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That band can't get too old!

  • Alright, it's time to put some verbs to the curb, all text, no picture style.

    Just to state a little something, every now and then someone get's the lines confused and yells: "Don't go see this band, they are old as mold! Old Rock'N'Rollers suck! Reunions suck! It's all only for the money!" Listen up kiddy-oh, put those two functioning brain cells together and look at who made yer favorite music happen.

    If there's one thing that defies this weird mathemathic, it's that a large chunk of primitve Roll and Rockers ARE infact creatures, that have distilled their cunning reflexes over the decades (if not centuries), shining a light for younger folks of how to do, wild style!

    It's not my logic: You go tell the Sonics of now, how "lame" they are, the Pretty Things, the Monks, The Lombego Surfers, Pierced Arrows, The Fleshtones, The members of the Gories, The Woggles, throw in the Cramps who never ceased to do their thing, The Nevermores who just put out a record that splits teen spleens, Gringo Starr of the criminally great Jackets, John Carlucci of Beat Killers and KissKiss BangBang fame and yeah the neverdead, Beatman. Let's not give the band Death some respect right, cuz they haven't recorded any in the last years...? Screw that! You ever serve a show like any of them on stage, RIGHT NOW, you can act up, but you probably won't, cuz then you know what it means to rawk. And don't forget all the people that put out the records: Norton, Crypt, Soundflat, Dionysus, to name a few... all old farts eh?

    I feel like barkin up a tree surrounded by dogs with a better voice, cuz the truth is out all the time, naysayers just ain't listenin.

    That little list blow a fuse in yer igno-rant mind already? Hope so! It's not the end of the ride, there are many more.

    Those folks have shaped the mold your dancing in right from the start and now they are still here to tear it up again!

    If you are afraid, to go see a band cuz you think they are too old to give you and themselves a good fix, I guess the stadium style Rolling Stones are one of many to blame for that. The light show was turned up, the raw turned down. They was hot back in the day, but now they are the prime example for why you are turned off by shit that was hip in the 60's. All that said, I'm not here to put em down, so don't frown!

    I dare you big mouths not fade into a life of: "Sorry no Rock'n'Roll no more" when the grandkids knock, looking at these peeps from the distance, probably still riding the gasline, lovin life, all loud and proud. Hell, why dontcha stick up with them?


    I'm feeling silly talking sense, so next up is more NON-sense-iquential drawn shtuff coming up. See ya there!