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Spike Direction's Primitive Podcast #2

  • Woo Yeah! #2 is now all over your internets!

    Have a track list...

    1. Jason Ringenberg - Jimmie Rodgers Last Blue Yodel
    2. The Cramps - Wilder Wilder Faster Faster
    3. Cyco Sanchez Supergroup - My Brain Hurts
    4. Gogol Bordello - My Companjera
    5. Cooterfinger - Rehab Twist
    6. Daniel Lioneye - Eldorado Baby
    7. Persian Claws - Clever Way To Crawl
    8. Robert Calvert - Lay of the Surfers
    9. Joe Gideon and the Shark - True Nature
    10. The Dirty Backbeats - Headrush
    11. The Misfits - TV Casualty
    12. Chachi On Acid - Everybody I Know is an Asshole
    13. The Replacements - Gary's Got A Boner
    14. Guitar Slingers - Hang Em High and Watch Em Die
    15. Blue Cheer - Out Of Focus
    16. The Stockmen - Dig The Rock n Roll
    17. Grinderman - Palaces of Montezuma
    18. Pack - Harlem Shuffle
    19. The Black Keys - The Go-Getter
    20. Blues Explosion - Burn It Off
    21. The Jimi Hendrix Experience - All Along The Watchtower