“If I can’t remember, I haven’t done!” That’s been the excuse the Evil Idols uses their whole life to avoid that “moral hangover” after hard driking nights. And that’s where their new algum name come from: Can’t Remember At All, released on 2006 october by the brazillian labels Läjä and Pisces Records and Rastrillo Records from Argentina.
The 12 new tracks were recorded at Solo Studio, at Curitiba, Brazil and produced by Germano Diedrichs. The cover art was designed by Daniel “Muzzarelas” Etê. The tunes goes from the ultra-fast rock’n’roll, like in Speed Up or Kinda Love to Hate, to the more garage punk ones, as in Couldn’t Be Better and Suicide in a Bottle, always talking about girls, boozes and party and sounding rawer and faster than ever.
It’s July 2000 and this four wasted bastards decide there’s no decent band in town so they should start their own. Some beer bottles and a five litter gallon of Champs Largé wine after they named the band Evil Idols and went for their first gig at some friend’s backyard.
Since then it’s been six years of loud guitars, lots of boozes and the support of Läjä Records and some other suicidal partners. Under Läjä the band released two split cds (with Estudantes and Motosierra) and a 4-way split called Drunk Fools vs. True ‘Till Death (with I Shot Cyrus, Merda and Jazzus). On 2004 the same label, along with Navena Muzik, released their first full-lengh record, Don’t Mess With the Evil Idols. The band also took part of an latin american tribute record to the Sonics called “Here are’t the Sonics”, released by Rastrillo Records, with the most important garage/rock’n’roll bands from Latin-America.
During the Don’t Mess With tour, Xandão took Dino Velvet’s place on bass guitar and by the end of 2005 they recorded their second record. After the recordings the rythm guitarrist Tocha decided to leave the band and at the begining of 2006, as a power trio, they released their latest record Can’t Remember At All.
Evil Idols:
Felipe SAd – guitar and vocals | Xandão – bass guitar |Lucas Chaves – drums
Contact: evilidols@hotmail.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/evilidols
Orkut: www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=318024
YouTube: www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Evil+Idols
Läjä Records: www.laja.com.br
Pisces Records: www.piscesrecords.com.br
Rastrillo Records: www.rastrillorecords.com.ar