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Kogar the swinging ape March 14, 2009 -
This is the first LAIF with some liner notes (about the music contained herein). I felt a need to at least tell a bit about the songs etc.
This is also the first edition with a title other than LAIF and a volume number.
This volume, I felt, should always be remembered as the one that “came out” after Lux’s passing.
While most of it was being compiled, it was being compiled with the knowledge that Lux is no longer with us. It really affected the song choices and their sequencing.
It was sort of spooky how everything came together.
I had read the INCREDIBLY STRANGE MUSIC interview again and noticed I missed a song. THE RAVENS – A SIMPLE PRAYER.
I can’t believe I missed this song until now. It’s such an amazing song. The last note of the song truly transports you to another world. Plus the sentiment of the song really hit a chord with me around the time I was hearing it (days after Lux’s death).
Before all this I had also received a tape of music that The Cramps had used as intermission music on some of their tours. The tape, converted to cd, had been labeled as coming from 1986.
A lot of the songs on this volume came from that tape. The tape also contained 3 songs or bits of songs from the JIMMIE HASKELL AND HIS ORCHESTRA “COUNTDOWN” LP. I’ve had the album for years and love it to death. The music was used back in the day as music beds for the Mad Daddy’s radio show.
This coupled with the FOOL’S PARADISE interview, where Lux and Ivy talk about space a lot, really set the tone of the volume, thus, the subheading; a journey into space.
Speaking of the Mad Daddy, he makes an appearance on this comp as well (or two? Hmmm…). Sections of this edition came from a proposed record Lux had worked on to come out based on his hero, Pete “Mad Daddy” Myers. This was years before the eventual Norton Records “WAVY GRAVY” CD release.
Lastly, this edition was locked and ready to go as of today, but then I read the account of Lux’s memorial and had to rework it a little. Originally, the comp ended with Jimmy Scott’s DAY BY DAY, a song mentioned by Ivy in an interview. It’s a fucking beautiful song about love and I thought it would be a great way to end this edition.
But then I read the write up of Lux’s memorial and the fact that “For All We Know” was played there. I thought for a while if I would include it or not, but decided that if this was an aural memorial for Lux (from me), that it should be included for everyone to hear.
I hope everyone likes it and discovers some great music. This volume truly runs the gambit of sounds and I hope it truly can transport you to space too…it totally shows the range of music they listened to, haunting doo wop, exotica, crazy rockabilly, instrumentals, 60’s garage/dance and novelty tunes (you’ll never think of Andy Griffith the same way again!).
Thanks go to Moses Longpiece aka Count ThrillHammer, Rex Doane, Howie Pyro, Mop Top Mike, Dirk Ungawa, and anyone else who helped along the way.
Journey well, Lux.