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Eric Reanimator October 31, 2007 -
Each Month, I start a file in my iTunes that is a playlist for the tunes that catch my ear that month. I have been doing this since Feb of 2006, and each month I write a Mog post covering what I have been listening to each month… I am starting to post this write up in other spaces beyond my Mog… cause I want to hit as many I-Balls as I can…..
Anyway for this month here is what caught my ear…
Pirate And Shotgun by Carolyn Mark
This is kinda a slower country/folk ballad. I had read about Carolyn Mark in No Depression and wanted to check out her stuff and found this track. It reminds of Alela Diane a bit
Highway One by Dead Rock West
Another No Depression find, there is just something about this tune, it’s kinda a 70’s country rock tune, only it’s got amazing soaring vocals and it rocks out in that classic rock hooky style. It’s also looking back and about history, which is something that I completely understand and dig.
George Romero by The Sprites
Anyone that has followed my on-line writing history should know that I am a sucker for a good horror punk tune, and this one is just right. It’s kinda poppy, kinda fun and light, but not so self-conscious that it becomes too much.
Tiki Twist by The Voladoras
I have to give it up for my Swedish friends and their delicious Garage Punk tune with just a hint of growled lounge in it…. you can download at their Myspace page… hint… hint
Mr. Endicott By Uncle Monk
CBGB’s music from that last living original Ramone… that’s right Tommy has gone blues and country, and you know what it’s good… just listen… I like the nice clip-clop pace and that biting lyrics about having a awful boss..
This Time Tomorrow The Kinks
Dear Wes Anderson,
Thank you so much for introducing me to such a haunting, sublime, ear-worm of a pop tune. It’s thanks to guys like you that people are reminded how great of a band the Kinks were….
BTW: The Darjeeling Limited was also sublime, can you tell Roman Coppola that I dug CQ and hope that he has another film as good in him…
Dark Sun by Sally Timms & Jon Langford
This tune came from somewhere, I don’t really quite know where, but I love the Dr. Strangelove and darkness underlying the upbeat cheery feel of this tune. I would love to hear Willie Nelson cover this… is that just a hint Metallica’s Sandman in this tune somewhere?
South of Hideous by Forbidden Dimension http://www.myspace.com/forbiddendimension
What more can I say about these guys… the best horror rock band of all time, and with a new album even… so what I like about this tune in particular is the opening, and the chorus and, and…well everything,
My past play lists are linked to at www.mog.com/iren
Until next time…. have a happy All Saints Day….