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    • July 9, 2010 8:46 PM CDT
    • i've made a whole lotta covers, check out my photo gallery if you wanna go in my direction. for sure there is a price tag, but ya get what you pay for!

    • July 9, 2010 4:38 PM CDT
    • hey id be down! - here are some samples... im good with a quick turn around.. im local nyc too

    • July 9, 2010 2:45 PM CDT
    • Check out my art over on my page, and lemme know if ya like my stuff or not. I'm no flake!!!

    • July 9, 2010 2:18 PM CDT
    • Whats going on everybody


      In a local-New York punk rock band, trying to put out an EP this summer, had two artists bail on album artwork already- let's talk a price, I've got a rough draft of the album artwork!



      get back to me if you'd be interested in working on a band's artwork!

    • July 9, 2010 2:30 PM CDT

    • July 9, 2010 2:19 PM CDT
    • Was the name of that outta sight van Van Dora or something???!.....great solar - powered stuff baby :):) I had a yellow chick-banging van back in the 70' was super-fitted with everything you could think of :) Rob

    • July 9, 2010 1:05 PM CDT
    • Dude that's a bad ass bike, I love it!!It's a honda cb right?What model exactely? Count Von Tuthrie said:

      But might end up looking a bit closer to this...

    • July 9, 2010 10:35 AM CDT
    • I could not agree more. Unfortunately, I caught on to PKD only a few years ago. VALIS blew my mind! I wish Kenneth Anger and David Lynch would collaborate on the VALIS film that Horselover Fat & Friends obsess on in the book.

    • July 8, 2010 5:04 PM CDT
    • if you do read his books (which i have been obsessed with since i was a teen), you will find out that NONE of these films com close to even getting near the weirdness & insanity that Dick wrote down. Weirder & more incredible are the books about PKD and his alien/speed concepts... In February and March 1974, Dick experienced a series of visions and auditions including an information-rich "pink light" beam that transmitted directly into his consciousness. A year after the events, in March 1975, Dick summarized the 2-3-74 experiences that would pervade his writing for the final eight years of his life:

    • July 8, 2010 4:44 PM CDT
    • Just watched "A Scanner Darkly" yesterday. Cool movie that was shoot digitaly, then animated by "interpolated rotoscope". The effect is strange at first but you get used to it and enjoy it along with the plot of the movie.The acting by Robert Downey jr is good, and actually the role that keanu Reeves plays suits his acting style. The movie is about a drug that has taken over thecountry/world and gives users permanent brain damage. Keanu's character is an undercover agent, but is also unknown at the department as such, via a "Scramble suit" that hides his identity to even his direct superiors. Keanu ends up addicted to the drug called Substance D and struggles to determine if he's losing his mind or not.

      Then came the surprise, it is based off a novel by Philip K Dick, not knowing who he was led me to find out he wrote the stories, that the following movies are based off. Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, screamers and Next. I guess maybe I have some reading to do now too.


    • July 9, 2010 7:47 AM CDT
    • YES! The Crumb bible is SWELL!
      Also check out the (Basil) Wolverton Bible, just as crazy!

      Sophie Crumb has a lot of experimental stuff in the early MOMEs from Fantagraphics. That family is full of Comics, Aline Kominsky-Crumb does some fun stuff as well.

      Is there a list of the books your buddy is selling? I can't buy any now, but potential buyers sure would like to catch a look at a list, no? Just out of interest: What's in it? ZAP? Some old MADs? Dopesmokin' Hippy Comix?

    • July 8, 2010 9:18 PM CDT
    • R. Crumb recently released a huge illustrated version of the Bible verbatim that is worth checking out. 

      Not a a lot of people know his daughter Sophie Crumb has put out two pretty good comix and her style is a lot like R's.

      This political article is pretty amazing, reporting on new documents made public at the Reagan library that show how taxpayer money was actually funding planted pro-war news and commentary during the 80s:

      My guitarist just came across about 90 rare underground comix from the 60s-70s which he's looking to sell if anyone's interested. Some common stuff but mostly uncommon from what I saw. Fine litterature! I don't got the dough...

    • July 9, 2010 3:23 AM CDT
    • The reason that the word disaster has not been used that often when dealing with the "Gulf Crisis" is that by applying such a moniker to the ordeal FEMA would be implementing British Petroleum even more so than they already are. Despite the numerous speeches by President Obama demanding BP take responsibility the company itself is going to get off relatively easily. This is going to be our Bhopal. India is still demanding the extradition of the head of Dow Chemical's India division for prosecution in reference to his involvement with the 1980's explosion that leveled a village and polluted the surrounding area at an unprecedented rate. That is where we will be in twenty years. The children of the cleanup workers will be deformed and BP will be still be airing commercials on PBS. Fuck it. I give us twenty more years as a planet.

    • July 8, 2010 4:59 PM CDT
    • I have owned and raced all scales of slot cars. First set was an AFX set when I was 8 or so. i then found 1/24 scale tracks at a slotcar specific place. they had 3 8 lane tracks. A small 60' "Black" track for rental cars, a 100' "Orange", and a King Cobra 155' monster. All were road courses, and they had weekly races with about 10 different classes you could build cars for. Most were not realistic looking, and had no traction magnets. Those places and racing are getting few and far between. The newer Scalectrix 1/32 style is cool and the cars are cool to look at, if I had the room, I would build a 4 lane track in my basement. About 10 years ago there was a small 1/24th scale track in Marissa Illinois, that had a 100' tri oval, a scale 1/4 mile drag strip and a 120' paper clip road course. My Dad and I spent many Sundays racing there and we both won some races on the oval. The cars were a bit more realistic, but not as nice as the scalectix style. There was a small track up in Alton that closed down around the same time, 10 years ago. For limited space go with the AFx/TYCO 1/64 scale track and build a little track, you can easily build a 4 lane track for fun. As I remember, they re-issued Thunder Jets for the retro set.

    • July 8, 2010 4:26 PM CDT
    • Reno 911 is hit or miss. Some episodes were really good, and some others were just....Meh.
      The Shield is a top ten show for me, it had me hooked from the beginning, and I havent seen the final season yet. Havent watched the Wire, but I have heard nothign but good things about it, so I will rent the series DVDS that are available and check it out.

    • July 8, 2010 11:16 AM CDT
    • Dragnet beats them all.

    • July 8, 2010 9:56 AM CDT
    • 7 Year and up is literally nectar.
      Though I am partial to the Especial too...

    • July 8, 2010 2:51 AM CDT
    • You know I ended up really not needing much help. The main guy I flamed got so upset and humiliated by my arguments that he left and never posted again-- and this guy pretty much owned the political folder of
      He posted a new conspiracy or anti-semetic site every day. His threads got anywhere from 10-60 views. Mine is up to 700 now!

    • July 6, 2010 7:19 PM CDT
    • I saw the B.B. II and Roth in ABQ in the 90's. The man was wry and the car was weird. I think the dome was off. It had bright white seats. Fave? Gotta Be the Orbitron. Look at the orbitron gizmo. It's like an old projection T.V. Before projection T.V. Plus it's got a dome. Got to Have a dome. And, with no body weight and a V-8 it was undoubtedly dangerous

    • July 6, 2010 5:26 PM CDT
    • WHOA!!!!!!!!!! That's all I can say and I can't say no more....WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shane-O said:

      I love all of his creations but this is my favorite. The Druid Princess

    • July 6, 2010 4:42 PM CDT
    • Really? ;) Shane-O said:

      I love all of his creations but this is my favorite. The Druid Princess

    • July 6, 2010 4:29 PM CDT
    • I love all of his creations but this is my favorite. The Druid Princess

    • July 6, 2010 4:35 PM CDT
    • I had the privilege to see the little red wagon many years back. Anyone else see it or the Jolly Rancher candy Wheel standers?

      The Jolly Rancher Fire Truck used cinnamon oil in the exhaust so it smelled like the candy as it went by.

      And the Stage Coach did a scent in the exhaust also, I think maybe it was grape.