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    • June 20, 2011 6:45 PM CDT
    • Hey Everybody!

      We are The Fast Takers from Portland. We're going on a California tour and had a cancellation on 6/25.

      If you know of anyone who might be able to help is out with a last minute show in northern California tour let us know. We're not picky and fit in with most garage, punk, rocknroll and even some hard rock and metal bands.

      The Fast Takers

    • June 19, 2011 6:15 AM CDT
    • Hi,

      with my bands SOnic Angels, we are planning to tourin Us next yearmarch-april 2012. We have yet contacts in Austin and some others around the country, but still looking for shows and gigs to do.

      our tour will be in 5 weeks :

      start in New York

      go down to the south by van : Memphis, Louisianne, Austin

      flight to california

      up top the north

      then Chicago, Denver

      Detroit and New York again


      I know its a long way but we love to drive and be on the road, maybe we'll do only New York and the south, it depends of the gigs we'll get.


      We never been in Us, so we don't know how its work, we just know its dificult to be paid even for the gaz sometimes and there is no food, no drinks, nothing sometimes....., anyway we have some friends everywhere who can give us a place to stay.

      just want to have fun and do some promotion for our band, trying to not loose too much money.


      if somebody can give us contacts or can directly book us a gig....




    • June 16, 2011 2:34 PM CDT
    • Tour cancelled and I didn't know until I got to the venue - BOO!

      Manager felt sorry for me driving for two hours one way and gave me a comp ticket to a show - YEA!

      It was the Detroit Cobras and they were fussy - BOO!

      The opening bands were really good - YEA!

    • June 14, 2011 5:33 PM CDT
    • ABQ: Kosmos (AKA Factory on Fifth) (byob all ages warehouse artspace freak out;) Launchpad; Low Spirits.

      Santa Fe: Santa Fe Brewing Company; Corazon.

      Kosmos puts a good show together and people generally mob the place. Corazon is cool.

      The other three are all run by Joe Anderson. Should be able to find em all online cept maybe Kosmos.


    • June 10, 2011 12:41 PM CDT
    • Thanks!

    • June 9, 2011 9:09 PM CDT
    • Having trouble finding anything but Burts Tiki Lounge...which looks cool....anywhere else though?

    • June 6, 2011 2:48 PM CDT
    • Brian, Si Si Si wants to play with TRMRS on AUGUST 7th. Hook it up dude!!! haha

    • June 5, 2011 3:29 AM CDT
    • Is there a way to play it if we just brought a USB stick or a laptop?  I don't have a fancy music robot.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for Pizza Fest, but I'm stoked to see The Razorblades on 7/29! 

    • June 2, 2011 2:52 PM CDT
    • hey, if people wanna set up a once a month thing where people bring in pre-loaded ipods on mondays before a show we can do a garage listening thing really easy.
      we have an ipod plug in through our jukebox.
      to run DJ gear i'd have to pay one of my sound guys to run the PA so i don't wanna do that.
      but yeah, i'd be down with a monday 7-9 kinda thing.

      and FYI - Pizzafest 2010 is scheduled for early aug, we have a buncha garagey bands playing again this year.

    • May 31, 2011 2:43 PM CDT
    • Cool! We could pick out podcasts to play or spin records.  Go from about 7 to 9, that way it doesn't overlap the gigs. Maybe the first monday of the month, to go with the dollar beers thing.  Of course, I could be jumping the gun, though; I'm just assuming that you want it at the Funhouse ;)

    • June 6, 2011 3:04 AM CDT
    • I'm flying over tomorrow ! Hope the jetlag will not be too hard,  i'll try to go there, got no news from Christophe so...

    • June 3, 2011 12:30 PM CDT
    • i'll probably be there. right now Todd Spinn (60's garage) and Knifefight (50's rockabilly/pop) are scheduled to be DJing that night.

    • June 3, 2011 9:20 AM CDT
    • I won't be there, but there are always good djs. It's usually a packed house of alcoholic women looking to get laid.

    • June 3, 2011 6:17 AM CDT
    • Will somebody be at the Matchless for the Hot Dog! night on tuesday ?

    • June 3, 2011 9:38 AM CDT
    • I'm not in charge of bands . But I will pass along the info !

    • June 2, 2011 7:03 PM CDT
    • WAX TRAX Records, and Black and Read are our favorite record stores in all of colorado.

      Wax Trax really specializes in punk, rock n roll, and garage.


      As for venues, grab a Westword and see what's goin down. Look for flyers too! Denver has a pretty awesome arising garage rock scene.


      Too bad you won't be here the 1st and 2nd for the 2nd annual Denver garage rock fest Hullabaloo

      Hope this helps you out a bit!


    • May 31, 2011 2:41 PM CDT
    • Hey there !!!


      I'm in a band called from Photoroman. We re from Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada and we make primitive rock n roll like (we wish) early cramps, gories,deja voodoo, but in french.


      we re looking to play some show in the USA between july 7 and july 9. We would love to play in Boston on saturday the 9 so if anybody could hook us up with a band, or if you're in a band from Boston, we would love your help. and if anybody want to play some show on july 7 and july 8 in the vermont or new hampshire area, just let us know !!! we could hook you up afterward with some show in the quebec area if you want !!!!


      thank you

      here s some links with our musics/pics etc


    • May 30, 2011 3:29 PM CDT
    • I have to agree that Nick & the Jaguars do count as a legendary Detroit band (I also think Pontiac works, if you consider the whole Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor group of bands, then you might as well consider Pontiac or any other location within 50 miles of downtown Detroit).

      Did we already mention Tesco Vee's stuff? (Meatmen, Hate Police, Touch n' Go).
      Or, John Brennan's stuff (Laughing Hyenas, Negative Approach).
      Also, Mike Hard (Godbullies, Thrall, etc. on Amphetamine Reptile).
      My buddy is currently touring in The Mike Hard Band, playing the old tunes. Check 'em out.

    • May 29, 2011 5:05 PM CDT
    • Does Pontiac, MI count?  If so, then Nick & the Jaguars.  They did the original version of "Ich-i-bon #1" that The Gories ended up covering.  They put out two instro surf singles on MOTOWN of all places (they were the first white band signed to the label). 



    • May 28, 2011 7:30 PM CDT
    • Awesome, thanks a ton Joanie.  Any sweet bands in Louisville KY that wanna play a show at Derby City Expresso on July 7th?

    • May 28, 2011 1:03 PM CDT
    • 06/19 Portland...duly noted