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    • September 13, 2009 5:56 AM CDT
    • I started up the Garage Punk Penalty Box for 2009-10. So far Eliza Day & I are the only ones signed up. E-mail me at for an invite.

    • September 11, 2009 1:54 AM CDT
    • love hot rods send me some pics please

    • September 10, 2009 5:10 PM CDT
    • i bought it in january, bul left it over for BOMP! book, the text is good, but a little bit hard-nut, altough still very intersting and a lot of intersting and rare info on LA's scene, the only problem is that you can't read it on subway and in trains, during tours and journeys, as well as the BOMP, hahaha, but i will continue soon after finishing BOMP, because it's for sure worth reading and yeah pictures are great also.

    • August 29, 2009 12:38 PM CDT
    • Eric Idle is THE man!

    • August 29, 2009 12:03 PM CDT
    • Taxidermia is ....FFFFFucking great!

    • August 21, 2009 9:51 AM CDT
    • Holy shit, as anybody seen this?

      I've been waiting to see it since I heard about it in 2006 but last night was the first US screening that I was aware of/able to attend.

      Normally when I wait that long to see something I build up some fake movie in my head and the real one can never come close to being as good, but not with this. This was better than anything I could have imagined.

      Best movie since Repo Man.

    • August 28, 2009 11:00 AM CDT
    • Nothing new to add, I just like this picture of me boots...

    • August 27, 2009 1:42 AM CDT
    • I totally forgot to mention that I just didn't get my boots because they had zipers on the sides but because they also FIT which is a rare thing when you're finding used items.

    • August 26, 2009 11:59 PM CDT
    • My boots aren't pointy and I have no idea what era they are actually from but because they a have a zipper on the side, I was happy to find them. I got them used at a place called Time Travelers over ten years ago but that store is gone now. I have a picture of them on my page in the slide show.

    • August 24, 2009 2:40 PM CDT
    • I'm absolutely tempted to hijack this thread and re-direct it towards Dr Pepper now, having read this casual reference to it and slipped in to an almost amorous craving. Over here in Australia Dr Pepper is fairly scarce, so the idea of having such a broad selection available that you can choose between sugar types is one I quite fancy. Dan Danger said:

      Yeah, Mexican Coke has cane sugar, it's even less sweet than actual Coca-Cola, and has a little more bite.
      You may remember "New Coke" from the late '70s/early '80s. It failed miserably, and Coca Cola quickly brought back "Classic Coke." There's evidence that New Coke existed mostly to cover up the fact that the company was switching over to corn syrup. Many people swore the taste changed. If you can't find Mexican Coke, I do hope you can find a micro-brew cola with cane sugar. There's been a spate of private label sodas over here. Many of them have better flavor than cheaper sodas. I think it's worth the money to drink less soda, but drink better. Also-- there are three Dr. Pepper bottler's that use cane sugar, some people order their soda directly from them. And Pepsi just launched "Throwback" Mountain Dew and PepsiCola. People are catching on that corn syrup tastes like ass. I'm not a teetotaler-type, I just sick of drunk assholes. I came out to dance.

    • August 24, 2009 7:52 AM CDT
    • Ah and I've forgot one of my fav, you know this kind of fake cheap red martini they sell in discount shops. But nowadays I'm enduring a treatment to stop drinking too much. Hard to wanna make parties with friends and just drink without abusing. But I feel better too not drinking like a hole each day. Yin yang on the rocks !

    • August 24, 2009 7:45 AM CDT
    • calimucho=coke+wine

    • August 11, 2009 7:07 PM CDT
    • Yeah, Mexican Coke has cane sugar, it's even less sweet than actual Coca-Cola, and has a little more bite.
      You may remember "New Coke" from the late '70s/early '80s. It failed miserably, and Coca Cola quickly brought back "Classic Coke." There's evidence that New Coke existed mostly to cover up the fact that the company was switching over to corn syrup. Many people swore the taste changed.
      If you can't find Mexican Coke, I do hope you can find a micro-brew cola with cane sugar. There's been a spate of private label sodas over here. Many of them have better flavor than cheaper sodas. I think it's worth the money to drink less soda, but drink better.
      Also-- there are three Dr. Pepper bottler's that use cane sugar, some people order their soda directly from them. And Pepsi just launched "Throwback" Mountain Dew and PepsiCola. People are catching on that corn syrup tastes like ass.
      I'm not a teetotaler-type, I just sick of drunk assholes. I came out to dance.

    • August 11, 2009 5:10 PM CDT
    • Dan Danger said:

      Black Coffee or Mexican Coca-Cola
      i never knew there was a difference between coca-cola's till now - it's something to do with being made from pure sugar cane right? no chance i'll find that in scotland. though kudos for the non alcoholic slant i'd be lost without several strong black coffee's in the morning and totally gets me in the mood for thrashing on my guitar so don't get much more rock n roll than that:)

    • August 11, 2009 4:38 PM CDT
    • Pabst! or... nice hot coffee :)

    • August 11, 2009 11:23 AM CDT
    • My special homemade beer....LOL.....dark and heavy in the winter, light ale in the summer, the more the better!!!

    • August 10, 2009 3:53 PM CDT
    • free ones

    • August 10, 2009 7:27 AM CDT
    • whatever you've got.

    • August 8, 2009 4:19 AM CDT
    • COLD GOOD FRESH BEEEEEEEEEEEEER! I'm simple, sorry. Love the other choices!

    • August 23, 2009 6:55 PM CDT
    • I make woodcuts. Viddy this:

    • August 23, 2009 11:45 AM CDT
    • That's all the better Andy! I can't speak for the other peeps that post there, but I'm glad I'm no pro, so pleeeease let us know what you're making if you want to! Andy Seven said:

      I do art for fun but I'm not like pro or anything like that.

    • August 23, 2009 10:28 AM CDT
    • I do art for fun but I'm not like pro or anything like that.

    • August 19, 2009 8:09 AM CDT
    • HEY KIDS! So we got us a little group called the "ROCK'N'ROLL GRAPHIC ARTISTS" where many awesome personaes (me excluded) drop some of their work and nonsense (now that's me) for you to throw an eye at! Tell us what cha think or just give us a wink over there, hows that sound? And of course feel invited to show up with your own stuff, we ain't bitin'! If you wanna, join the group and bring some thunder. You can find a thread with current work here: !!!ROCK'N'ROLL GRAPHIC ARTISTS!!! Take car ...or tram, thanks IDON

    • August 21, 2009 5:55 PM CDT

    • August 8, 2009 4:32 AM CDT
    • The guys good fuuuun!