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  • me eating an Easter egg Yesterday Hello Again Thought I may as well keep this blog thang goin' seeing as it seems simpler than blogger plus its a boring Wednesday Night England have just lost (again) and i'm kind of in a bloggy mood lol Owelcome to my first Stealth Blog lol) Firstly I better thank Dgrador check his page here for providing me with The Misanthropes mp3s (I really wanted to hear them again as its been a while hopefully people who never heard this ' tune before have now !

    The concept of this page is simple ..Fun! It gives me a chance to upload playlists of tunes that I hope people from all walks of life will enjoy plus its a separate creature to my other page on deviant art which sometimes when referring to how cool Garage Punk Music is people seem a little lost .. but still its something that inspires my whole lifestyle and my art too . Its early days here so far but I think I can make this page worth visiting ..firstly with my 66 Boss Cuts that blast through my player(he idea is keep the whole thing going 8 new/old tunes everyday but sadly that means the playlist has a lifespan of a week but still I'm kind of fond of change and variety heres a few cool pics of the people and groups that appear on my latest playlist(which will change tommorow with a few Arthur Lee penned tunes lined up)

    The Ugly Ducklings (Great surfpods)

    Francoise Hardy I'm totally smitten with Miss Hardy at the moment that French President guy aint got no class lol

    Los Vidrios Quebrados L.p Fictions Here's a group From 1960s Chile who I'm veryl into at the moment .. I hope to play Garage and Psych from all around the globe on my playlist do keep returning when you get a chance.. I've discovered Polish and Czech Garage scenes from the 60's recently so I'm looking forward to uploading tunes from the comps I've heard recently.

    The Charlatans Nice Image from the Avalon of Mike Wilham from The Charlatans (not the UK band but The Original San Francisco Group) cool image Been Easter had my family around so I missed out on The Sonics (I imagine the Tickets were sold out very quickly) But Pete Docherty was on The bill which kind of put me off anyhow (aint got a problem with Horrors though. What would of been ideal show If I was The Sonics promoter would be joint headliners Of Sonics/Wailers/Mummies in an ideal world that would of happened Well I must roll until the next tyme I have a compulsion to type .. i better change typeface I'm going blind lo l I'd like to thank everyone who added me Cheers Bye 4 now