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    • May 20, 2010 8:32 AM CDT
    • That's a good line up! I've been digging an East Coast fave, Smutty Nose IPA. it's Racer 5-esque, but a tad cheaper.

    • May 20, 2010 7:10 AM CDT
    • In no particular order...

      Anchor Steam
      Dogfishead 90 min. IPA
      Three Philosophers
      Stone Arrogant Bastard
      Allagash White
      Stoudt's Fat Dog

    • May 20, 2010 12:17 AM CDT
    • "free" ain't that the truth! Heather Drain said:

      1. Free
      2. Bass
      3. Shiner Bock
      4. Guinness
      5. PBR
      6. Blue Moon
      7. Newcastle

    • May 19, 2010 11:43 PM CDT
    • 1. Free
      2. Bass
      3. Shiner Bock
      4. Guinness
      5. PBR
      6. Blue Moon
      7. Newcastle

    • May 19, 2010 11:05 PM CDT
    • 1. Pliny The Elder (Russian River)
      2. Levitation (Stone)
      3. Ten Fidy (Oskar Blues)
      4. Stone Russian Imperial Stout
      5. Alesmith Anvil ESB
      6. Yulesmith (Alesmith)
      7. St. Bernardus Abt 12
      tons more...

    • May 20, 2010 8:26 AM CDT
    • I tried drinking alcohol without oxygen last night and now I am dead. I wouldn't recommend that either.
      Remember kids, drink in moderation and don't forget to breathe.

    • May 20, 2010 4:12 AM CDT
    • damn thieving bastards. $249 woulda been a hell of a deal though!!!

    • May 20, 2010 2:10 AM CDT
    • Read and use for reference, but do not post. Fantastic site.

    • May 20, 2010 6:09 AM CDT
    • Thanks...I'm in the process of a second draft. I'll blog a few chapters when I feel they are ready. Have you read the Charlers Ardi series Hunter: IDON MINE said:

      Sounds cool, thanks! Spirit, Doc Savage, Spider... you got me! Perfect stuff for the ages!

      SCxMS said:
      I'm actually in the midst of writing a pulp. rather than going hard boiled I'm more akin to The Spider and the Spirit meets Doc Savage. I'll post a first chapter soon-ish

    • May 20, 2010 5:42 AM CDT
    • Used to pound 'em down like anyone else, then one day I just had enough of the hangovers, and realized I was stupid enough already without destroying more brain cells. Also, my daughter was 4, and beginning to understand things. It happened one night when I asked my friend (now drummer, CP Applegate) if he wanted another beer. "Two's my limit," sez CP. Something clicked. I did the two for a while, then stopped all together. So, '94 was the year I had my last drink. Quite a while! Don't miss it at all. I'm not on a crusade, and not judgemental, it's just my own decision for myself. Drnk up, be happy, I'll drive!

    • May 20, 2010 5:24 AM CDT
    • Great picture!

    • May 20, 2010 4:10 AM CDT
    • Beer Ichnusa!

    • May 20, 2010 4:30 AM CDT
    • it's cheep-o liquor just above generic quality (only as far as the price goes). that's all i drank 14-19. past couple of years now i stick to whiskey n beer and lot's of pot. maybe some other fun things. only because; i for some reason get terrible 3 day hangovers almost every time i drink now. it's a bit of a curse i think! maybe i'll start drinkin vodka again though cause it's lighter.. ughh

    • May 19, 2010 11:46 PM CDT
    • It's excellent and probably one of the most gonzo films ever made. I also highly, highly recommend director Steckler's other work, especially "The Lemon Grove Kids Meet the Monsters " and "Body Fever." There will never be another like Ray Dennis Steckler.

    • May 19, 2010 11:06 PM CDT
    • Yeah the same thing happens here. I remember a few months ago when they started sending kegs of the younger to bars it would be blown in 20-30 minutes... insanity. People are IPA crazy in San Diego. euphorik6 said:

      oh man, hell yeah - pliny the elder. great stuff. hard to find up here - distribution is spotty, and whenever it arrives on the shelf - wherever it arrives on the shelf, it's usually gone within a couple of hours. great beer, though.

    • May 19, 2010 11:00 PM CDT
    • oh man, hell yeah - pliny the elder. great stuff. hard to find up here - distribution is spotty, and whenever it arrives on the shelf - wherever it arrives on the shelf, it's usually gone within a couple of hours. great beer, though.

    • May 19, 2010 11:00 PM CDT
    • Port Brewing and Pizza Port put out AMAZING beers... Hop 15 is great. They make this IPA called Hop Suey that they usually have on cask at the brewery that is probably one of the best beers I have ever had. euphorik6 said:

      i am also into IPAs, especially ultra-hoppy in-your-face west coast IPAs. i am in northwest washington state, most of my favorite beers are regional. this one doesn't distribute much further south than the tacoma area (i've never seen it past there, anyway), but if you're ever in northwest WA, be sure and track down sculler's IPA from skagit river brewing. another one i have been getting into lately is hale's supergoose IPA from hale's ales in seattle. i also really really like the IPAs coming out of port brewing in san diego - their wipeout IPA, and (especially) the ass-kicking hop-15 double IPA. stand the fuck back - to paraphrase van the man, four pints of that shit won't have you climbin up the walls - four pints of that shit will have you on the fucking FLOOR. all are in-your-face super-hoppy, good shit.

      i am also a big fan of stone IPA. just tried stone's sublimely self-righteous ale for the first time last month. fucking killer!

    • May 19, 2010 10:58 PM CDT
    • I haven't brewed in a couple years, I have all the equipment still but my apartment is too hit to ferment anything well. I like within bike riding distance of Stone Brewing Co. This is very dangerous... IPAs is one of my favorite styles. I like Ruination IPA from Stone, Pliny The Elder 9and Younger) from Russian River, Oskar Blues Gubna... so many

    • May 19, 2010 9:09 PM CDT
    • i am also into IPAs, especially ultra-hoppy in-your-face west coast IPAs. i am in northwest washington state, most of my favorite beers are regional. this one doesn't distribute much further south than the tacoma area (i've never seen it past there, anyway), but if you're ever in northwest WA, be sure and track down sculler's IPA from skagit river brewing. another one i have been getting into lately is hale's supergoose IPA from hale's ales in seattle. i also really really like the IPAs coming out of port brewing in san diego - their wipeout IPA, and (especially) the ass-kicking hop-15 double IPA. stand the fuck back - to paraphrase van the man, four pints of that shit won't have you climbin up the walls - four pints of that shit will have you on the fucking FLOOR. all are in-your-face super-hoppy, good shit.

      i am also a big fan of stone IPA. just tried stone's sublimely self-righteous ale for the first time last month. fucking killer!

    • May 19, 2010 8:38 PM CDT
    • This weekend is KC Beerfest, next weekend I'm brewing my first barleywine. It's mostly an Anchor Old Foghorn clone, but with a few tweaks

    • May 19, 2010 9:25 PM CDT
    • Great forum, Kopper! You're a man after my own heart when it comes to whiskeys. Got a bottle of Tullamore Dew sitting on the bar, but may I suggest Eagle Rare single barrel? I've converted several Knob Creek crew to this fine bourbon.

    • May 19, 2010 8:48 PM CDT
    • Booker's is real good, pricey in my neck of the woods. I've been gettin' into the Jim Beam Small Batch stuff lately. i love the smell of it, they mix Port into it so it's pretty mellow. Averaging a bottle of it every week, it's too damn easy to drink!