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Mostros + Motocross - Europa Erasmus verry crrrrazy tour!

  • That's right, we releasing a split 7" with Benibronx rockers MOTOCROSS and embarking on a crazy Europa tour, as you can see, there are still some dates to go, so if have any contact or can give us a hand, we will appreciate it! And then we can fill the blanks in this cute poster:

    03 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS Toulouse - France 04 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS Firenze - Italia 05 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS Kunstverein Nürenberg - Deutschland 06 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS ?? Deutschland? 07 April 2009 ?? Deutschland? 08 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS Eindhoven - Netherlands? 09 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS Pub The Rots - Antwerpen Belgium 10 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS The CRow Bar - Groningen Netherlands 11 April 2009 MOSTROS + MOTOCROSS Netherlands?? Stay sick!