulkster vs. Mr. T, Michael Myers vs. Jason, and more including a listener submitted match by our favorite Brit, MAG, of the Queen (of England) vs. the King (of Rock 'n' Roll).
Points this voyage is Candy Apples with Razor Blades.
As always, tune in to Mojo Workout LIVE every Friday night from 8-11pm, Eastern Time on
Real Punk Radio.