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    • March 8, 2011 2:24 AM CST
    • How's that r90s Coming along?  Looking forward to some pics!

      Scotty Mac said:

      My latest creation - an 85 Yamaha RZ350 Kenny Roberts Special.  I found the carcass (junked out rolling chassis and several milk crates full of parts in a buddy's garage and bought it for $500.  A year later it looks like this.  Something about the smell of 2 stroke in the morning...


      Next on the rack is a 75 BMW R90S in silver smoke trim!


    • March 8, 2011 2:21 AM CST

    • I do, just don't know where to  start with them. I tend to change it around a lot and often, depending on the kind of riding I'm doing - long or short hauls, two-up or solo. I'll get choo a pic. Sorry for the delay in responding.
      Zorch Productions said:

      AWESOME! You got any morfe pics of the progress???

      Count Von Tuthrie said:

      Same bike as before midway through current rebuild.

    • March 8, 2011 2:12 AM CST
    • I don't do shit to maintain the discussions in this group.  I was kind of hoping for it to make a life of its own.  So, unlike my dog that's been sleeping in the corner for the past couple weeks...This thing needs to be fed!


      Soooo....(crickets chirping)....I've been riding a new/old bike around town lately. Nothing special, but its starting to grow on me.

      I'll try to remember to post a pic soon.


      Also acquired a 1960 Ducati Bronco 125 recently. That thing definitely ain't picture worthy...yet! But I'll try to remember to post a pic of that one, too.


      When I last checked, I learned that we aren't the smallest group in the hideout anymore.  Oh well, so much for being what I justified as being the "most exclusive" group. But if you ride, used to ride, or just WANT to ride, I gotta think that either your head is in the right place, or its just as displaced as mine.  Either way, Birds of a feather, flock together and if we can flock together, why can't we rock together?...I think that 7 Seconds line went something like that...


      Anyways...(crickets, again)...POST SOME SHIT. I'm not picky, I don't judge, I'm not just chillin in the corner, trying to pretend that I'm all cool and shit. Like my god damned dog. (But, god damn he's cool...COLD even....hmmm).


      You ride a Hog? Cool. You ride a Classic? I dig it. You ride a Scooter? Groovy. You ride a Fixie? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Ha-haa. Just kidding....sort of.


      All I'm saying (and at this point it already sounds like toooo much.) is post up, hang out, luuurk...whatever. Glad to have you here, and now its about time for me to get back to my beer, soo...




    • March 2, 2011 6:19 PM CST






    • March 2, 2011 5:40 AM CST
    • I dunno, but I think I'm much older than the avarage "Garager" here, hehehehhe.....but I think e-books are so handy. One of the 1st writers to have published his works in this format too was Stephen King:):)!!

      My philosophy is: if a book is a masterpiece of very interesting, get the e-book version and the hard copy too:):)

    • February 28, 2011 10:16 AM CST
    • Sorry I'm a little late responding to this, kopper, but I'm with you on this.  I like having an actual book in my hands too.

    • February 25, 2011 9:34 AM CST
    • I've started reading e-books during my down-time at work because it's a convenient way to pass the time without making it obvious that I'm not busy working, and it's easy to go back and forth between an e-book and something else I'm doing on the computer.  E-books have their place.  I can see myself getting some sort of e-book reader device (kindle, ipad, etc.) so that I could read whatever I want on the train ride to work without having to carry around a bunch of heavy books to choose from.  I'm usually reading three or four books at a time, going back and forth between them, so this would be a good option for me.


      Now that digital technology is so cheap and still new, we're going through a phase of applying it to everything.  Through trial and error, we'll eventually learn what actually works better in a digital format and what's better left the way it was.


      I think e-books are a nice additional option to have, but most of the time, I prefer paper.

    • February 28, 2011 9:07 AM CST
    • Hi all!


      I totally agree with a) the fact that myspace sucks and b) THIS here is the best alternative.


      But I also must say that for us garage punk fans/musicians/bands in Germany, the Hideout isn't too effective, for it's still not known that much. So for networking in Germany stuff we still have to use that myspace crap thing - we just have the most friends there, first of all the venues and promoters and so on.


      So from time to time I have to check myspace, even though we try to promote the Hideout there pretty much, and when asked where people can listen to our songs, I lead them here instead of myspace.


      But just to make me feel better I've got to rant a bit: Jesus, myspace sucks soooo fucking much. All the ads would be bearable, if the performance of the site wasn't so bad. But since their last update nothing works anymore, everything is just getting worse and worse, and those stupid ads for stupid music, and it takes ages till the sites load, and I can't find anything anymore, and you only get generic and contentless answers that are NO HELP AT ALL, and I HATE IT THAT WE SET UP OUR FIRST BASE THERE!!!


      Feeling better now, thanks.

    • February 27, 2011 7:55 PM CST
    • I agree Having all my stuff here is great and It's just a cool site to explore as a whole.  especially good for those of us who's web building skills are nil:)

      Brother Panti-Christ said:

      THIS is the best possibility for a Myspace replacement.


      All the ADs are from Garage Punk users... You can upload a shitload of music here. Pictures and videos too. The forum is excellent here. The chat room works damn good! What more do you need???


      If we would have to balls to turn our backs on all these commercial sites and start using this amazing grass roots network that Kopper set up for us WE can have a really exciting place to log into on a daily basis! It's up to us to make the HIDEOUT the coolest site on the planet for real rockers!


      as always, hats off to Kopper!!


      -Bro. Pantichrist



    • February 21, 2011 8:58 AM CST
    • THIS is the best possibility for a Myspace replacement.


      All the ADs are from Garage Punk users... You can upload a shitload of music here. Pictures and videos too. The forum is excellent here. The chat room works damn good! What more do you need???


      If we would have to balls to turn our backs on all these commercial sites and start using this amazing grass roots network that Kopper set up for us WE can have a really exciting place to log into on a daily basis! It's up to us to make the HIDEOUT the coolest site on the planet for real rockers!


      as always, hats off to Kopper!!


      -Bro. Pantichrist



    • February 20, 2011 4:33 PM CST
    • Quit plugging already, *Tommy Carlesss is currently listening to J Vapour's podcast.  ( I really am, right this second ! ) 


      j vapour said:

      Myspace is now bunk. Bandcamp is great, and it's easy to search by genre to find bands you may like. Lots of great stuff on there. But it's really just a distribution thing. I think having a website (even just a blog —I'm a fan of blogger, or tumblr) with links to wherever else you might be online ( 


      I've also been using for my work site. It's $10/mth but you can upload as many songs, videos, photos you  want. Has blogging features, but it's more of a full on website. And gels well with any other social media things you got going on.





    • February 20, 2011 3:27 PM CST
    • Myspace is now bunk. Bandcamp is great, and it's easy to search by genre to find bands you may like. Lots of great stuff on there. But it's really just a distribution thing. I think having a website (even just a blog —I'm a fan of blogger, or tumblr) with links to wherever else you might be online ( 


      I've also been using for my work site. It's $10/mth but you can upload as many songs, videos, photos you  want. Has blogging features, but it's more of a full on website. And gels well with any other social media things you got going on.





    • February 19, 2011 5:06 AM CST
    • Nuff said.

      whatwave dave said:

      Fuck the rest, Garage Punk Hideout's the BEST!!

    • February 17, 2011 10:33 AM CST
    • We're on all the sites, but this is the only one that feels like family.  The bands in NYC are starting to know each other cuz of this site.  Hope that's the case everywhere.  We redirected our main website to our Hideout page.  The other sites are about screaming "look at me!" as loud as you can.  This one is about interacting with similar bands.  That's what makes it better.

    • February 16, 2011 10:33 PM CST
    • besides.. myspace? THE HIDEOUT!

      facebook slave? not me.

    • February 27, 2011 12:12 PM CST
    • Hopefuly Turkey elects a less conservative government next time round, one with European ambitions. It's possible to still have national service in Europe but in Germany they provided an option for conciencious objectors such as hospitals. I think even still it is wrong to take freedoms away from adults in such a way and I'm glad that the scheme is almost over in Germany.

    • February 27, 2011 10:10 AM CST
    • Every 20 years old Turkish male citizens have to join the army in Turkey.Your sub-identity does not change the fact that Turkey is one of craziest army state in Europe,also has one of the biggest army power after England I guess.The biggest persentage of the taxes we do pay,directly belong to Turkish Military Forces.If you deny to join the army within your conscientious reasons,you do have to face with endless courts/arrestments and both pyschological and physical torture.

      You may postpone it though,by studying in university till you get 30 year old but there is no exact way to avoid it.Unless you are not gay(Turkish army needs real man!) or unhealty/handicapped.

      Since 1980s,there are 120 people have objected to be a soldier and they are still having several difficulties to go abroad,finding a job and waiting for to get arrested again and again.


      You can always fallow and support Turkish War resistors online from

      Mike Humsgreen said:

      Do the actually make Kurdish people serve in the military?


      Dreadful story but sounds totally bizarre, in Britain they got rid of national service but I don't think they really went as far as forcing Republican Irish people into it because they would probably shoot the others in the back, and before the 19th century Catholics in general were bared from the military partly for that reason.

    • February 24, 2011 3:08 PM CST
    • Do the actually make Kurdish people serve in the military?


      Dreadful story but sounds totally bizarre, in Britain they got rid of national service but I don't think they really went as far as forcing Republican Irish people into it because they would probably shoot the others in the back, and before the 19th century Catholics in general were bared from the military partly for that reason.

    • February 21, 2011 3:40 PM CST
    • Thanks for posting this - makes me wanna barf what those shitholes in the military and prisons have going on. Very strong thing of him to stand up to the dire conditions in Turkey. Good luck with all of it and all the best.

    • February 21, 2011 5:53 AM CST
    • The Kurdish-Turkish conscientious objector Inan Süver has been in prison since August 5, 2010. He has protested  the inhumane conditions of his detention by means of several hunger strikes. Now on March 7, 2011, he is facing a fourth trial for desertion. For this reason, Connection e.V. is initiating a fax campaign. Join us expressing our protest to the General Staff of the Turkish military.

      Inan Süver’s Story:

      Inan Süver was drafted in 2001. Because he deserted several times he was sentenced to a total of 25 months in prison as a result of 3 trials. He served seven months of his sentence several years ago. After his interim release he went underground.
      When Inan Süver deserted, he didn’t know anything about the idea of conscientious objection. Later he learned about it and declared on October 10, 2009: „Dear Commanders, I would like to inform you of something today. I have heard that there is such a thing as a right to be a conscientious objector. I hereby claim my right to conscientious objection. You should know that I am an enemy of the state, but that I will never raise a weapon against you. I would rather be killed than to kill anyone myself.“
      On August 5, 2010, Inan Süver tried to apply for identity papers in Bakirköy, a district in the city of Istanbul. When checking his identity, the authorities discovered that he was wanted as a deserter. He was arrested again.
      Inan Süver went on hunger strike several times between August 9 and October 31 on the grounds of inhumane treatment, in both military and civilian prisons. Finally, on the order of the warden of the Buca civilian prison who exclaimed, „Throw this traitor into #17“ he was locked in a cell that is known by the name Siberia. He described this in a letter to his family and added that there were rats in the cell, and that he was given no water, sugar or cigarettes. After an improvement in his situation he ended his hunger strike 9 days later. He was transferred at the beginning of January to the regional prison Gediz in Kütahya.
      On November 26, 2010, Inan Süver was taken to a military hospital to have his performance capability assessed. He was declared unfit for duty retroactively as of 2008.
      With the prison term of 25 months already served, Inan Süver’s discharge can be expected for June 6, 2011. But further military trials are hanging over him: Due to desertion in 2007, and due to his refusal to put on a uniform after his arrest in August 2010.
      Turkey does not recognize the right to conscientious objection. Every Turkish man is obligated as of the age of 20 to complete military service. Conscientious objectors who refuse the uniform or orders are charged with refusal to follow orders, but after they serve their prison sentence, they are re-enlisted. This vicious circle can last a lifetime, since the compulsory military service is considered fulfilled only after completion of the service.
      Turkey has not yet implemented a 2006 decision of the European Court of Human Rights. The judgment of the court demanded that Turkey correct its laws to prevent repeated criminal prosecution of conscientious objectors and multiple guilty verdicts in the future. The Court found such acts irreconcilable with the ban on inhumane treatment anchored in Article 3 of the European Human Rights Convention.
      Connection e.V. demands the cessation of all proceedings against Inan Süver and his immediate release from prison. Connection e.V. demands at the same time that Turkey recognize the right to conscientious objection and stop all criminal proceedings against conscientious objectors.
      Connection e.V. Asks for Support
      Protest to the General Staff of Turkey against the treatment of Inan Süver and demand with us the cessation of all criminal proceedings against him and his immediate release from prison. We have started an online fax campaign. It is also possible to send a Fax directly to the Turkish General Staff at 0090-312-4250813 (Genelkurmay Başkanlığı, BES Ş.Md.lüğü, 06100 Bakanlıklar/ANKARA).
      Write to İnan Süver. Every letter means important support in prison. You can also send letters to Inan Süver online through our online campaign. We will forward them for you. Letters can also be sent directly to: İnan Süver, Gediz Kapali Cezaevi, Kütahya/Turkiye

      with solidarity!


      Connection e.V.
      Turkey: Conscientious Objector Inan Süver Threatened with more Imprisonment
      Please send letter of protest
      Direct link to online fax campaign:

    • February 19, 2011 4:55 AM CST
    • Just a friendly reminder BOMP that we still keep the rough drawn bullshit coming over at the R'N'R ARTIST GROUP! 


      Feel free to join in, enjoy the sights, tell us you love us (we NEED that stroke of ego, BAD!), give us cash for commissions, record or flyer art or whatever ...or whatever.


      As always, a load of thanks for stopping by and wasting your eyesight with us - it's well taken, that's for sure!

    • February 18, 2011 3:01 PM CST
    • if it can be compared to bunker i m intrigued....

    • February 18, 2011 2:57 PM CST
    • ...or books written FOR idiots

      MikeL said:

      Or maybe they're reading the books written by idiots.  Glenn Beck comes to mind.

      sleazy said:
      Books are everywhere.....but who's reading????!:(:(

    • February 17, 2011 10:29 AM CST
    • Thanx :):)

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      It's called "Science Fiction Film", came out in about 1971.....he wrote comics to, At least one 1950's sci fi strip called "Tobor - The Great"....I have no idea if it was any good.......
      sleazy said:

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      Ha ha! good one!........I remember going through the index of film titles trying to find good band names........His book on science fiction films is pretty good as well......


      (Speaking of wrecking stuff when you were a kid.....For what its worth, I swapped with a kid at school and got a whole set of 'You'll die laughing' bubble gum cards.........and stuck them into a scrapbook........)


      Do you remember the title of that Gifford sci-fi book??!

    • February 16, 2011 4:06 PM CST
    • I remember buying the You'll Die Laughing cards on holiday in Devon when I was a nipper. Bought a few on eBay recently for a shot of Nostalgia.