Posted by
T-rish December 28, 2007 -
i went to the hatebreed show at the electric factory in philly. i held my own for someone 4feet 11 1/2 inches (thats right folks every 1/2 inch counts) lol. any who i walked away with a t-shirt, some random bruises, a stiff neck and a black eye but it was probably the best show i've been to in a long time. i'm used to shows where there is maybe 1 to 2 pits going on simultaneously but the e-factory was crazy! at any given moment there would be like 3-4 throwing downs started at once, it was amazing. i got picked up a few times dropped once (it happens) thrown around, pushed others around. all i can say is what a night, the only thing that would have made it a little better would have been if i had a better buzz (that way i wouldn't feel the slams as much, lol). i can't believe i nearly missed this concert. i hope to say true to myself and remember the next time i think "i have work in the am, or oh i'm just tired" i can think back to this night and just do it. life passes you bye so quickly, you never know when you'll see your last show....