Watcha Weirdos Mr A the Barber here with vol 18 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE and it's time to get your dancin' shoes on cos Teenage Dance Party 2 is here to get you shakin'n'vibratin' to a whole load of wild'n'crazy dance tunes. So roll that carpet back and get ready DO THE 'Slosh', 'The Peanut Duck' 'The Monkey' and my favourite of all the crazee dance that is 'The Log'.
'It's a dance for people who are OUT not In'
'Don't move, your in the groove, DO THE LOG'
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Now are you ready to DO THE............
Let's go Hully Gully - Danish Sharks
The Hully Gully - The Angels
Louie Louie - Travis Wammack
The Boogala - Jay Jay Imus and Freddy Ford
A Dancin' Whippersnapper - Billy "The Kid" Emerson
Shake and Vibrate - Sir Latimore
The Kick-A-Poo part 1 - KIckapoo Kidd & The Deputies
The Uncle Wille - Bobby Miller
The Peanut Duck - Marsha Gee
Annie Do The Dog - The Underbeats
Do The Pig - Merced Blue Notes
The Frog - Lonnie Brooks
The Fish - The Supberbs
The Monkey - Guitar Crusher
The Rub - Joey Charles Drums
The Itchy Scratch - Little Becky Cook & The Rag Mops
The Slosh - Bernadette
Mashed Potato Mary - Guy Villare
(Do The) Mashed Potatoes part II - Nat Kendrick & The Swans
Foot Stomp - Los Straitjackets With The World Famous Pontani Sisters And Kaiser George
Carl's Dance Party - Carl Lattimore Hunky Twist - Bowleggs
Snacky Poo part 2 - The Del Mars
The Log - The Uglies