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    • October 12, 2011 7:53 AM CDT
    • Just a small .gif I posted on my

    • October 12, 2011 6:04 AM CDT
    • I like the Astro Supremes and factory steels with hubcaps better than Daytons, the latter look too spindly and effete. My faves are the ones that pass for restorations, just because they're the most tasteful.  

      Mike said:

      I like my lowrdiders with Supremes, not Daytons. More of a 60's style I guess, back when lowriders and Kustoms hadn't completely severed the cord. I have a real appreciation for some of the insane work and craftsmanship that goes into some of the modern lowriders, but just not my thing usually. Check out this Youtube collage of classic lowriders:


    • October 11, 2011 11:29 PM CDT
    • I like my lowrdiders with Supremes, not Daytons. More of a 60's style I guess, back when lowriders and Kustoms hadn't completely severed the cord. I have a real appreciation for some of the insane work and craftsmanship that goes into some of the modern lowriders, but just not my thing usually. Check out this Youtube collage of classic lowriders:


    • October 12, 2011 3:25 AM CDT

    • October 11, 2011 11:15 PM CDT
    • Couldn't have said it better myself!
      Mardy Pune said:

      I guess what I'm trying to say is; using an animal, a whale in this case, as a bargaining point to try to get a change in US foreign policy is a pointless waste of time.

    • October 11, 2011 11:15 PM CDT
    • Hmm, after looking at that link I can see how cost is a real factor here, not to mention the time building and testing the thing!

      kopper said:

      No idea on developing a mobile site. I know that Ning offers several options for creating apps, the problem is, none of them are free:

      I'm trying not to incur any additional expenses here. The site costs a lot as it is, and I barely make enough to cover it. Yes, Google Adsense ads help, but considering the hours I spend here most days of the week, it's almost like a second full-time job. If I figure in what little money comes in from ads and divide that by the number of hours I spend managing this site, well, trust me, you don't want to know my pay rate. It's virtually non-existent.

      In fact, I could just as easily ditch the site and take on a REAL part-time job, and even at minimum wage, I'd still come out way ahead.

      But I realize that, while I'm the guy in charge, I should try to find a solution so that folks with smart phones & androids and tablets and all that can easily browse the site. I have nothing to test it on since I'm still only using computers to run it and visit it. Yet I hear all the time about kids (even grade school-age kids, fer cryin' out loud) creating apps for all kinds of useful things, so I thought I might be able to find someone here who could do it. Again, I really know very little about this stuff since I'm quickly becoming a Luddite (well, me and my old-fashioned computer Internet connection and dumb phone).

      Mardy Pune said:

      Maybe the easiest way would be to develop a mobile site?

      Is there anything in the Ning software/code/whatever for that?

    • October 11, 2011 10:40 PM CDT
    • No idea on developing a mobile site. I know that Ning offers several options for creating apps, the problem is, none of them are free:

      I'm trying not to incur any additional expenses here. The site costs a lot as it is, and I barely make enough to cover it. Yes, Google Adsense ads help, but considering the hours I spend here most days of the week, it's almost like a second full-time job. If I figure in what little money comes in from ads and divide that by the number of hours I spend managing this site, well, trust me, you don't want to know my pay rate. It's virtually non-existent.

      In fact, I could just as easily ditch the site and take on a REAL part-time job, and even at minimum wage, I'd still come out way ahead.

      But I realize that, while I'm the guy in charge, I should try to find a solution so that folks with smart phones & androids and tablets and all that can easily browse the site. I have nothing to test it on since I'm still only using computers to run it and visit it. Yet I hear all the time about kids (even grade school-age kids, fer cryin' out loud) creating apps for all kinds of useful things, so I thought I might be able to find someone here who could do it. Again, I really know very little about this stuff since I'm quickly becoming a Luddite (well, me and my old-fashioned computer Internet connection and dumb phone).

      Mardy Pune said:

      Maybe the easiest way would be to develop a mobile site?

      Is there anything in the Ning software/code/whatever for that?

    • October 11, 2011 5:00 PM CDT
    • Also the idea of a general strike is brilliant. I think it would have to be complete and national though. It is truly the only thing that will work, and the only thing that is working in Chile and the Middle East. Labor is our only collective "asset" and our only leverage.

    • October 11, 2011 4:56 PM CDT
    • As Jon Stewart pointed out it's gone from media Blackout to utter fucking Circus. There are some historical obstacles that the Left needs to overcome if this is going to become a long term movement in the U.S. including media, message cohesion, creative protest, and organized leadership. Fortunately, international times have changed enough and U.S. manufacturing and culture have not been keeping up. Folks are frustrated and our youth is not yet disillusioned, this could really last beyond just a single issue!

    • October 11, 2011 2:31 PM CDT
    • You never heard of the novel Farenheit 451????!!!! should run to get it!!!!:):)

      Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by Ray Bradbury. The novel presents a future American society where reading is outlawed and firemen start fires to burn books. Written in the early years of the Cold War, the novel is a critique of what Bradbury saw as issues in American society of the era.[1]

      The novel first began as an expansion of Bradbury's 1947 short story "Bright Phoenix" that was first published in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in 1963.[2] The short story was later reworked into The Fireman, a novella published in the February 1951 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction. The novel was serialized in the March, April, and May 1954 issues of Playboy magazine. Bradbury wrote the entire novel on a pay typewriter in the basement of UCLA's Powell Library.

      Over the years, the novel has been subject to various interpretations, primarily focusing on the historical role of book burning in suppressing dissenting ideas. Bradbury has stated that the novel is not about censorship, but a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature, which leads to a perception of knowledge as being composed of factoids, partial information devoid of context.[3]

      François Truffaut wrote and directed a film adaptation of the novel in 1966. At least two BBC Radio 4 dramatizations have also been aired, both of which follow the book very closely.

      Mina said:

      Never heard of him...

    • October 11, 2011 2:30 PM CDT
    • LinkedIn is for any type of work. You can also connect it with your profile/resumes.

      Cath said:

      Never tried LinkedIn, I thought it was for "normal office jobs" only.

    • October 10, 2011 4:37 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the ideas. No particular era, we have movie selected that span silent films to moves that came out this year. Everything from classics, schlocky movies from the 40's-60's, good "cinema", splatter, gore, ghosts, etc.. whatever if its horrific or even dark its fare game.



    • October 10, 2011 12:36 PM CDT
    • Any particular era you're interested in?


    • October 10, 2011 11:36 AM CDT
    • Gotta go with "The Thing" (1982) and "Alien" (1980), probably my two favorite horror movies. For comic relief and buckets of cheap gore, add "Dead Alive" (1992), Peter Jackson's pre-fame splatter comedy, and the classic "Evil Dead II". In fact, I think I will watch Evil Dead II today myself, thanks for the inspiration!

    • October 10, 2011 1:08 AM CDT

      Check that link out. The guy watches and reviews a horror movie every day. The Hord is a really good zombie film. And Diary of the Dead would be my recomendations. But throw in the classics, The Omen, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist etc. And do a marathon on the day itself, like a Saw or Exorcist marathon. Good luck.

    • October 9, 2011 9:52 PM CDT
    • So this month, we are watching 31 horror movies in 31 days. Actually, I'm pretty much calling this 31 days of horror, because somedays we are watching more than one movie. So my question for everyone is, what do you think is essential to be on a list of 31 or more horror movies for the month of October? And is anyone else doing this?


      -Erika and Danny

    • October 10, 2011 2:38 PM CDT
    • Were you even born when I saw that one??????? I doubt it:))!!!!!.....I fell in luv with Mia Farrow in that movie :)

      Mina said:

    • October 9, 2011 9:07 AM CDT
    • Exterminators of the Year 3000. One of those awesome Italian Mad Max rip offs, watched it 20-odd years ago and bought the dvd the other day. Nice.

    • October 9, 2011 9:01 AM CDT
    • Yeah! Love Four Lions. In The Loop is great too.

    • October 9, 2011 3:12 AM CDT
    • I watched that film recently, I'm not sure what to make of it and perhaps I just 'don't get' these Japanese over the top camp action films. I tried watching Zombie Killer Vortex, the name made it sound awesome but it just seemed so boring I had to turn it off. Vampire girl versus Frankenstein girl was better from the beginning but a bit strange. I guess it's an aquired taste.

      Mina said: