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    • November 21, 2011 7:11 PM CST
    • Honestly Pheck, the only parts I've seen of this movie was when it was featured on "Mystery Science Theater 3000"...It's a crime, I know! Putting this on the "must see" list now...

      Pheck said:

      And watch this:


    • November 21, 2011 4:56 PM CST
    • Here's what seasonal classics Cliff Richard will sing this year:

      • Feasting on a Turkey's Corpse
      • Christ Died Horribly
      • Simon The Boxing Day Arsonist

    • November 21, 2011 11:59 AM CST
    • And watch this:


    • November 21, 2011 11:43 AM CST
    • Well, it could maybe entice you to embrace the more trashier aspects of Christmas? Tacky decorations from your local thrift shops, holiday themed punk songs, or obscure Christmas cult films? Just a thought...

      dying slowly said:

      i agree i want to love cristmas but i cant stand the capitalist, consumerist shit

      Mardy Pune said:

      I hate all the consumerist bullshit that goes with the silly season. We had the Xmas parade over the weekend, its half way through November, it just makes no sense to me. Yesterday I walked through town and there were Xmas songs playing in shops I walked past. What the fuck?!? I also hate it when people say its the time for peace and goodwill towards all mankind, why do we only do that on Jesus' Birthday and not all year round? Surely Jesus would have wanted that, well maybe, I don't know, I'm not a Christian.

      I do like that people are generally more civil towards each other, I like getting really drunk and playing loud music cause all the neighbours have gone away, I like lying like a starfish in the driveway with my dog on Xmas day afternoon in the sun, I love the flowering Pohutukawa trees, I like eating shitloads of meat and I love making the drunken "I love you" phone call to my better half!

    • November 21, 2011 11:07 AM CST
    • i agree i want to love cristmas but i cant stand the capitalist, consumerist shit

      Mardy Pune said:

      I hate all the consumerist bullshit that goes with the silly season. We had the Xmas parade over the weekend, its half way through November, it just makes no sense to me. Yesterday I walked through town and there were Xmas songs playing in shops I walked past. What the fuck?!? I also hate it when people say its the time for peace and goodwill towards all mankind, why do we only do that on Jesus' Birthday and not all year round? Surely Jesus would have wanted that, well maybe, I don't know, I'm not a Christian.

      I do like that people are generally more civil towards each other, I like getting really drunk and playing loud music cause all the neighbours have gone away, I like lying like a starfish in the driveway with my dog on Xmas day afternoon in the sun, I love the flowering Pohutukawa trees, I like eating shitloads of meat and I love making the drunken "I love you" phone call to my better half!

    • November 19, 2011 2:54 PM CST
    • "Scrooged" being shown as a midnight movie at our local independent movie theater has sort of become a tradition here. If I remember correctly, they show that one year, then "A Christmas Story" the next, and just keep rotating it. Although one year they did show "Christmas Vacation"...

      The Ultimatemost High said:

      Not solely Christmas pop culture but… 


      Love:   There are more parties during the Christmas season than any other time of year

                The Phenomena that is the Christmas Spirit

                Having more than an hour or two to spend with my friends and family

                The fact that there is a KFC Christmas album

                Record companies start to raid the vault in desperation

                Brian Setzer’s annual Christmas Extravaganza Tour

                The Movie “Scrooged”, featuring David Johansen

                Nat King Cole gets some respect from the shopping mall DJ


      None so crazy about: Boxing Day

                                      Grumpy ass motherfuckers that make a point of announcing, “it’s just another day of the year”, when it clearly isn’t.


    • November 19, 2011 2:50 PM CST
    • Speaking of "A Christmas Carol", I do try and watch this (since I do have it on dvd), it's the classic from 1951 starring Alastair Sim:

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      Try seeing how many different versions of A Christmas Carol you can watch.I love A Christmas Carol.

      The crappy decorations are the best part though. Christmas is the ugliest festival of the year and anyone who trys to make it tasteful is a fool. It's even uglier than Halloween and so my flat is going to be amassing more and more images of snowmen in hats and stuff to do with Father Christmas.

      I missed this when it came out last year. I really want to see this, if it's anything like as bad as Doomsday 2012 then it will be awesome. God bless christian nutters.


      I generally hate christmas music with a couple of exceptions.

    • November 19, 2011 7:44 AM CST
    • Not solely Christmas pop culture but… 


      Love:   There are more parties during the Christmas season than any other time of year

                The Phenomena that is the Christmas Spirit

                Having more than an hour or two to spend with my friends and family

                The fact that there is a KFC Christmas album

                Record companies start to raid the vault in desperation

                Brian Setzer’s annual Christmas Extravaganza Tour

                The Movie “Scrooged”, featuring David Johansen

                Nat King Cole gets some respect from the shopping mall DJ


      None so crazy about: Boxing Day

                                      Grumpy ass motherfuckers that make a point of announcing, “it’s just another day of the year”, when it clearly isn’t.


    • November 21, 2011 5:35 PM CST
    • I think primered cars look unfinished, lazy and unattractive. Lazy because it looks like you can't be arsed to finish the project and it goes against the basic premise that Harry Westergaard aimed for: Making the car better than stock.   I think a rod or custom looks better painted, even if it's a good late model colour.

    • November 21, 2011 11:38 AM CST
    • I've never seen, nor even heard of that "Dagger" film. Obviously it was trying to cash in on the James Bond/spy craze of the '60's. I'll have to check it out sometime. "Two Lane Blacktop" is another one of my favorites, and the first time I ever got to see it (finally) was on "Lost Drive-In" that was hosted by Bruce Dern, back when the Speed Channel was called "Speedvision". They had a good thing going with that, I stayed up many a Friday/Saturday nights being entertained by Bruce and watching all kinds of great, forgotten films. When NASCAR purchased the channel from Fox (I'm pretty sure that's the fact), this show was dropped. It was brought back mainly just for filler, but it was without Dern, so it didn't have the charm as the original run. Guess NASCAR fans didn't give a shit about it...

      Anchor Bay did a great job on the dvd release of "Two Lane Blacktop". You could either go the inexpensive route and just purchase the dvd (like I did), or you could have bought the limited edition boxed set that came with some collectibles. If you don't own this, I highly recommend you buying it and watching it with the insightful commentary by Monte Hellman.

      Chops said:

      Well these flicks are absolute gems for the big screen.

      A Man Called Dagger


      Two Lane Blacktop

    • November 20, 2011 3:06 PM CST
    • Honestly Mike, I've only seen the original "Django" (the one you posted), but jeez, there's scores of films featuring that character in them. You could always make it your mission in life to see every single one of them, or check out what Blue Underground offers. I think currently there were a total of 4 or 5 "Django" films they were offering. Here's their website:  You probably already know it, but I thought I would post it here for quick reference.

      I mentioned earlier in this discussion that "The Dukes Of Hazzard" was one of my favorite TV shows, so this flick is another obvious choice that's top on my list, "Moonrunners":

      This is the film that CBS executives watched and decided that there could be a TV show based off of. Directed by Gy Waldron and produced by Bob Clark ("Porky's", "A Christmas Story"), this story centered around two cousins, Grady and Bobby Lee Hagg who ran 'shine for their Uncle Jesse. With Waylon Jennings as "The Balladeer", this authentic look at "moonrunners" versus "revenuers" wasn't exactly a big hit. Ironically, Ben Jones who played "Cooter" in the "Dukes" series, has a bit part as a revenue agent, and there was a rival 'shine runner that went by the name "Cooter" in the movie. If you're a fan of "The Dukes", you really need to check this out. I taped it off a movie channel (remember VHS?), then handed it over to somebody I knew that could convert it over onto dvd. As of right now, this film has never had a legit dvd or blu-ray release, and only companies like Shocking Videos has it as a dvd-r (basically what I have).

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      I got Cannonball on DVD second hand really cheaply from a used record store. It came in a Road Movie boxset with Natural Born Killers (awesome) and Hells Highway which isn't a road movie in anyway because the teenagers' campervan gets stuck in a dessert quickly in and it becomes a Texas Chainsaw like slasher.


      I know there's loads of other 'Django' films are any you'd recommend?

    • November 20, 2011 2:15 PM CST
    • I got Cannonball on DVD second hand really cheaply from a used record store. It came in a Road Movie boxset with Natural Born Killers (awesome) and Hells Highway which isn't a road movie in anyway because the teenagers' campervan gets stuck in a dessert quickly in and it becomes a Texas Chainsaw like slasher.


      I know there's loads of other 'Django' films are any you'd recommend?

    • November 20, 2011 11:16 AM CST
    • "Cannonball" is another I own on dvd, and I'd much rather watch it than those "Cannonball Run" movies. "Django" is a classic, and one that I need to add to my collection, and it's made the news that it's getting a reworking by Quentin Tarantino. Both of these films have been released on dvd and blu-ray by Blue Underground, a company who specializes in grindhouse/drive-in flicks made outside the U.S.

      Another Blue Underground release I own is "Fast Company":

      This was directed by David Cronenberg before he did "The Brood", but a distributing snafu kept it from having a proper release. What's notable about this film, is it was the last celluloid appearance by Claudia Jennings, the queen of drive-in cinema back in the day. This isn't a great movie by any means, but it's a neat little gem out there for Cronenberg fans who only knew him to make chillers.

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      Roadmovies are awesome

      I think they are especially cool if you live outside of the USA where cars are usually better made but only half as cool looking.


      I like a good spaghetti western.




    • November 20, 2011 4:47 AM CST
    • Roadmovies are awesome

      I think they are especially cool if you live outside of the USA where cars are usually better made but only half as cool looking.


      I like a good spaghetti western.




    • November 19, 2011 5:17 PM CST
    • I love drive-in flicks, and I'd say it's a given that you guys do too. I'd like to know what you guys consider to be your favorites, or just ones you like. And it can be as far reaching on genres as you like: car chase actioners, spaghetti westerns, blaxploitation, splatter, cult, etc. It can be obvious choices, or even the most obscure, and you may even turn me on to some I had never heard of, or I've forgotten about and never got around to seeing them. Also, if you're going to contribute to this discussion, please post a trailer or scene from the movie you're mentioning, it makes it more interesting...

      So, I'll start off with two very obvious choices:

      "Dirty Mary Crazy Larry"

      This is a special movie for me, because I actually saw this at a local drive-in when it came out back in '74 with my parents. Not to mention, it includes one of my all-time favorite muscle cars, the '69 Dodge Charger (I used to own a '68). Plus, this feels like a dark pre-cursor to "The Dukes Of Hazzard", one of my fave TV shows, which kind of felt like a weekly drive-in flick itself. I own an original movie poster of this, which I bought off the former owner of the actual drive-in I saw this at, and it was one of the ones hanging in the ticket window! I've got it framed on the wall, by the way...

      And my other fave: "Vanishing Point"


    • November 20, 2011 11:13 PM CST
    • Davy Jones of the Monkees and I (Duncan)

      Nice guy

    • November 20, 2011 10:14 PM CST
    • ha!

    • November 20, 2011 11:27 AM CST
    • Me & My friend Sandra with Nick Curran...

    • November 20, 2011 9:42 PM CST
    • I want one!

      Corinne Odermatt said:

      Here's my newest piece. Fresh off the silkscreen press, still smoking. 


    • November 20, 2011 8:06 PM CST
    • Okay it's not original, but since I didnt have any cash to buy the original (or even second pressing) of the Wes Wilson classic, I decided to hand draw it myself. I'm trying to do more original stuff now to hone my talents.

      I also can't afford a Rick (or cant play a guitar to save my life) so threw this together for an art project for a class I had junior year of college. the neck wasnt completed yet



    • November 20, 2011 3:45 PM CST
    • That's funny Freeddi. Is that a demolition derby car?


    • November 20, 2011 3:44 PM CST
    • Cool, never have heard of any of the Argentine makes.


    • November 20, 2011 12:01 PM CST
    • Its pretty good. I have a lot of problems with the show, but im also an ass hole that judges anything that has zombies in it. 


      Pretty slow movement through the characters, I just wish there was a time line of events. At least it gets gory at least once an episode. I hate the wife, she is a straight up hussy, and should be eaten ASAP.