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    • December 21, 2011 2:40 PM CST
    • Lemmy is the BIGGEST MF and SOB put together on the entire planet.....but we aLL dig him:):):)

    • December 20, 2011 4:51 PM CST
    • Dunno if ya like Motorhead, but there's a cool biopic, Lemmy, the movie. As he says, he is:

      49% Motherfucker
      51% Son of a Bitch

    • December 20, 2011 2:19 PM CST
    • Asia Argento is kick ass in this horror classic directed by daddy Dario Argento.......I had the immense pleasure of meeting Asia and daddy in their "Bottega degli Orrori" horror shoppe in via dei Gracchi in Rome (near where my GF lives:):):)!!!!)...anyone who is interested in horror movies should visit that that least once in their lives:):):)

    • December 21, 2011 12:15 PM CST
    • Yeah, EC is still the shit all these years later! Just see how many other comics, zines, and rekkid covers still use their horror covers as templates for design. Nice cover, 'You got gooood taste!'

      The Amphibious Man said:

      Thats so awesome! I've never heard of that one. Definitely going to try to find it. This is my personal favorite:

      What the guys at E.C. comics did in the fifty's is some of the coolest stories ever and the art is incredible. They recently released all of the Tales From The Crypt and Vault of Horror series in their own separate full books with every issue in them! I just finished the Vault of Horror one and it was awesome. Definitely worth checking out if you're into those kinds of comics.

      dave said:

    • December 20, 2011 8:53 PM CST
    • Thats so awesome! I've never heard of that one. Definitely going to try to find it. This is my personal favorite:

      What the guys at E.C. comics did in the fifty's is some of the coolest stories ever and the art is incredible. They recently released all of the Tales From The Crypt and Vault of Horror series in their own separate full books with every issue in them! I just finished the Vault of Horror one and it was awesome. Definitely worth checking out if you're into those kinds of comics.

      dave said:

    • December 20, 2011 4:42 PM CST
    • This is a space to talk about anything relating to comics, since I haven't spotted a 'comics' post.

    • December 20, 2011 5:29 PM CST
    • That's the truth! Please keep Church/State/Big Business separate. And keep alive our right to dissent.

    • December 20, 2011 5:02 PM CST
    • Man, that is sick! Unless some brave souls vote down all of these protectionist measures toward the leeches that bleed our country, we may set the record for fastest time a country has gone from top to bottom (barbarism)

      Not to mention how much $ we owe, US debt visualized: Stacked in 100 dollar bills

      Next election, no matter who you give your vote to, it's lose/lose :(

    • December 20, 2011 4:57 PM CST
    • China?

      Mardy Pune said:

      Where the hell did they get $29 Trillion from?

    • December 19, 2011 10:30 PM CST
    • Where the hell did they get $29 Trillion from?

    • December 20, 2011 2:51 PM CST
    • 'Lo, Mina. Forgot a couple o' titles. Hey, you like Pratchett, have you read his Nation? It's another book I should read every year. Non-Discworld, but perfect for both young adults and adults, really sweet. Also, Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age, fantastic comment on the fractal splitting of society into micro-tribes. As far as Vance goes, in high-school I read his Dragon Masters and The Last Castle, both novelettes and quite good.

    • December 19, 2011 12:55 PM CST
    • SF has been my fave genre, until recently. Our real world is so much more interesting now w/ the Web, Twitter, etc. than any book. Also, there just aren't that many good authors out there. Bruce Sterling is probably my top author for yuks, and cool ideas (Distraction should be read by everyone), but even his last book was meh. Same for Neal Stephenson, Kim Stanley Robinson...

      But here are my most reread books:

      Distraction by Bruce Sterling

      The Years of Rice and Salt, by Kim Stanley Robinson

      China Mountain Zhang, by Maureen F. McHugh

      American Gods, by Neal Gaiman

      The Shockwave Rider, by John Brunner

      Blood Music, by Greg Bear (novelette)

      "We, In Some Strange Powers' Employ, Move On A Rigorous Line", by Samuel Delaney

      Also, I've been rereading William Gibson lately, seems apt nowadays

      Thanks for starting this column!


    • December 20, 2011 11:36 AM CST
    • "Ghost World" was a great movie! I've never read the comics, though, but I know what you're saying about Terry Zwigoff. "Crumb" was an excellent doc, but I wasn't that much into "American Splendor". The portrayal of Harvey Pekar was award-winning stuff, though.

      I never had a real attachment for the "X-Men" films, although I really did like the first one. I think the reason I wasn't so hip on them was simply the fact that I wasn't a fan of the comics. I really enjoyed the "Wolverine" flick, and from what I understand, there's another one in the works.

      Ron Perlman was an excellent choice for "Hellboy", and I highly recommend you watching the sequel. It does delve more into being a fantasy film, but at least you don't feel like you're watching a re-hash of the first one. I've heard rumors that a third outing is also in the works.

      I haven't seen "V For Vendetta" or "The Watchmen". I don't know, I just never seemed to be interested in seeing "Vendetta", but I do have "The Watchmen" on my "need to see" list. I tried to watch "The Spirit", but I was just too disappointed in it. The acting was just too silly and over the top. I expected better from Frank Miller! Sad too, I was always a fan of the comics...

      dave said:

      I generally flinch when I hear that a comic is being made into a movie, but sometimes they do hit the nail on the head. Ghost World is 1 of my all-time movie loves (and the guy is 3-fer-3 w/ comix: Crumb, Ghost World, and American Splendor), and I actually think that it's better than the comic, not sure if there has been another movie I can say that about.

      Also, the initial 3 X-Men films are solid (lotta political metaphors there, too). And Ron Perlman as Hellboy is perfect, even if Mignola didn't care for it (I didn't catch the sequel, yet). Coulda used a bit less CGI, but that's a pet peeve. Alan Moore has disavowed all of Hollywood's adaptations of his works, but I hafta say that V For Vendetta, while not as good as the comic, came pretty close. The Watchmen I haven't seen, mainly because of the ending (no giant skwid, oops), but many people seem pretty happy w/ it.

      All I can think of right now.

    • December 19, 2011 2:58 PM CST
    • I generally flinch when I hear that a comic is being made into a movie, but sometimes they do hit the nail on the head. Ghost World is 1 of my all-time movie loves (and the guy is 3-fer-3 w/ comix: Crumb, Ghost World, and American Splendor), and I actually think that it's better than the comic, not sure if there has been another movie I can say that about.

      Also, the initial 3 X-Men films are solid (lotta political metaphors there, too). And Ron Perlman as Hellboy is perfect, even if Mignola didn't care for it (I didn't catch the sequel, yet). Coulda used a bit less CGI, but that's a pet peeve. Alan Moore has disavowed all of Hollywood's adaptations of his works, but I hafta say that V For Vendetta, while not as good as the comic, came pretty close. The Watchmen I haven't seen, mainly because of the ending (no giant skwid, oops), but many people seem pretty happy w/ it.

      All I can think of right now.

    • December 20, 2011 2:46 AM CST
    • God, I had a full color Rat Fink shirt as a kid and it was way out, too bad it was killed by the washer. That guy left so much stuff in my brain, it's sometimes hard to think RNR DRAWING without his influence.

      I Love all those cars, I'd wish the roads were filled with them.

      KOPPER: Bad ass poster for your Radio show there, don't know, how I didn't pick up on that??

    • December 20, 2011 2:40 AM CST
    • Just like Batman's "POW!" & "BAM!" are trademark on-screen fist tanlge sound effects, there are many, many, car, bike and boat sounds we've come to see over the years in the media.

      So, what is your fave sound from TV commercials, Newspaper ads and any other place that has a roaring vehicle blastin heat?

      If you got picture material, by all means ...POST IT!

    • December 20, 2011 2:28 AM CST
    • Ha! I got my first "Troll" accuse - and that on this site ...oh well ;)

    • December 19, 2011 10:29 PM CST
    • I think that listening to a lot of politically motivated music like the Dead Kennedy's or socially aware stuff like Minor Threat made me interested in politics and when I was old enough to vote I was a bit smarter than others my age because I could see the issues as opposed to just the crap coming out of the politicians mouth.

      I hardly ever listen to those bands anymore, I still think they're great bands though.

      I went and saw a touring Hardcore band last year. I can't remember who they were, some god awful modern hardcore act. A friend of mine who played in one of the support acts asked me what I thought of them, I said for me it was like they were preaching to the converted but hopefully some of the young people that were there got something out of it.

      I do hate those preachy bands that tell me what to eat, no-one tells me what to eat.

      Oh, and I don't like Crass, I fucking hate Crass.

    • December 19, 2011 5:31 PM CST
    • Hokay, I've become a real follower of politics since Bush & Obama, but I hate hardcore politics, keep 'em separate.

    • December 19, 2011 3:27 PM CST
    • Wow. I did'nt know he was buried in Denmark. A friend casually mentioned visiting his grave , and I assumed his body was sent back to Washington , D.C.
      Axel Björnsson said:

      Me visiting Link Wray in Copenhagen in august 2009 


    • December 19, 2011 3:14 PM CST
    • I'm in recovery, so I limit my drinking to twice a year, but this sound really tasty for Winter.

      Whiskey for the Winter

      Look for 'The Bishop'

    • December 19, 2011 11:13 AM CST
    • Will definately check it out! And yes, consuming some "spiked" eggnog while listening is a must!

      Polyvinyl Craftsmen said:

      Come and have a listen to Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen Xmas Party, plenty of tunes festive and otherwise for you to knock back an eggnog or two to.

      Happy Christmas one and all from Thee Polyvinyl Craftsmen.