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Savage Kick #60

  • Despite being distracted all week by politics and baseball (hey, us podcasters have other interests besides rock'n'roll, ya know!), I managed to squeeze out another episode of this well-weathered program shortly after the the conclusion of last night's big, overblown "debate"... and, well, if you've ever heard this show before, you pretty much know what to expect. This time out you'll be hearing some new music from Jeff Dahl, Knuckel Drager and The Urges, as well as more great hard-hitting favorites from The Sonics, Sugar Shack, The Drags, Hank IV, Demon's Claws, The Revelators, Q65, The Remains, Jerome Kidd, The Satelliters, The Dwarves, John Schooley and lots more. Once you're done listening to this one be sure and go out and register a couple of voters, would ya? Then flip on the ballgame and watch the Cubs succumb once more to the Curse of the Billy Goat.