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    • June 19, 2010 11:19 AM CDT
    • yeah! and they thought turning the world digital was a great idea.

    • June 17, 2010 4:22 PM CDT
    • wonder what the musicians think about this?

      in my opinion, honestly if a musician is willing to sue someone over there music being shared/handeled/whatever "illegaly" by an honest fan they probably;

      1. make or already have made way too much money for what they do
      2. are making music for all the wrong reasons
      3. have such terrible music that the only reason someone would listen to it is because it's free

      maybe all those big corporate record companies going under would be a good thing
      i think music could use a good revolution right now anyway

      this goes without saying, i still buy cd's when i can because anyone who really gives a fuck about the music that they listen to won't settle for a crappy ass limewire download or some other download shit. if you're in a band that has any real fans they will buy your music when they can. if not, you probably suck at life and shouldn't be playing music for a living.

    • June 17, 2010 3:50 PM CDT
    • Sony BMG sucks the sweat from a dead mans cock!!! These multi nationals lose more control the tighter they grip. They're gonna lose they're core listening groups by this futile gesturing. Come the revolution etc. etc. etc. Vive Le Rock!!!

    • June 17, 2010 2:32 PM CDT
    • on the same (kinda) subject, kodak used to own all of your photos, whenever u got your negs developed, u only leased the pics from kodak as they owned the film ur image was on! and they could recall anything at anytime...

    • June 17, 2010 5:38 AM CDT
    • mmm, another late reply here.. but im new lol! i put up some nice lil films on youtube the other day, and within 2 hours of the last post, they were all taken down, due to copyright etc, now the brains at youtube knew 'the chob', 'bare facts' and some very fuzzed out suzie q from mexico! not too mention a couple of other, lets say not too well known gems! Threats of legal wranglins etc, but i argued the point that im just a father showing his love for the music and my wee girl who was dancin in the films, i have on film the discs, the movies posters lp's cd's tapes on and on.. my collection, some sunshine and smiles from my wee girl, anyway.. i had to remove all infringments, and also... in my house dispose of my personal copies! fuck in hell!

    • June 17, 2010 5:32 AM CDT
    • mmm, another 'late' thought on this, they are even trying to get some kick back after you buy a second hand lp/cd from a store lol! whores like madonna are right up there demanding rights! slut!

    • June 18, 2010 6:56 PM CDT
    • I wanted Boston to win, and those guys have nothing to be ashamed of.

    • June 18, 2010 5:27 AM CDT
    • Well for those of us in Boston, it's a depressing morning. We let it slip away between Kobe sucking, letting the Lakers get all those offensive rebounds and missing a bunch of shots. If Ray had just made 1/3 of his attempts... It's almost as depressing as the Pats/Giants Superbowl. But yes, a good (if ugly) game 7 esp. for those with only a passing interest.

    • June 17, 2010 9:30 PM CDT
    • This game 7 is the best game I've seen since I was a kid, no room for show boating here, everyone is getting shutdown.

      Real Basketball.

      Rock On!

    • June 18, 2010 2:50 PM CDT
    • I live in Germany and love the country but hope to god they don't win or I'll never hear the end of it. The have a reliably solid side though and have what it takes.

      Would be nice if England did for a change. But they played crap against the USA and aren't doing much better against Algeria.

    • June 18, 2010 1:31 PM CDT
    • The Blood Shot sounds good. It cuts out the middleman. One of my aquaintences drank what he called a Rooster Tail: half whiskey (bourbon or Canadian seemed to be best) and half cinnamon schnapps. I've heard this referred to as Rooster Piss as well. Some folks get all fancy and serve it chilled with a lemon twist. Me, I could take it or leave it. I usually like my booze to taste like, well, booze. None of this "it tastes just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! You can't even tell there's alcohol in it at all" stuff for me.

    • June 18, 2010 8:09 AM CDT
    • Here's the BRs fave—this one's for smokers—stretch a paper napkin over a glass and secure it w/a rubberband—place a nickle on the center of the napkin—each smoker takes a turn (w/lit cig in mouth) burning a hole in the napkin—NO HANDS! The person who makes the nickle drop into the glass takes a shot. very strategic yet unpredictable. Try not to be the one dropping the nickle or you'll run out of booze b4 u run outta napkins & cigs! kerplunk

    • June 18, 2010 5:14 AM CDT
    • My Army buddies and I would play a version of this whenever we watched Caddyshack. Everyone had to select a character and drink when that character said or did anything funny. I seemed to most often get Rodney Dangerfield. It was basically a constant pour during most of his scenes. Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I remember playing a game where each of us was a Cheers character but not only did the person who was Norm drink when he talked but had to drink when they called out Norm. That person was not safe.

    • June 18, 2010 12:33 AM CDT
    • I remember playing a game where each of us was a Cheers character but not only did the person who was Norm drink when he talked but had to drink when they called out Norm. That person was not safe.

    • June 17, 2010 8:05 PM CDT
    • I love Three Man the Dice Game I think who ever rolls a die closet to 3 is selected 3 Man and they have to drink every time another player rolls a three out of a pair of dice. If some one rolls double threes they become the next 3 man. there are rules for other combinations too but I can't remember them I think one of them,was if a 7 and a 1 are rolled together everyone has to touch their nose and the last person to do it has to drink...and if your dice goes off the table you have to drink twice for sloppy dice!!...a little too much fun playing that game I guess!!!but I'd have to say my all time favorite was the card game asshole though I can't really remember how to play it! Oh... and the Name game with the "drink while you think" rule One person says a well known persons name and the next person has to say another one that starts with the first letter of that persons last name. play goes in a circle unless you say a one name person like Prince, then the order goes reversed back to the person who said the name before Prince. It is fun to challenge the same player with another single name. and also play gets reversed if the first and last name start with the same letter like Donnie Darko!!!and if you can't come up with a name right away you're drinkin' while your thinkin'!!!!!

    • June 17, 2010 4:34 PM CDT
    • So, how do you play your favorite drinking game? 

      My personal favorite is the Star Wars drinking game. It's quite simple. One must take a drink (or shot if you like) each time a stormtrooper dies, once for each explosion, twice for each time Darth Vader chokes someone, and finally you have to finish a whole beer when "May The Force Be With You" is spoken.

    • June 17, 2010 5:06 PM CDT
    • yum yum in my tum tum! i make something similar but i call it a Pinko.

    • June 17, 2010 3:44 PM CDT
    • theres a couple good recipes but heres a good one....

      stoli vanilla kahlua baileys peppermint schnapps and milk...... for even more deliciousness substitute pepperment with amaretto. its like a white russian meets cherry cola. 

    • June 17, 2010 4:28 PM CDT
    • Old Rasputin Imperial Stout
      Stone Ruination IPA
      Coyote Peak Wheat (from a local brewery here in Oregon)
      Widmer Hefenwiesen

      And finally Natty Ice or PBR for beer pong and other miscellaneous drinking games.

    • June 16, 2010 7:47 PM CDT
    • Ole Speckle Hen
      St Ambroise Oatmeal Stout
      Mill Street Coffee Porter
      Köstritzer Schwarzbier
      and Holsten Maibock because it's cheap.

    • June 17, 2010 2:43 PM CDT
    • Sorry, I couldn't resist posting this here...

    • June 17, 2010 9:09 AM CDT
    • I still can't quite get my mind around the idea of reading an e-book (electronic book/digital book/whatever). In fact, this idea seems harder for me to grasp than the old vinyl record vs. digital MP3 dilemma. Obviously there are some pretty strong advantages, such as availability (over two million available to download as well as a title being offered indefinitely; never going "out of print," portability, storage, environmental concerns, and language accessibility being the biggest ones, IMHO). But some things are just so much better done the way they always have been done, and I think this is one of them. Having an actual BOOK in your hands and reading it, turning the pages, the smell and feel of the paper, etc. That, to me, is all part of the book-reading experience. I just don't think I'll ever be able to warm to the idea of reading an e-book, but I dunno, maybe I could be convinced otherwise. Have any of you done this? If so, how? On an iPad? Amazon Kindle? Sony PRS-500? The Barnes & Noble Nook?

      I'd be interested in reading what the rest of you think about this.

    • June 16, 2010 3:59 PM CDT
    • YEAH! What he said.

    • June 16, 2010 3:12 PM CDT
    • Back when I was at school I managed to miss the battle of the bands that I was helping to organise through such monkey business. I pulled a moderately attractive girl despite being in a rank state of vomiting (and her being comparitively sober). The music sucked anyway so not a bad trade really.

      But never actually making it to a proper decent gig because you are drinking in the wrong establishment is just plain shit and you should be ashamed of yourself. Drinking too much and missing the band is only ok if the band is in the audiable vacinity. What you describe is more like when I missed a band because I remembered the wrong date and went to the venue a day late. It's just shit.