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Heidi: Thee Electric Cavegurl April 10, 2008 -
I arrived yesterday in Fort Lauderdal Florida...and almnost immediately found myself sitting by a pool surrounded by palm trees while sipping a frozen girlie drink in my "new" vintage bathing suit! ah! Quite a change considering a few weeks ago I slipped on black ice after a snowstorm and fell & chipped my tailbone! Curses to bad weather! Anyway, whatta change for the better! UPGRADE! ;)
Tomorrow morning we are off to Key West for the weekend where we have booked a 4 star hotel and have rented scooters & jet-skis to get around on land AND sea! We really needed this vacation! It's totally relaxed & rejuvenated me ALREADY and it's only been a day and a half!
Monday we are headed to DISNEYWORLD! I think I will cry when I get there because I never quite made it IN there...I almost did years ago but when we arrived, (it was me & my EX!) my Ex-shithead tells me he spent all out money on heroin so we couldn't even pay to get in. I cried in the parking lot and the whole 19 hours it took to get home to NYC. So, this will be a dream of mine FINALLY being realized. And I am so happy to share it with Tommy, my current, and hopefully life-long flame.
Alas, Wednesday we will be flying back to NYC ...but I took an extra week off of work so I can recover and do some spring cleaning, etc. I will take lots of pictures to share with all of you Garage Punk friends of mine! Stay tuned & be well!
Electric Kisses & Cavegurl Hugz Galore! Zap! Ug.
xo Heidi ~thee Electric Cavegurl~