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    • June 24, 2010 9:52 PM CDT
    • ixnayray said:

      Get a job.
      "Where's the war?" "Up your ass." "'Up your ass'? How would you like the long end of this rifle up YOUR ass?" "Save it, Skinner... Look!"

    • June 24, 2010 6:20 PM CDT
    • If I squatted/lived in a house with 20 other people, I guarantee that only one person would come out of it alive - me. Just sayin'...I don't do well in groups.

    • June 24, 2010 5:47 PM CDT
    • Get a job.

    • June 24, 2010 4:44 PM CDT
    • I would just suggest one thing if you do go through with this: Make sure you break into a house with wifi, otherwise you'll miss out on all of our podcasts, right?

      Good luck.

    • June 24, 2010 4:09 PM CDT
    • You can even go one better and start a Seeds like band, move in with a girl friend just off the Sunset Strip and see if she supports you day by day. THAT will make life interesting(WHAT! You think rock stars living off their sunset strip girl friends started with hair metal? Sky was the originator of that shit). Gringo Starr said:

      Break into a shop that has some Beatle boots and put them on and start listening to The Seeds. Tune out, turn off and drop by.

    • June 24, 2010 11:31 AM CDT
    • Kopper- ROTFLMAO!!!

      ugh. other than at a show, the idea of being around 20 other people makes me sick. Helios Creed likes tagger-on's. you should hook up with him on tour. he'll let you ride his bus.

      til he gets sick of you-and he will-and dump your ass off in some southwest nowheresville.

      then you'll -really- have some adventures!

    • June 24, 2010 9:15 AM CDT
    • Yeah The Seeds man, they always sound great any time o day, or night, or night or day, or day and night, or even night and day, as sky so said lots o the be a tripmaker on a big rollin machine paintin pictures and designs for daisy mae, or prhaps get out and meet that flower lady in a yellow-print dress, you never know you may even get to go up in her room; failing that you could hang out with mumble n bumble in that forest outside your door... Gringo Starr said:

      Break into a shop that has some Beatle boots and put them on and start listening to The Seeds. Tune out, turn off and drop by.

    • June 24, 2010 8:12 AM CDT
    • Break into a shop that has some Beatle boots and put them on and start listening to The Seeds. Tune out, turn off and drop by.

    • June 24, 2010 8:00 AM CDT
    • dont even care if u can get used to it or not m8 lol.......

    • June 24, 2010 7:27 AM CDT
    • Man, I can never get used to this "text speak." Oh yeah, forgot to add lol, lol. Did I say lol? If not, lol. lol. Ross Jesus Navaro Richards said:

      lived on a bus for 2 years around UK and europe m8, its not fuckin romantic at all! all it does is make u think fuck, wish i listened to myself.. Course i was watching Hawkwind most of the time lol.. i SUGGEST u study m8, if your bored, sit in your room head in book, then in a couple of years you intelligent freak u, u can then choose where in the world u wanna work/doss, especially if u have language skills... then u can sit under a fuckin great big cactus, (like me) typing this to someone else who is thinkin the same lol!

      serious, its shit m8! does nuthin for the pysche at all. all that time u gonna spend with no purpose..

    • June 24, 2010 6:42 AM CDT
    • lived on a bus for 2 years around UK and europe m8, its not fuckin romantic at all! all it does is make u think fuck, wish i listened to myself.. Course i was watching Hawkwind most of the time lol.. i SUGGEST u study m8, if your bored, sit in your room head in book, then in a couple of years you intelligent freak u, u can then choose where in the world u wanna work/doss, especially if u have language skills... then u can sit under a fuckin great big cactus, (like me) typing this to someone else who is thinkin the same lol!

      serious, its shit m8! does nuthin for the pysche at all. all that time u gonna spend with no purpose..

    • June 24, 2010 5:47 AM CDT
    • squatting without political purpose and/or actual need for housing space is just fucking stupid, it ruins the signification of squatting. Wanna have a more interesting life? Get a hobby, read a book or go to disneyland.

    • June 23, 2010 7:36 PM CDT
    • Why would you wanna do that? Are you retarded?

    • June 23, 2010 7:24 PM CDT
    • Do you have a shrine dedicated to Suberbia (1983)?

    • June 23, 2010 7:15 PM CDT
    • Sounds fucking awful to me.

    • June 23, 2010 7:05 PM CDT
    • I guess if your 25 or younger....

    • June 23, 2010 4:06 PM CDT
    • I Live In The Springtime, there's no inbetween time, I live in the sunshine O yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • June 23, 2010 3:27 PM CDT
    • so i was thinking... and i think i know what i wanna do in the next few years... it wont be forever but  i was thinking and i think i wanna break into a house somewhere and just live in to with like 20 other people... but if i cant break in and just live ther i think il just get the most crappyist looking house ever and just live ther.. in my perspective i think it would make life alot more interesting.

    • June 24, 2010 1:09 PM CDT
    • The Hawks moved to Atlanta in '68. That was unfortunate, because the owner didn't like them playing at Kiel or the Arena and wanted the city to build him a new venue, but the city said no, so they left. BTW, the Celtics and Hawks played several times against each other in the NBA finals. Hawks only won one of those, IIRC. The Spirits of St. Louis were around a couple years in the '70s ('74-'76), but they were an ABA team, and they didn't survive the ABA/NBA merger. I went to see them play at the Arena when I was a kid... them and the Harlem Globetrotters, ha. The owners of the Spirits are still collecting TV money from the NBA as a result of that deal... to the tune of millions a year! The NBA fucked themselves on that one, and the owners of the Spirits are (still) laughing all the way to the bank. Recordgrooves said:

      I went to HS in Oakland CA & played a lot of street ball myself, I had two uncles that played college ball. I have to admit that I'm still not use to the common mentality of how the Midwest generalizes NBA/Basketball, & I've been around here since 97'.
      I don't even know how long it has been since the Hawks were out here? At least I can still find a few cool peeps around here that know about great Rock N' Roll. Tim Doubledee said:
      I know what you mean about NBA. The last time I could even bring myself to get into it much was when I was in jr. high. After that, I got tired of seeing just about every shot go down, travelling not being called, palming the ball not being called (this was because I myself never got away with shit like that when I played--high school refs are much stricter), and just the overall seemingly easiness of the game for the athletes playing. I much prefer college ball, because the game doesn't seem so effortless for the guys (or gals) on the court. The atmosphere is much more authentic in the arena, as well.

      kopper said:
      I tried to watch game 7, and I got bored with it after about five minutes. I just can't watch the NBA, and I've tried many times. College ball is OK, I can watch the March Madness stuff, but other than that, nah. I used to play a LOT of basketball in high school, but that was about the extent of it.

    • June 24, 2010 2:03 AM CDT
    • Man you should come to Germany, they'll kick your arse for ordering a kolsh in Dusseldorf. The two cities are about 30 minutes from each other! It's all about local identities here, which is silly but quaint at the same time. My favourite is Waggle Dance. That lurvely ale, then again anything that they sell at the Hobgoblin kopper said:

      My wife bought me some beer for Father's Day, and one of the bottles she picked up for me was worthy of me mentioning here: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale, an IPA out of Petaluma, California. I told a Michigan beer-bloggin' buddy of mine about it and he made some crack about it being proof of the "west coast getting jealous of the Great Lakes and trying to TASTE just like a much more quality Michigan IPA." Wow, talk about sour grapes. Since when is drinking good beer about creating regional divisions and rivalries? This isn't sports! Or fashion. Or fucking hip hop or something. Can't a brewer just make a good beer without being accused of (or rather, without its connected region being accused of) "being jealous" of some other region's beer? What a stoopid fuckin' thing to say.

      Anyway, this is damned fine beer and I highly recommend it. That is all.

      kopper said:
      I really love IPAs, too. In fact, it's probably my favorite beer style. I can't get enough of it. Sooo many good ones out there, too. I don't know how readily available this one is for folks outside of St. Louis, but it's one of my favorites: O'Fallon 5-Day IPA

    • June 22, 2010 8:40 AM CDT
    • My wife bought me some beer for Father's Day, and one of the bottles she picked up for me was worthy of me mentioning here: Lagunitas Hop Stoopid Ale, an IPA out of Petaluma, California. I told a Michigan beer-bloggin' buddy of mine about it and he made some crack about it being proof of the "west coast getting jealous of the Great Lakes and trying to TASTE just like a much more quality Michigan IPA." Wow, talk about sour grapes. Since when is drinking good beer about creating regional divisions and rivalries? This isn't sports! Or fashion. Or fucking hip hop or something. Can't a brewer just make a good beer without being accused of (or rather, without its connected region being accused of) "being jealous" of some other region's beer? What a stoopid fuckin' thing to say. Anyway, this is damned fine beer and I highly recommend it. That is all. kopper said:

      I really love IPAs, too. In fact, it's probably my favorite beer style. I can't get enough of it. Sooo many good ones out there, too. I don't know how readily available this one is for folks outside of St. Louis, but it's one of my favorites: O'Fallon 5-Day IPA

    • June 23, 2010 2:08 PM CDT
    • Exactly Doc Sanchez, my music collection expanded so much after we got broadband. Clearly a lot was illegal but I like CDs so I like to buy music that I enjoy and I'm not going to spend 10 quid on a CD that I might not like. I'm avoiding most major stuff although it is tricky considering that major labels buy up smaller ones like Epitaph. But it irritates me having lonely songs floating around my media player when I would really like an album. But I'm not going to buy anything without listening to it first. The industry needs to wise up to the fact that people can do this rather than trying to bully the people that buy their shit. Musicians will make money from me but I'm not going to line the pockets of every greedy hanger on here. Check that link out from the BBC how the film industry in the USA is attempting to create a side business of fines.

    • June 23, 2010 10:46 AM CDT
    • mmm, stopping groups of all respect playing in and around cities, blacklisting internet sites, and stopping downloads, taping and copying, farenheit 451 no_¿?¿ books next_¿?¿?¿

    • June 23, 2010 8:18 AM CDT
    • Lost Soul said:

      I wonder how libraries are still able to lend CDs out without prosecution?
      I'm working in the movie business, and as far as I know libraries have special deals - the have to pay more than when you buy a CD for yourself, but less than they had to if each one who lends the CD had to pay full price. At least it's like that with DVDs. So yeah, the industry earns money here. As a musician I somehow can understand the wish to earn some money with the music you're making - isn't it the dream of all of us to earn at least that much money with the thing we love to buy loads of records? But here I rely on the real fan - like I am one: I confess I'm downloading music from the internet. But that didn't cost musicians I like money, rather on the contrary. I download stuff, listen to it in my car on an mp3 CD, and if I like it, I buy the album. And most likely the whole back catalogue of bands I wouldn't even know of if it wasn't for "illegal" downloading. I don't get why the music industry doesn't get this point: Give to the listener, and the listener will give back to you (except for some assholes who think they can get everything for free without respect). But if you threaten the listener, he (hopefully) will fuck you sooner or later. "Illegal" downloads are a good method for propaganda, at least for me. And I'm not even talking about buying an LP and wanting to listen to it in my car (since I mostly buy LPs and am not able to convert them to mp3s, I have to download them for my car...). But anyway, if the music industry starts to behave like the Gestapo, I guess I'll stick to free netlabels, cool guys like all the ones you find here, and to direct distribution from the band to the listener, and only buy underground stuff from nice people, without even touching industry. Normally, that's better music anyway, and you know those bastards don't take most of the money for themselves, but it goes to the musician and all the idealists out there. Jeez, fuck the industry! My two cents. Doc Sanchez

    • June 23, 2010 11:57 AM CDT
    • I download books to my phone. I use the Aldiko application. Lots of great pulp (and others) from, Feedbooks, and Manybooks that I can't find in bookstores or libraries. Of course I prefer actual books; but I got used to "e-reading".