French invasion! I know, the bandnames soundstrange but well, somehow the french language sounds wierd anyways. But these croissants are not coming to Innsbrook to talk, they're aiming for a more important target: to rock you!
YUSSUF JERUSALEM May God’s will be to adorn ****** and his followers by according Yussuf Jerusalem a long lifeand helping them through the jingle of his tambourine, and through the knell of his laments;By sheltering them in the breadth of his shadow!And for he has, for them, cleansed the spring of his mettles from all corruption,may he all the same compell the Earth to his supreme might to reign or to guardand his foes, upon their heads, to the doom of his guitar. Facebook Bandcamp
LA SECTE DU FUTUR Who puts the hand in the plow and looks behind is not made for the Kingdom of God. « La Secte du Futur » (aka The Cult of the Future in badass language) has neither an address nor shop window, just love and candies to be offered to children. In the middle of the fire-eaters and the wizards holograms, listen to the tune cut in the X-ray and the pre-apocalyptic incantations of the order of the LASER temple. Facebook Bandcamp