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    • February 19, 2012 4:09 PM CST
    • Yuh, Fosters Lager is export only far as I can tell. We don't drink that swill [hey, let's send it to America!]. The only thing good about Fosters Lager? The ads they show in Yankland.

      Another great South Aussie drop? Southwark Stout. Tasty tasty tasty. We tend to be a bit regional about our beer in Oz, so you can't get Southark Stout in many places besides SA. :-) I have to send it to rellies in Tazzie.

      Every 2 years, there's a gourmet beer dinner here in Adelaide -- brewmasters work with the chefs to cook up beer-related foodie goodness. I don't miss it if I can help it. Chocolate gateau made with Southark Stout. Unbelievable.

      There are 3 microbrew pubs across from the market where I trade. btw, I'm not much of a drinker any longer. I'd rather have one decent pint every once in a while than a whole lotta bad beer. My avatar photo was taken at the Lighthouse Hotel, Port Adelaide.

      Big thing here right now? Boutique ciders.

    • February 19, 2012 3:51 PM CST
    • Hah! Why, you *cheeky* li'l Aussie, smooch! I like Sheaf stout as well, haven't had the pleasure of Cooper's. A beer-geek told me that Foster's is actually produced in Canada (!), and another Aussie told me he'd never heard of it 'til he came over to the States.

      This "best-of" should get some, er, spirited replies!

      Best, Dave

    • February 19, 2012 3:31 PM CST
    • Phfft: That list? *shaking her head*

      Coopers. Coopers. Coopers. We like to keep it to ourselves mate. Want it? Come on down.


    • February 19, 2012 3:44 PM CST
    • Sorry, the computer cut me off before I could tell ya aboot this. Duchesse De Bourgogne is a really aromatic, complex Belgian that would make a fantastic after-dinner beer. If strong tastes are new to you, consider splitting a bottle with someone. Two of the first smells that hit you are vinegar and cherries among others. I have not tasted another beer like this. Bonus cool: I was introduced to this at Stumptown Coffee (yes, they sell beer, also).

      The Abbaye de Floreffe also produces a fine family of beers, including wonderful Trippels and Quadruples, velvety-smooth but strong, beware! (The Quadruple may not be produced any longer).

    • February 19, 2012 3:22 PM CST
    • Great flyer! I think I've seen that one before somewhere in the endless universe of facebook and probably even put that 'like' button...

    • February 19, 2012 10:54 AM CST
    • Yes! I was happy to catch them and meet them in real life - it was a lot of fun. I was pretty excited and did a local flyer for the show in Vienna, which I added below. Since it was a special night, I'll post some sketches of the what happened soon!

      Corinne Odermatt said:

      Thanks Cath & Idon Mine!!!

      Yeah the jackets are a grrreat band, it's such a bummer that I can't see their record release shows.

    • February 19, 2012 10:40 AM CST
    • Thanks Cath & Idon Mine!!!

      Yeah the jackets are a grrreat band, it's such a bummer that I can't see their record release shows.

    • February 19, 2012 10:23 AM CST
    • Great shit everyone!!!!

      Cath: So that's how this show looked, thanks for the foto, you had a lot of stuff there, cool!

      Corinne: That poster is G-R-E-A-T! Saw the guys last week here and we talked about you ;) I'll write you pretty soon!

    • February 19, 2012 11:13 AM CST
    • Not MY cooking you wouldn't!

      FREDDI said:

      I'd like to watch cooking recipes demonstrations during your show..

      swt said:

      I've got a great face for audio podcasting

    • February 19, 2012 8:15 AM CST
    • It's a good idea Freddi, it's real easy to just do the normal podcast and just add the artwork pic for the show and let that roll for the hour, obviously that's the most basic way of doing there're are loads more creative ways it could be approached.

      I already do 45min mp4's for my club nite to project onto the wall, you know B-Movie,trash, tittyshakin, horror, weird clips all mashed up.

      Might be worth checkin this out as with a visual angle we could promote lots of different stuff during the show.

      Here's the one I made for my clubnite WEIRDSVILLE

      And the one I made for Howie Pyro's INTOXICA

    • February 17, 2012 3:12 PM CST
    • I'd like to watch cooking recipes demonstrations during your show..

      swt said:

      I've got a great face for audio podcasting

    • February 17, 2012 12:13 PM CST
    • I've got a great face for audio podcasting

    • February 17, 2012 9:11 AM CST
    • I still haven't paid enough attention on it, but could it be an alternative, thinking about a sort of video podcast instead of only mp3? I think soon or later we will have the same problems with the mp3, 'cause every hosting site follow the trend to move over to video exclusve.
      I think there will always be mp3 hosting but maintaining the essential option to play it (no feed, no DL, etc).

      Bit Torrent will come out from the next July with a new platform 'Bit Torrent Live'  that some say "will revolutionanize the use of internet and will kill TV definitively". And this 'improvement' will guide the future envelopment of the web.

      There's no need (I think) to make a real TV show, (I can film my cat sleeping, the view outside my window, or insert old movie sequences etc.), what we're interested in, is to play our podcast music, ain't it? But in this way, we could find a new, more reliable support instead of run after to every now and then.

      I repeat, don't know much about this, and I have some problem with language to understand technical and optionals guidelines, someone knows something more?

      Here's the  USTREAM FREE LIVE TV

    • February 19, 2012 4:15 AM CST
    • It's also something most modern Brits say and the UN says.

      I don't understand your point about Argentinians becoming British citizens, why should Argentinians become British?

      I get the point but I think it would be a fair deal if Britain took its old rock stars back and told them to shut up on American affairs if America took all its aging movie stars back and told them to keep quiet on British affairs. Punishment could be a reunion tour where all profits go to help old people.

      sean penn

      Rick McCullough said:

      Mike, this sounds like something your ancestor would've said in the 18th century:  why should we give up the colonies overseas when generations of British citizens have been living there?  Today, London won't even allow most Argentinians to even become British citizens.


      The point of this - which I assume has been lost by now - is the appropriateness of aging Brit rock stars injecting themselves into another nation's presidential campaign.



    • February 18, 2012 9:30 AM CST
    • Mike, this sounds like something your ancestor would've said in the 18th century:  why should we give up the colonies overseas when generations of British citizens have been living there?  Today, London won't even allow most Argentinians to even become British citizens.


      The point of this - which I assume has been lost by now - is the appropriateness of aging Brit rock stars injecting themselves into another nation's presidential campaign.



    • February 18, 2012 4:28 AM CST
    • Why you think it should be given back to Argentina despite the fact that all the people on the islands have been living there for generations? Argentina doesn't have a leg to stand on on the matter, and all that's happening at the moment is just posturing. The American position is rediculous, they support Israel which has a large Arab population but wouldn't dream of suggesting that there should be unilateral talks on the matter of it being given 'back' to Jordan or Lebanon.

      The fact of the matter is that the world media likes to bang on about Britain not realising they have no empire in the same way as Europe doesn't shut up about America having no social system to help the poor. But Britain is well aware that there is no empire left, but they have to protect those places that never chose to leave it.

      Why should Argentina have the Falkland Islands?

      melissa scott said:

      Oh Yuh, well, living in the Colony of Oz (sigh, still no Republic IN SIGHT) we get a gutload of BBC news. We call ours the ABBC, cuz it crowds out our domestic programming to shit.

      I reckon Aussies know more about British and Yank politics than their own. Yup, you're right, it's easier to criticise Yankland than tend to your own pile of poo.

      Our PM is 'labour' of the new flavour a la Blair. Thanks for that!

      Please, please tell me the Falkland thing is an early April Fool's joke. NOT FUNNY Mr. Etonian. NOt FUNNY AT'ALL.

      *laugh* Mel

      Rick McCullough said:

      I'll give RW the benefit of the doubt by assuming he was asked about U.S. politics by a reporter and didn't just go off on his own.  Having said that, it's always easier (and sexier) to unload on politics across the pond rather than tend to one's own leaders. 

      Why doesn't Waters express the same outrage over Cameron's leadership?  After all, Britain's economy is just as much a basket case as ours, if not worse.  What's more, speaking of foreign policy, he seems to be eager for a re-match in the Falklands.  Where's Crass when you need them? 




    • February 17, 2012 5:54 PM CST
    • Oh Yuh, well, living in the Colony of Oz (sigh, still no Republic IN SIGHT) we get a gutload of BBC news. We call ours the ABBC, cuz it crowds out our domestic programming to shit.

      I reckon Aussies know more about British and Yank politics than their own. Yup, you're right, it's easier to criticise Yankland than tend to your own pile of poo.

      Our PM is 'labour' of the new flavour a la Blair. Thanks for that!

      Please, please tell me the Falkland thing is an early April Fool's joke. NOT FUNNY Mr. Etonian. NOt FUNNY AT'ALL.

      *laugh* Mel

      Rick McCullough said:

      I'll give RW the benefit of the doubt by assuming he was asked about U.S. politics by a reporter and didn't just go off on his own.  Having said that, it's always easier (and sexier) to unload on politics across the pond rather than tend to one's own leaders. 

      Why doesn't Waters express the same outrage over Cameron's leadership?  After all, Britain's economy is just as much a basket case as ours, if not worse.  What's more, speaking of foreign policy, he seems to be eager for a re-match in the Falklands.  Where's Crass when you need them? 




    • February 17, 2012 1:00 PM CST
    • The Falklands business is rediculous, Argentina is calling for a debate on a resourceless windswept land that is populated by 3,000 British people and close to 0 Argentinians, under UN law it is rightfully British due to self determination. Russia could make a similar claim on Alaska.

      In all honesty Cameron isn't great but the Conservatives were left with a dud economy thanks to Labour. I would compare it to a car set on course to drive off a cliff with a new driver and no steering wheel.

      What's more Obama came in with Obamamania. The British people couldn't even vote the Tories in on a majority and got the lesser evil. They sure as hell didn't want any more Labour but we now have a coalition with a sellout Lib Dem party.

      Rick McCullough said:

      I'll give RW the benefit of the doubt by assuming he was asked about U.S. politics by a reporter and didn't just go off on his own.  Having said that, it's always easier (and sexier) to unload on politics across the pond rather than tend to one's own leaders. 

      Why doesn't Waters express the same outrage over Cameron's leadership?  After all, Britain's economy is just as much a basket case as ours, if not worse.  What's more, speaking of foreign policy, he seems to be eager for a re-match in the Falklands.  Where's Crass when you need them? 




    • February 17, 2012 3:54 AM CST
    • I'll give RW the benefit of the doubt by assuming he was asked about U.S. politics by a reporter and didn't just go off on his own.  Having said that, it's always easier (and sexier) to unload on politics across the pond rather than tend to one's own leaders. 

      Why doesn't Waters express the same outrage over Cameron's leadership?  After all, Britain's economy is just as much a basket case as ours, if not worse.  What's more, speaking of foreign policy, he seems to be eager for a re-match in the Falklands.  Where's Crass when you need them? 




    • February 18, 2012 12:51 PM CST
    • King Salami & The Cumberland 3 at TurboRock! last year.

      The Jayhawks in Santander last year...and lastly from one of our own crop, Los Idolos Del Extrarradio.

    • February 18, 2012 9:46 AM CST
    • This is heating up here!

      Sorry... no pictures from my side...

    • February 18, 2012 9:11 AM CST
    • +++ cool of you to post this Kopper! I had totally forgotten about it & it sure is great to see it again!

    • February 18, 2012 9:10 AM CST
    • John... WHO THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU MET, MAAAAAN!? :) Seriously, love hearing all those anecdotes.

      + Those were the days of making shit happen with sweat and blood! Way before you could buy their stuff from Pantheon & the such. When Los Bros and Clowes and Burns started out, they each other were their only motivators: "What is Jaime doing?? Look at that Beto cover! Hey wait up! That issue of Eighball!! Damn we gotta top that!" and so on and so on. Friendly rivalry to boot. They cracked the egg on this modern Comic thing.

      The bit in the "DAN PUSSEY!" storyline where Fantagraphics & Los Bros get their fat - way too funny in the midst of all that depressive art/life stuff!

      John Battles said:

      BTW , Dan told me that my suspicions were correct , that his "Divisible Man " (The only superhero I remember from "Lloyd Llewellyn" apart from the drug - ravaged "Battlin' American") was based on the incredibly bad , but , still incredible ,
       unauthorized "Captain Marvel" character from the mid - 60's (No relation to Fawcett/DC or Marvel's CMs.), who could disassemble his body parts at will.  Yeah.
      John Battles said:

      " I don't believe in solutions for my characters , unless they're organic".

      Clowes will be the first to tell you , he was influenced by Superhero comics , in ways that are less obvious....When he started out , with "Lloyd Llewellyn" , in the 80's , Independent Comics were on the move , but , barring Clowes , Bagge , The Brothers Hernandez and Friedman , and scant few others, IT WAS ALL ABOUT FUCKING SUPERHEROES...

      And , if you were'nt around then , Brothers and Sisters , it was a major pain in the ass trying to find any of 'em. I was , however , lucky enough to live near what'd go on to be the last truly sleazy comic book store in Chicago , Larry's. Ask Dan about it , if you meet him. He'll tell you how great it was.