Posted by
Joenzy January 7, 2009 -
in 1991 Lai Siang Kwang from Singapore was convicted of keeping the cremated remains of 2,000 people in his bungalow.
it was Kwang's fourth similar conviction for "hoarding funeral urns" in his home.
After Thomas More's head was chopped off, parboiled and stuck on a pole on London Bridge in 1535, his daughter Margaret bribed a bridgekeeper to let her steal it and take it home - a crime for which she was later arrested and briefly imprisoned. the head was buried w/her when she died in 1544.
when the American dancer Isadora Duncan took delivery of a brand new Bugatti racing car in 1927 she naturally wanted to show it off to her friends. she stepped into it for the first time, waved gaily and sped away. as she did so her long red scarf became entangled in the spokes of her rear nearside window, snapping her neck and killing her instantly.