Posted by
Heidi: Thee Electric Cavegurl April 25, 2008 -
I'm honestly thinkin' about it.
I always thought I was too old...but it's funny that the older I get the more it seems so right. I was always content to let the men in my life shine; but now I think it would be tops just to have other "primitive" gurls to get together and make merry music with.
It's become painfully clear to me that I need a creative outlet to promote & share my favorite musical obscurities with you all. So, as well as working on creating my up & coming pod-cast ...I am extending invites to any stoneage sista's in the area who are interested to perhaps join me in my quest for "musical merryment"!
I'm not looking to conquer thee world, only to make mine more enjoyable!
Don't play an instrument? LEARN ONE! It aint rocket science ladies!
Electric Kisses & cavegurl hugz!
Zap! Ug. for short!
xo Heidi E. Cavegurl