Recent Classifieds

  • July 24, 2024 - posted by Jesus E.
    • Location Benidorm [map]
    Anyone going to Funtastic 2024? Traveling there from California solo, anyone want to meet up?
  • March 31, 2024 - posted by Darren
    100+ Releases on the Trash Wax label, 1000's of records in stock, Cheapest international shipping on the Planet. Cramps, Monsters, Nomads, Phantom Chords, Messer Chups, Sting Rays, C.Kings, Vice Barons, Gun Club, Dead Moon, Marcel Bontempi, Lyres, and much, much more...Compilations, Rare stuff, New...
  • May 23, 2019 - posted by Sheep Dog
    Looking to #DJ some #CarShows in The #Ohio Area with great #Oldies & current #Rockabilly tracks if any one has a lead hit me up. Prices will vary depending on clients needs
  • May 7, 2019 - posted by vikbot
    • Location Boston, MA [map]
    Garage Punk band The Mess Me Ups, needs a drummer to play a couple of gigs in June, go into the studio, and make a the kind you can eat off of, or listen to the songs with a pencil and paper cone.   Songs are on Mess Me Ups facebook page..please imagine a better recording, and if...

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Bands wanted for compilation series.

  • Hey. We are working on the second of a three part compilation series that we are doing over the course of a year or so called "Terrible Things Always Happen"....the first was released in October and includes some of our friends as well as some bands we met here on the Hideout. The Telltale Signs (Buffalo), Surfin Mutants Pizza Party (Canada), The Muzzlers (Chicago), Butterqueen (Orlando), The Banditos (New Hampshire), as well as ourselves Nazi Drugs (Pennsylvania). 

    There are 6 bands per comp, 2 songs per band. You can send us whatever you want. Already released, new stuff, demos, whatever. The comp is shrinkwrapped, barcoded and retail don't have to pay anything to be on a comp...after the comp is out you will recieve a passcode and email that will give you access to order as many of them as you desire straight from the manufacturer (they are under $2 a piece) can order zero if you dont want any for merch. You can do what you want with your physical copies, give them away, sell them, put them up on bandcamp for free. Whatever.

    The idea is just to find bands from different areas and help promote each other through promotion of the CD. If you are into hearing any more details you can email us at: or message us here or on facebook

    We're going to be doing two more of the Terrible Things Always Happen series...we have 9 spots open.  

    Any fellow PA bands out there...we also want to start working on a comp called "Wilkum To Hell" featuring all PA garage/punk bands. 

    You can check out the first "Terrible Things Always Happen" on our bandcamp 
    The cover art for volume 2 is in our photo album here on the Hideout.

    While you are on our bandcamp please check out our new full length "Went Dawn On Me" and our new cassette EP "Academia" that is out now on Godless America Records.


