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    • February 16, 2011 3:45 PM CST

    • It's called "Science Fiction Film", came out in about 1971.....he wrote comics to, At least one 1950's sci fi strip called "Tobor - The Great"....I have no idea if it was any good.......
      sleazy said:

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      Ha ha! good one!........I remember going through the index of film titles trying to find good band names........His book on science fiction films is pretty good as well......


      (Speaking of wrecking stuff when you were a kid.....For what its worth, I swapped with a kid at school and got a whole set of 'You'll die laughing' bubble gum cards.........and stuck them into a scrapbook........)


      Do you remember the title of that Gifford sci-fi book??!

    • February 16, 2011 6:47 AM CST

    • The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      Ha ha! good one!........I remember going through the index of film titles trying to find good band names........His book on science fiction films is pretty good as well......


      (Speaking of wrecking stuff when you were a kid.....For what its worth, I swapped with a kid at school and got a whole set of 'You'll die laughing' bubble gum cards.........and stuck them into a scrapbook........)


      Do you remember the title of that Gifford sci-fi book??!

    • February 15, 2011 4:06 PM CST
    • Ha ha! good one!........I remember going through the index of film titles trying to find good band names........His book on science fiction films is pretty good as well......


      (Speaking of wrecking stuff when you were a kid.....For what its worth, I swapped with a kid at school and got a whole set of 'You'll die laughing' bubble gum cards.........and stuck them into a scrapbook........)

    • February 16, 2011 3:08 PM CST
    • In my area bands started using Stereokiller.

    • February 16, 2011 10:27 AM CST
    • This is why bands need ONE website where they link to all of their other networking sites. That way if you search for a band on Google you'll find their website, not just a Myspace page which could be out of date. Take The Nevermores, for example:

      That site has their Hideout music player, plus links to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace,, eBandaGoGo, and their schedule is also there so you don't have to go bouncing around various other sites to find when they're playing next. That's the way it ought to be done!

    • February 14, 2011 4:59 PM CST
    • Fuck the rest, Garage Punk Hideout's the BEST!!

    • February 14, 2011 3:26 PM CST
    • hey people, be creative again and build your own websites with your own trash design, like people did years ago! fuck this myspace, social media shit - do your own shit. Like in the good old days where link directories like SEARCH & DESTROY! where the place to go to check out new bands and labels...

      BTW: Everyone's going to Facebook now, but in one or two years it's the same again like with myspace.

    • February 14, 2011 2:55 PM CST
    • It's definitely different now than four or five years ago.  Myspace was THE place to discover new bands, labels, book shows, find show listings etc... Now it seems there are five or six different places you need to go to, there is not one definitive site or place.  It seems like it's also hard to maintain multiple sites as far as show listings, news etc.  I find that a lot of the myspace pages are out of date, and i have to bounce around to several sites just to find up to date info on a band or label. 


      It seems like things are going back to how they were in the olden days.  I'm finding out about shows/new bands through word of mouth now more so than the past few years.  

    • February 14, 2011 2:41 PM CST
    • The Hideout is great (obviously), and we found we reached a lot of people who liked the music, rather than just wanting to add to their 'friends'


      We tried ReverbNation, but the whole "If you 'Fan' us, we'll 'Fan' you" thing was so puke making we shut it down.


      Bandcamp is really only designed to allow people to listen to and download music (either for free or payment)and nothing else. BUT we have found it to work very well.  The thing we really liked was that you could set up a 'bundle' download, (Say) an EPs worth of tracks and a PDF of the sleeve liner, all downloaded with one click.


      Staying on MySpace 'til it folds.............


      We found a Last FM page for us just turned up (?)...........

    • February 14, 2011 12:56 PM CST
    • MySpace has definitely gone to shit. Before I built my own band's website, I was using muxtape. I liked the simple layout and it is geared towards bands. Facebook is fine for the social networking aspect. You can indeed put music up there. I just don't think it's really ideal for a band.

      I have some friends who swear by Reverb Nation, but it's all just too much nonsense and gadgets and other crap for me. I haven't used bandcamp, but I have heard it's good. I have been meaning to start a page there.

      And of course you should set up a page here.


    • February 14, 2011 12:12 PM CST
    • A little obvious, and a little sassy   ; )

      I was thinking people would volunteer info and opinions on bandcamp or maybe something I havn't heard of yet.  

      Can you post / play music on facebook ?  I still don't have one.



      kopper said:

      Um, besides Facebook? How about the Hideout? Or is that too obvious?

    • February 14, 2011 11:19 AM CST
    • Um, besides Facebook? How about the Hideout? Or is that too obvious?

    • February 14, 2011 9:25 AM CST
    • Howdy,

          Myspace seems a beat dog as of late, what else are you guys using ?



    • February 16, 2011 11:46 AM CST
    • Thanks for that. 

    • February 16, 2011 7:51 AM CST
    • Or maybe they're reading the books written by idiots.  Glenn Beck comes to mind.

      sleazy said:

      Books are everywhere.....but who's reading????!:(:(

    • February 16, 2011 6:44 AM CST
    • Books are everywhere.....but who's reading????!:(:(

    • February 15, 2011 4:11 PM CST
    • Right On!

    • February 15, 2011 12:29 PM CST
    • The Surfite of course!

    • February 15, 2011 7:53 AM CST
    • Sounds interesting. But I didn't have much luck using Chrome when I tried it out a year ago or so. A lot of sites wouldn't work with it. Has it improved?

    • February 12, 2011 1:14 PM CST
    • Just curious if anyone checked out or used Chrome extension which basically lets you catalogue MP3s from Blogs or Sites that you visit in a nice (itunes-like) interface. Looks like it has been around for a short while.
      Doesn't seem to be a way to incorporate rss feeds to players, but maybe I am missing something.

    • February 14, 2011 3:10 AM CST
    • I second the motion. is just down the road from me but it costs like 30 euros for a t-shirt but you can buy Wanderers jackets. is more alternative but check up occasionally and they have some good sales. I bought a pair of shoes there for 15 pounds. You're from America so I would stay clear of both those shops unless you have a good job, the exchange rate would make you cry and the postage will probably cost a bomb.

    • February 12, 2011 7:49 PM CST
    • mostly looking for decent t-shirts, stickers or buttons. does anyone know of any good websites or online stores where i can find some good stuff??

    • February 12, 2011 8:21 PM CST
    • Funny you mention Private Stock, because I love that shit! It's the malt liquor with the "imported" taste! Matter of fact, I tried to find some recently at one of my local grocery stores and they didn't carry it anymore! Guess I'll have to venture deep into the ghetto for that! I love Mickey's, which I can get with relative ease, but Black Label isn't in the state of VA anymore, so when a pal goes up north (somewhere), I have him grab me a sixer at a truckstop...I can dig on some Molsen too...

    • February 12, 2011 8:17 PM CST
    • I'm pretty sure it was a Molsen since that's what my dad used to drink.  then I got introduced to the world of 40's  Private Stock  Head Wrecker, and of course Black Label.  "Mable Black Lable"  still a staple in this house.  I remember Mickeys too.  I don't remember how we got 'em they just seemed to show up and get passed aroun while we played Card games like up the river down the river and drunk driver..then I got an older roommate and graduated to Jameson!!