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    • February 2, 2013 3:12 PM CST
    • I'll put this in 'cause it's pushing 10 years old.

      Sideways, a film about wine geeks who take a road-trip to a series of vineyards.

      It's another dark comedy, but you don't have to be a wine snob to appreciate it. Just insert whatever you obsess over, and it will click. sideways- I'm not drinking Merlot

    • February 1, 2013 4:08 PM CST
    • Too many films, too little time. 

      dave said:

      You guys are killin' me, heah! There's no way I'll be able to see alla these cheezoid films! But I'll certainly try!

      Greg Hanson said:

      There's a great book called Mondo Macabro - a beautiful coffee table book with lots of great pictures - that is dedicated to strange cinema around the world. It's put out by the people who run a distributor of the same name (whose releases are killer) and puts out a lot of these gems, including Pakistani Dracula (aka The Living Corpse).

      They have a bunch of Bollywood horror films, Indonesian fantasy (lots of floating heads and lasers), Turkish cheese, Italian weirdness, etc.

      If you think Bollywood is crazy, check out the heyday of Turkish fantastic cinema. The Man Who Saved the World (aka Turkish Star Wars) is pretty great and totally incoherent but a real hoot. Tarkan Vs. The Vikings is cheese-tacular in the best ways. Kilink in Istanbul is trashy and pretty glorious. Lots of great stuff from Turkey in the 50s-70s. 

      Only Indonesian films come close to that kind of weirdness. The Devil's Sword, Queen of Black Magic, and Virgins from Hell are all pretty clutch. Lots of floating heads, lasers, voodoo and other suck malarky. 

    • January 30, 2013 4:41 PM CST
    • Man, when an American idea is strained through the culture of another people (or two), genius results!

      John Battles said:

      OF MUSICAL/ ROMANCE ROUTINES.....THE "ACTION" MOVIES MAY BE AN EXCEPTION, I DON'T KNOW.  I did find a copy of the South Indian  Superman film (There's another, also unauthorized , better known , Indian "Superman" , but I've only seen bits of it on You Tube.). SAVE FOR BEING 3 1/2 HOURS IN LENGTH AND CONTAINING TOO MANY MUSICAL/ROMANTIC SEQUENCES , PARTS OF IT ARE SO BAD , THEY'RE HILARIOUS.


      What's interesting is , like Bruce Wayne , the future "Superman" vows to fight crime after his parents are murdered by bandits in a home invasion. HOW he acquires his super - powers is'nt readily explained (Unless you speak teh language , I guess.). One minute , he's a child , the next , he looks like he's subbing for Eugene in The Rezillos (Actually , Eugene looks much better , today , than this guy did , then.).......

      But , if coherency is more your bag , may I suggest : "The Pakistani Dracula" , which is actually quite good , and does two thing no Dracula movie (To my knowledge) has ever done. First , it tells the ORIGIN of Dracula. A brilliant scientist tries to find a serum that will make eternal life a reality....But , he's not so brilliant , as a chemical flub turns him into a vampire , instead. Well , he got eternal life. I'd read , previously , that Dracula was once a mortal man who made a deal with The Devil , and got screwed , for eternal life. But , I think Uncle Forry said that......

      The other think I've NEVER heard of happening in a Dracula picture , was the notorious scene in the novel where Dracula's brides try to get a bit(e) from Jonathan Harker , and the Count gives them a baby to share , as a compromise , so that Dracula can carry out his evil scheme with Harker. Heinous as this sounds , the baby is represented by a dummy wrapped in bandages with no discernible human characteristics , except in shape. Still , it was heavy shit. In the 50's , yet.....
      dave said:

      Yeh, definitely sounds like a great time w/ friends and a case of beer!

      We have a theater here that does 'Bollywood at the Hollywood' and shows what sounds like really fun Indian action flicks. Need to make that show sometime...

      Greg Hanson said:

      I have had that on the list for a while but I haven't had a chance to check it out.

      Just watched The Stabilizer, a super cheesy Indonesian actioner by Arizal (who needs more than one name?) who is also responsible for schlock like American Hunter. It's pretty stock action cheese setup of a bad guy looking for a secret formula from a doctor and one man (who looks a lot like Brian May from Queen) has to stop him. 

      Lots of good, unnecessary explosions and some really funny one-liners. Not 100% necessary viewing but definitely a good one to hoot and holler at on a drunken Thursday night.

      dave said:

      The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T  (1953) is a musical fantasy film, the only feature film ever written by Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), who was responsible for the story, screenplay and lyrics.

      Whole Movie Here!

    • January 30, 2013 4:39 PM CST
    • You guys are killin' me, heah! There's no way I'll be able to see alla these cheezoid films! But I'll certainly try!

      Greg Hanson said:

      There's a great book called Mondo Macabro - a beautiful coffee table book with lots of great pictures - that is dedicated to strange cinema around the world. It's put out by the people who run a distributor of the same name (whose releases are killer) and puts out a lot of these gems, including Pakistani Dracula (aka The Living Corpse).

      They have a bunch of Bollywood horror films, Indonesian fantasy (lots of floating heads and lasers), Turkish cheese, Italian weirdness, etc.

      If you think Bollywood is crazy, check out the heyday of Turkish fantastic cinema. The Man Who Saved the World (aka Turkish Star Wars) is pretty great and totally incoherent but a real hoot. Tarkan Vs. The Vikings is cheese-tacular in the best ways. Kilink in Istanbul is trashy and pretty glorious. Lots of great stuff from Turkey in the 50s-70s. 

      Only Indonesian films come close to that kind of weirdness. The Devil's Sword, Queen of Black Magic, and Virgins from Hell are all pretty clutch. Lots of floating heads, lasers, voodoo and other suck malarky. 

    • February 2, 2013 3:03 PM CST
    • '...even as backwash.' Ha, that's a good one! I went through my period years ago of Mickey's and ----------- crap beer just like 'the kids' do. They wanna get loaded, cheaply. That's cool. Someone in a band used to ask me 'How can you afford to drink that expensive stuff?' Your reply answers that nicely...

      P.S Widmer makes 2 Winter brews that knock my socks off, Sled Crasher and KGB Imperial Stout. Hie to the tavern!

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Yes, we all have a soft place in our hearts for the Anheuser-Busch InBev buy-out and the legacy of our pet local beers. . . even if the beer itself was subpar and even if there's anyone who deserves to buy out a local legacy its the Belgians (makers of some the tastiest beers known to man, IMO)..... but unless someone brought over a 12 pack or so of PBR, Stag, Schlitz, Rainier, Olympia, etc., for practice a lifetime ago, I wouldn't go near the stuff even as backwash.

      I think people drink it cause they're broke and want to drink as opposed to hipster-dom. I don't actually care what people wear or how they choose to express themselves, that's a personal choice. PBR certainly has gained from the image, in any case, as they have put out the $$$ to bring shows that otherwise would go un-invested in. That's respectful.

      I'm not hating on the piss water, I'm just saying I don't drink the stuff myself. If I can't afford better AND the tip, I don't go out. If a guy buys me a drink and it's PBR or Stag, I will just give it right back to him, say thank you and be nice about it. Busch, Budweiser, okay maybe. Thank goodness in the Pacific NW, it's a microbrew trough of plenty tho'. . . and furthermore Widmer puts out a very decent array of choices if I happen to be on the broker side.

      kopper said:

      It always cracks me up when people call Budweiser or Coors "piss water," and then turn around and order PBR or Stag. Both of those and tons of other adjunct beers suck just as much, if not MORE, than Busch, Coors, Bud, High Life, etc. But those aren't trendy to drink at a rock'n'roll show, I guess. The hipsterization of the ultra-shitty cheapo beer market... now there's an article I'd like to read.

    • February 2, 2013 2:55 PM CST
    • Sure, it looks like an 'old' bar, from back 'when things were better'. I fall for it too, w/ those old beer signs and related stuff. Still shitty beer, tho'. [opinion]

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Maybe I'm just speaking for myself? When I see the little A-B Clydesdale in their plastic dome over a bar or an old Budweiser commercial or sign, it makes me feel nostalgic. . . piss water though it may be.....

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Yes, we all have a soft place in our hearts for the Anheuser-Busch InBev buy-out and the legacy of our pet local beers.

    • February 2, 2013 2:53 PM CST
    • You and me, both! It'll take more than Blue Velvet to make PBR hip, not to mention palatable. Give me a micro- or a good Belgian beer!

      Ironic that Bud is owned by a Belgian multi-national, they have their own piss-beer, Stella Artois...

      kopper said:

      It always cracks me up when people call Budweiser or Coors "piss water," and then turn around and order PBR or Stag. Both of those and tons of other adjunct beers suck just as much, if not MORE, than Busch, Coors, Bud, High Life, etc. But those aren't trendy to drink at a rock'n'roll show, I guess. The hipsterization of the ultra-shitty cheapo beer market... now there's an article I'd like to read.

    • February 2, 2013 1:41 PM CST
    • Maybe I'm just speaking for myself? When I see the little A-B Clydesdale in their plastic dome over a bar or an old Budweiser commercial or sign, it makes me feel nostalgic. . . piss water though it may be.....

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Yes, we all have a soft place in our hearts for the Anheuser-Busch InBev buy-out and the legacy of our pet local beers.

    • February 1, 2013 6:54 PM CST
    • It always cracks me up when people call Budweiser or Coors "piss water," and then turn around and order PBR or Stag. Both of those and tons of other adjunct beers suck just as much, if not MORE, than Busch, Coors, Bud, High Life, etc. But those aren't trendy to drink at a rock'n'roll show, I guess. The hipsterization of the ultra-shitty cheapo beer market... now there's an article I'd like to read.

    • January 31, 2013 3:49 PM CST
    • Yeah, I'd rather have drunk pot-heads around me than drunk gun-nuts, yikes!

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Ha-ha! That's probably why they're sueing ImBev... They're like, "Hey, no fair I was about to do that. I sue! I'm sueing" ...they know what to invest in: Gold and Beer. That's why they want to get rid of the guns first. It'll be too much like the old west with the gun equation. ..I heard of Billy beer but until now I never knew exactly what it was.

      dave said:

      That would generate some more $ for the revenue-stream! Remember Billy beer? That winter stout from Caldera in WW sounds pretty damn good.

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Budweiser + Coors = Piss water .....they should have been sued a longtime ago for selling crappy beer. Thank goodness for the microbrew revolution.

      Now, this actually sounds good: The President's Beer Recipe

      He should bottle it sell it, Goverment Beer, pairs well with government cheese. A reciple for hard times.

    • January 31, 2013 3:35 PM CST
    • Ha-ha! That's probably why they're sueing AB-InBev... They're like, "Hey, no fair I was about to do that. I sue! I'm sueing" ...they know what to invest in: Gold and Beer. That's why they want to get rid of the guns first. It'll be too much like the old west with the gun equation. ..I heard of Billy beer but until now I never knew exactly what it was.

      dave said:

      That would generate some more $ for the revenue-stream! Remember Billy beer? That winter stout from Caldera in WW sounds pretty damn good.

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Budweiser + Coors = Piss water .....they should have been sued a longtime ago for selling crappy beer. Thank goodness for the microbrew revolution.

      Now, this actually sounds good: The President's Beer Recipe

      He should bottle it sell it, Goverment Beer, pairs well with government cheese. A reciple for hard times.

    • January 31, 2013 3:18 PM CST
    • That would generate some more $ for the revenue-stream! Remember Billy beer? That winter stout from Caldera in WW sounds pretty damn good.

      Lutz Vipinderwoman said:

      Budweiser + Coors = Piss water .....they should have been sued a longtime ago for selling crappy beer. Thank goodness for the microbrew revolution.

      Now, this actually sounds good: The President's Beer Recipe

      He should bottle it sell it, Goverment Beer, pairs well with government cheese. A reciple for hard times.

    • January 31, 2013 3:13 PM CST
    • Budweiser + Coors = Piss water .....they should have been sued a longtime ago for selling crappy beer. Thank goodness for the microbrew revolution.

      Now, this actually sounds good: The President's Beer Recipe

      He should bottle it sell it, Goverment Beer, pairs well with government cheese. A reciple for hard times.

    • February 1, 2013 6:16 PM CST
    • PORTUGUESE Potato and Chorizo Soup
      1 small cabbage
      1 bunch of kale
      1 can red kidney beans
      1 lb of Portuguese Chorico, Linguica, or Mexican Chorizo
      8-10 potatoes (any white variety)
      1 beef bone, for flavor
      salt and pepper, to taste

      Peel and cube potatoes. Cut the kale into pieces similar to romaine lettuce in Caesar salad. Peel the cabbage and rip each leaf into three to four pieces.

      Fill an average size stock pot with water and bring to a boil. Season with salt and pepper. Add the meat bone and chorico, boil for 20-30 minutes. Next add the cabbage, kale, potatoes, and beans. Boil until potatoes, kale, cabbage are cooked. Let rest for an hour. Serve with bread.

    • February 1, 2013 4:08 PM CST
    • Make Your Own Sweet Soy Sauce

      You can buy this at the store, but it's fun to make  your own!

      Take 1 cup of soy sauce and put in pot on med.

      As it warms up, add 1/4 cup brown sugar,

      and 1 Tbsp of honey. 

      Stir until sugar is dissolved, let cool, and bottle.

      For a smoky note, add a dab of adobo mix (from a tin), about as big as your pinkies' fingernail.

    • February 1, 2013 2:50 PM CST
    • Burmese Potato Salad


      • 1 pound Yukon Gold potatoes, boiled and halved (there is no need to peel them)

      • 1 onion, thinly sliced

      • 1 heaped tablespoon crisp-fried shallots, to garnish

      • 1 level tablespoon chopped mint leaves, to garnish

      For the dressing:

      • 2 tablespoons tamarind water 

      • 2 tablespoons fish sauce

      • 2 tablespoons groundnut oil

      • 2 teaspoons sugar

      • 3 small red or green chilies, finely chopped

      Serves 4


      1. Place the boiled new potatoes and the onion in a serving bowl and set aside.

      2. In another bowl, prepare the dressing: mix all the ingredients until the sugar has dissolved.

      3. Pour the dressing over the potatoes and onions. Mix well, garnish with shallots and mint and serve.

    • February 1, 2013 1:23 PM CST
    • Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!......

      sleazy said:

      Can't miss this one:):)

    • January 31, 2013 4:30 PM CST
    • If he is, that brewski has been made with real holy water!

      "Will *somebody* please buy me a beer?"