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Thee New SLOVENLY Distro & Mail Order!

  • Announcing:

    Hello, party animals -- Happy New Year! As many of you are aware, Slovenly is run by a small group of obsessive record collecting maniacs and DJ’s, so we’re always on the hunt for crazy sounds for the global spectrum of sin fueled soirees we present. 

    In addition to our own stock of essential SLOVENLY / BLACK GLADIATOR released black plastic slammers, we’ve decided to share our favorite records with you in our quest for square-smashing world-wide sonic domination! Our new website is crammed full of wailing platters that we’ve painstakingly selected for you to blast yourselves into oblivion with! 

    We got punk! We got garage! We got weird funky shit! We got all kindsa insane compilations and reissues of speaker damaging screamers from decades past! We got weird ass 45s from a bunch of labels that released records that WE wish we could have released! You can build an instant collection of ghetto-blasting fuzzy warbles with this primo stash!

    So without further adieu, dig in to this smoldering pile of shit-hot goodies and get yourself hurt!!!

    *** ***

    NOTE: We offer lightning quick shipping! On week days if orders are received by 3PM EST they will USUALLY get to the postman on the same day! Orders received after 3PM will usually go out next day! 

    We do ship worldwide from, but depending on the size of your order, might be a better option (mainly if you’re ordering records with weight in excess of 1 kilogram). All prices include VAT and orders ship from Amsterdam, and country-specific payment options will be offered at checkout. For now mainly just SLOVENLY titles are in stock in Europe, so Euro-kids wanting distro titles, please order from

    Please report any problems with the website to