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    • June 22, 2009 4:07 AM CDT
    • I'm leavin for Detroit on Wednesday, driving all the way from Denver. Can't wait to see the show! I have one extra ticket.........

    • June 21, 2009 10:05 AM CDT
    • Tommy Careless said:

      Any Photos?
      Soon as I get back home I'll upload all my massively blurry & sweaty pix I snapped at the two shows....yeah btw, at the last minute the Hi Tone opened up 50 mo' tix fer the Saturday nite show & I was lucky enuf to snag a couple...Seein' the Gories & Oblivians back to back nites was a spiritual shakedown ....& Quintron joined the Oblivians fer a few on Sat. nite too! ....fuckin' incredible.....

    • June 21, 2009 9:49 AM CDT
    • Any Photos?

    • June 20, 2009 12:03 AM CDT
    • Sorry, just saw this. I'll be there with a carload of people (including Ryan Katastrophe) from St. Louis on Saturday night! Can't wait...

    • June 18, 2009 8:52 AM CDT
    • Thee Crucials said:

      The Artisan is a blast! We stayed there last time we played Memphis.
      Wipeout, what time you rolling into town on Fri? The wife and I will probably leave early in the morning. Rob Baker of Hot Slop fame will meet us there at some point. I hope to hang out with Ryan K on Sat.

      You have my number, right? Let me know what's going on.
      Already here in Memphis my friend (got here on Monday) and yeppers I still gots yer number...if nothin' else definitely see ya at the show Friday nite!

    • June 18, 2009 6:58 AM CDT
    • The Artisan is a blast! We stayed there last time we played Memphis.
      Wipeout, what time you rolling into town on Fri? The wife and I will probably leave early in the morning. Rob Baker of Hot Slop fame will meet us there at some point. I hope to hang out with Ryan K on Sat.

      You have my number, right? Let me know what's going on.

    • June 17, 2009 10:54 PM CDT
    • I'm at the Artisan on Thursday night, the same joint is sold out on Friday and Saturday.
      If anyone wants to cram there, or wherever, let me know - can kick in part of the rent.
      I'm not gonna have internet much longer before heading down, don't intend on spending much time (if any) on-line while I'm down there, so...
      Oh yeah, Friday (spare) ticket, still available for trade for a Saturday one!


    • June 17, 2009 2:17 PM CDT
    • erica said:

      I'll be there (and ten other fruits from Austin) Friday night and Saturday night...Ready to eat Gus' fried chicken..and do some record shoppin' at Goner. I'll be staying at the Artisan. BBQ sounds good, 'cept I live in Texas and get enuff of that already! I'm totally down for a meet up!
      See you boners this weekend!
      Hahaha...We're representin' SC and no, ya can never get enuf BBQ, I mean they gots dry-rub style here fer fuck sakes... BTW Erica, is one of those Austin nuts a cat named Davie? I know he's comin' up fer the shows and he's an old buddy of mine from SC...just curious now...see ya there all the same!

    • June 16, 2009 4:58 PM CDT
    • TWO TEARS said:

      I'm going!!!!!!! We're staying at the hotel suggested by the venue....$50 per night, should be .....umm.....interesting.
      I wanna eat BBQ!
      Lookin' forward to seein' ya...which nite ya gonna be there? Oh, btw, I'm already in Memphis and have almost wuffed this own outta's sooo fuckin' good...hurry up!

    • June 16, 2009 11:09 AM CDT
    • I'm going!!!!!!! We're staying at the hotel suggested by the venue....$50 per night, should be .....umm.....interesting.
      I wanna eat BBQ!

    • June 14, 2009 2:50 PM CDT
    • Also, as a tech-cat I plan to keep my peeps up-to-date via my Twitter acct if yer goin' to Memphis (or live there) and got yerself a swell lil' Twitter acct., too us all a big one and follow my ass!! That-a-way we can find each other and have a garagepunk get-down somewheres...dig it?

    • June 13, 2009 2:00 PM CDT
    • 1. Goin' (w/ uninitiated gf in toe) Friday nite show only. 2. Stayin' at the Artisan 3. CoCoComa is playin' Saturday afternoon at Murphy's & really holdin' out fer a mixer somewhere, somehow too!!! 4. Ain't got no spares my fellow trash fiend... I am beyond stoked at this point ...leavin' fer Memphis Monday mornin'....woo hoo!

    • June 13, 2009 12:57 PM CDT
    • 1. Who here is going? And which night? 2. Where are you staying? 3. Are there any alternate gigs at other venues around town? Or parties/mixers/meet'n'greets? 4. Anyone wanna trade a ticket to the Saturday show for my spare ticket to the Friday show? (I'm only interested in trading, not selling, at this point). I am so stoked!

    • June 19, 2009 11:05 AM CDT
    • Hey jeff let get together and try and work somethin out. Add me yea?! jeffjacks said:

      Yes, I do.

    • June 13, 2009 7:11 PM CDT
    • Yes, I do.

    • June 5, 2009 11:51 AM CDT
    • Any players out there want to get together? Guitar, bass, vox, keys...please,please,please! Someone shout back. Guitar and drummer looking to jam!

    • June 16, 2009 9:31 PM CDT
    • Lo-fi fuzz/rockabilly-by-way-of-jazz/high 'n' lonesome guitarist seeking musicians to form combo of indefinite shape/size/instrumentation. Let's thresh the fields and see if we get Malt-o-Meal.


    • June 11, 2009 4:20 PM CDT
    • PINCHE GRINGO w/ The Dirty Little Heaters and Second Hand Scott Baldwin @ THE WATER HEATER $5 show starts @ 7pm

      OW OW OW!!!!!!

    • June 9, 2009 8:49 AM CDT
    • Are there any Chicago bands who would be interested in doing a gig with The Love Me Nots in October? What about Chicago venues interested in having them? They want to do another tour here in the fall, but they need some support. Check them out! They're FANTASTIC!!! and . If you're interested, contact Nicole. Thanks Chicagoians!

    • June 8, 2009 12:00 PM CDT
    • My lady and I will be there.

    • June 7, 2009 5:17 PM CDT
    • Back when tickets for the Memphis shows were available I ended up buying two for the Friday date (Friday June 19th) as a friend of mine had expressed an interest in going. (The Saturday show was already sold out by that point).
      Due to marital reasons, my friend will not be able to attend. This means I have a spare.
      I want to TRADE the extra Friday ticket for a ticket to the Saturday June 20th gig.
      Said exchange would happen in person, in Memphis, on or before Friday June 19th. Exchange must be for a hard copy ticket (not ticket numbers, will-call etc.). Flat ticket for ticket, no extra monies to be exchanged.

      Contact me here if interested, or if you have any CONCRETE leads.



    • June 7, 2009 10:08 AM CDT
    • I'm in Chicago, too, but I'm an aspiring chef at some hoity-toity restaurant so it's a pain in the neck to try to get weekends off.

    • June 4, 2009 8:48 PM CDT
    • i'm hoping that relly happens...i gotta dj in vegas this weekend...

    • June 4, 2009 9:46 AM CDT
    • contact moss at the double down. your best bet for gigs in vegas. there's a couple other places but only have turnouts on fri and sat.

    • June 2, 2009 6:47 PM CDT
    • Sounds cool, too bad I live in So. CA!