Trash A Go-Go Presents: Japanese punk-noise explosion The Fevers!
Who: The Fevers w/ The Instigation, Friend or Foe
Where: Yuyintang
When: Saturday, May 14th 10 pm
Price: 30 RMB (students) / 40 MB (general admission)
Back in black and badder than ever, it has proven itself the corroded artery of Shanghai music, the unsteady bop you can hear in your brain and deep-dark terrain of your soul; the thump your fear because it's there but more when it's not; the clogged passageway clipped by runaway torrents of fear...
TRASH A GO-GO - that monthly multi-night shit-show featuring all things punk, garage, surf, and other vintages and vestiges of rock n' roll – comes again!
Band bios:
The Fevers (Kobe, Japan):
With all the kinetic force of a sideway glance, The Fevers live and die on the pulse of a punk bass bounce. Underneath every loose-fitting leather jacket is a tightly-wound youth, and the guitar of The Fevers is that itch in the brain, the scratch on the eyeball that leaves a rash over your vision. Seeing red - cherry red, bright neon-light sex blood syrupy red – The Fevers spray it back out at the crowd.
This 4-piece formed in Kobe, Japan in 2009 and site 70s punk and 90s garage punk as their main influences.
vo/gu: Marty
gu: Muhoumatsu
b: Junkie
dr: P&G
The Instigation (Shanghai):
Hardcore to the nail-bone, The Instigation are the fury of the sound of Trash A Go-Go.
Each song is a synchronized explosion, with lead singer Simon rearing back and roaring out disgust and doubt, peculiarly shading his vocals with a hint of British hip hop grime. This is rock 'n' roll not for the bleat-hearted.
Friend or Foe:
The story starts when the demon Moloch escaped from a dark corner of hell and went on a rampage through the heavens. While lose and in an animalistic fit he raped the pious angel Charoum and as a result of this tragic event she found herself pregnant. When her time came, it was not one child but three that emerged. She decided to raise them as innocent, pure children with no knowledge of the dark origins. However, these triplets were different from their immaculate peers, continually straying into dark and devious activities. No matter how much Charoum scolded them, they defied her orders. Yet, whenever possible they kept their mischief a secret due to their deep and pure love for their angelic mother. Currently they take the stage as Friend or Foe. They wear masks to hide their identity, because underneath their trouble-making they are good boys at heart and are afraid that if their mommy catches them, they will get into trouble.