Posted by
Eric Reanimator August 4, 2007 -
As I stated in my past posts, I do most of my music writing over at www.mog.com/iren... and one of the things I write every month is a play list of what has caught my ear the previous month...
so here is my post for July 2007 (if you check out my mog post it has links for some of these bands)
If you have been reading my mog posts (and I do thank you for following) then you know that each month I have a play list in my iTunes that I drop in what ever tunes catch my ear at the time and at the end of each month I do a little round up post and a run on sentence… This past month, besides marking the half way point in the year also marks my last full month in Minnisota. The plans are in full swing and I will be back home in Ann Arbor by the end of the month.
This months tunage…
Red Head Walking by
Beat Happening
This tune… it’s a dirge/ drone lo fi treat about one of my fave things… Redheads… next…
Diamonds are Forever by The Arctic Monkeys
I dig a solid cover, honestly played and with an element of class, and this live recording is just that. A great song to start with, these guys play it with heart, honesty and almost reverance as a tribute. Another part of me wonders if this was just a gamble to get the job creating the theme song for the next Bond Film? anyway
Hexenhaus by Canada
I’m not a big fan of mellow indie rock, really, gimmie danger, gimmie this, gimmie that, gimme gimmie raw power… on the other hand sometime I guess a little quite reflective tunes are just right, and this song seems to be about something that I know well, cursed houses. They are from Ann Arbor, MI, my so called HUM Town, and the location of that dreaded Black Eyed Mansion…
Little Yellow Lemon by Blübird Note: the link is for my post on this band, which says all that I have to say about these girls… but I want to add that hearing music like this from young people gives me hope that there are still kids out there with their creativity still intact…
Adult Books by X
I’m been a listener to X for a lot of years, and this song just hit me this past month. It’s got a sleazy noir feel that hints at something more to the words than what you might hear… I don’t understand.. must listen to again…
Wildman by The Hot Rollers
I ran across this group while looking for tunes related to Roller Derby. The Hot Rollers were (it appears that they called it a day this past spring) a punky rock and roll band from out west. They have a few Mp3s still up at their web site so check them out.
Democracy? By The Damned
From their last album, which came out too many years back… I’ll let the lyric’s speak for themselves..
Did you notice that just recently in London town
The flags all waved
he people smiled a lot, the world was right
But now it seems that nothing’s changed
My ears are ringing with the promise
The promise that they’ll right the wrongs
And that they’re ever gonna give you
Democracy, Democracy (you wanna bet?)
And I love the dig that they made at the French in the last verse
Don’t tell me revolution changed a thing in France
‘Cept for a king or two
‘Cause when it’s Bastile Day a toxic time bomb ticks
In the Pacific blue
‘Cause revolution changes nothing
And voting changes even less
‘Cause it’s only time you are wasting on
Democracy, Democracy (there’s none round here)
Dark City by The Love Me Nots
I found these guys because they were on Rock’n’Roll TV this spring. Musically they are kinds lo fi spy mod lite garage rock… but in a very cool high desert noir way. I dig the vox and drama on this tune….
So there it is another month another playlist….
Thoughts, Comments, spare 7"s featuring Joe Meek covers?