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    • October 19, 2011 1:48 PM CDT
    • We can't "move" topics. That's why it's important to post them in the right place the first time.

      I'd check with Musician's Friend. They've got lots of DJ gear.

    • October 19, 2011 1:12 PM CDT
    • Where's the best place online to find a decent turntable preamp ? 

      I'm sticking new turntable into an old floor model and seem to need the signal boosted. So nothing too special.

      Mardy, I thank you in advance for moving this thread to a more appropriate location.




    • October 18, 2011 1:01 PM CDT
    • Both these sites are good. Fast and cheap. Been ordering from AYP for years, I still have some old mail order catalogs from Angry Young & Poor back from the 90's!

      I would be interested in knowing anywhere to get old, vintage/original pins and buttons online. And not eBay.


      todd killings said:

      I've found some good stuff at both and


    • October 18, 2011 11:16 AM CDT
    • Ha! Well, no... but if you want one, I'm sure I can bring it back.

      trashman said:

      kopper, any plans to ever bring back the Mr. Yuk T-shirt?

    • October 18, 2011 9:52 AM CDT
    • kopper, any plans to ever bring back the Mr. Yuk T-shirt?

    • October 17, 2011 9:43 AM CDT
    • I would also like to know this. 


    • October 18, 2011 11:39 AM CDT
    • Still wading through.

      Just visited the Throwbacks site - some really nice pics from Bonneville salt flats.


    • October 18, 2011 10:26 AM CDT
    • .....Carnival of Souls.....

      ..The Haunting....

      ...The Shining....

      ........Dusk 'til Dawn.......

    • October 13, 2011 6:37 AM CDT
    • Dunno if I can keep up that pace....I'll surely try though :):):):)

    • October 18, 2011 6:21 AM CDT
    • anyone seen Blake Snake Moan


      anything by Abel Ferrarra from Driller Killer to Bad Lieutenant, havent seen the Werner Herzog remake with Nic Cage....


      what do you seek? Intrigue, Trash, Classic, Weird?


      David Lynch is usually a sure thing just forget Mullholland Drive...

    • October 17, 2011 1:43 PM CDT

    • I would recommend this 2 part edition, the triffoil is being produced to 'save the world' from global warming and brings it brilliantly into modern Britain.

      Mina said:

      Ah didn't know there was a serie of Day of the Triffid. Thanx!

    • October 17, 2011 5:16 AM CDT
    • For starters;


      Mad Max 1 & 2

      The Day the Earth Caught Fire 1961

      Village of the Damned 1960

      The Earth Dies Screaming 1964

      The Last Man on Earth 1964



      Star Trek - the original series

      Sapphire and Steel


      Day of the Triffid 1981 BBC series


    • October 17, 2011 12:59 PM CDT
    • Way late to this, but like to say some real nice photos on your blog.


    • October 17, 2011 10:12 AM CDT
    • I was just happy it came back. Thought the premier was pretty good actually. I hope this season is longer, like ten years longer. 

      What did you think?



    • October 15, 2011 8:43 PM CDT
    • Hey! no offence to you kopper.

      but at todays prices, I would be happy to grab a brick and head to my local pub.

    • October 15, 2011 8:38 AM CDT
    • Happy brick day, people! Grab a brick and head to your local pub!!

    • October 13, 2011 3:07 PM CDT
    • I'll be doing that Saturday, too, but in the morning, not at night. I might just celebrate with my own brick and six pack at home, in front of the tube.

      Rinjo Njori said:

      Coaching My Son's Soccer Team- I would bring a six pack but probably get arrested and my wife would not to be thrilled either.

    • October 13, 2011 2:52 PM CDT
    • Coaching My Son's Soccer Team- I would bring a six pack but probably get arrested and my wife would not to be thrilled either.

    • October 13, 2011 2:07 PM CDT
    • I'm thinking plum wine this year. So much cheaper than mead and and better with chinese obviously, but alas I'll be drinking alone AGAIN this year. The honey bear is in Texas right now :(

    • October 13, 2011 2:02 PM CDT
    • Brick Day is Saturday this year. What are you guys doing to celebrate?

    • October 13, 2011 8:44 PM CDT
    • yeah, I do remember that discussion. A bit of a painful conclusion after all that work!

      I'm going to download this and have a look at it: Android SDK

      I'm not making any promises though, I'll probably end up more confused than I already am after looking at it!