This shows gonna dish you up some Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll. Kicking off with the Sex session delivering you five red hot rude n lewd R'n'B from way back when. Followed by overdosing you with some drug fuelled Garage Rock. By then you'll be ready for a blast of classic Rock 'n' Roll stompers to get your heart rate up just a bit more even more.
I reckon after all that hedonism your gonna need to cool down a bit, so I'm gonna slow down procedings and give you chance to get yer breath back with one of my favorite coooool tunes of the moment. Enjoy the trip!
Bull Moose Jackson - Big Twn Inch Record
The Swallows - It Ain't The Meat
Bull Moose Jackson - Bow Legged Woman
The Bangers - Baby Let Me Bang Your Box
Andre Williams - Jailbait
The Swinging Neckbreakers - Live For Buzz
The New Conolly 5 - Stoned
The Other Half - Mr Pharmacist
The Pretty Things - LSD
The Cramps - Drug Train
Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps - Blue Jean Bop
Carl Perkins - Put Your Cat Clothes On
Johnny Burnett - Tear It Up
Mel Dorsey and the Heartbeats- Little Lil
Bill Johnson - You Better Dig It
The Sandpipers - Louie Louie
If You DIG IT! Tell yer mates.
Mr A The Barber
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