I find politics exceedingly tedious for the most part and therefore do my utmost to avoid it. Socially irresponsible? Perhaps. I figure let the scrapping children have their playground fun. But these overgrown kids are getting hooked on some pretty noxious notions and seem to think it's all right to rob and steal. Start to take a look and there's plenty to get upset about. Where to begin?!
Well, I'll tell you what's got me all riled up on this particular morning: the absurd and shameful UK government proposal to sell off half of England's forests. There is so much that is wrong with this idea. I won't indulge in personal ranting on the topic, but please check out the issue online if it interests you, and even if it doesn't, maybe you would be so kind as to oblige by signing this petition: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/page/s/save-our-forests#petition