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    • November 16, 2012 7:02 AM CST
    • Here are some pics to inspire...

    • November 15, 2012 1:31 PM CST
    • Hey, thanks for replyin'.

      First off, here's a link to cost of data storage and this Guess what? Bandwidth is getting cheaper. I think the price I saw on Twitter last week was .10 cents per, uh, gig, maybe? Sorry, just geekin' out...

      As far as social media go, I think it's pretty much a given that they're all in our governments pocket, even if they had to be strong-armed a bit to go there. If we use it, the Feds have our data, that simple. But you can use RiseUp and Tor (wow, just blocked by my library, land of the free, hahahahaha!) to minimize risk.

      You know what scares me? You are the only person here to comment on this seriously. I wasn't interested in politics either, until about 40, but fuck! you'd think people would see what a serious threat to our freedom (world freedom, even) this is.

      Also, there's this: Wall Street’s Secret Spy Center in addition.

      We need an Occupy to bring attention to both of these centers, and hopefully find some way to shut them down. America's enough of a fascist state without them.



      Stoned Again Productions said:

      The NSA is a damned if you do, damned if you don't operation.  I have always been curious if facebook and the google gang work with the NSA. More so the google gang. They are both massive resources of personal information. Google has the capability to track the mass majority of online traffic activity. They both have all of my personal information.

      Global data traffic is expected to hit 1 yottabyte sometime in the mid 2020's.  The article I read months ago suggested it will be using one fifth of the planets electricity. The Internet has grown into a monster. I go back to the days of using archie and gopher search before yahoo was even a thought.  Mostly text and grey & black images. I certainly never saw this coming.

      At the time a massive portion of data transfer is streaming and downloading.  Uncompressed files are the worst.  With all of the music in this site I am willing to bet the cost of bandwidth is very expensive.

      This is all personal thought, curiosity, opinion, and from music related data we receive constantly at the work place. Doesn't mean I am right. And I am certainly no "mr. know it all".  Now and then I like to chit chat about other things than music. It reminds that other issues do exist.

      Excuse typos, misuse of the english language, It's a family tradition.

    • November 15, 2012 11:50 AM CST
    • The NSA is a damned if you do, damned if you don't operation.  I have always been curious if facebook and the google gang work with the NSA. More so the google gang. They are both massive resources of personal information. Google has the capability to track the mass majority of online traffic activity. They both have all of my personal information.

      Global data traffic is expected to hit 1 yottabyte sometime in the mid 2020's.  The article I read months ago suggested it will be using one fifth of the planets electricity. The Internet has grown into a monster. I go back to the days of using archie and gopher search before yahoo was even a thought.  Mostly text and grey & black images. I certainly never saw this coming.

      At the time a massive portion of data transfer is streaming and downloading.  Uncompressed files are the worst.  With all of the music in this site I am willing to bet the cost of bandwidth is very expensive.

      This is all personal thought, curiosity, opinion, and from music related data we receive constantly at the work place. Doesn't mean I am right. And I am certainly no "mr. know it all".  Now and then I like to chit chat about other things than music. It reminds that other issues do exist.

      Excuse typos, misuse of the english language, It's a family tradition.

    • November 14, 2012 10:33 PM CST
    •  I was'nt aware Michael was moving. He'll probably do better in (The name of the place , HAH! IS...) Augusta G - A .

    • November 14, 2012 10:29 PM CST
    • I've been watching "King of The Hill" seasons 1-6 (Cos those are the only seasons that seem to have ever been released. Whut Th'Hell? ) , in no special order. You laugh , but I'm almost done , too. I was trying to find the episode where Bobby gets hooked on fake Kosher deli food and gets Gout , and Kahn , Jr. is all pissed off because he can't take her to the dance.

      Another favorite episode was the one where LuAnn is swept off her feet by millionaire sausage tycoon , who secretly wants to work her into his sick fantasy , until he's inadvertently killed by sausage grinding blades. Real messed up. 
      John Battles said:

      Oh , and "Heathers " was a great Black Comedy , even if the very late 80's , arguably , did'nt suck as much as the very early 80's.
      John Battles said:

      I love "Parents" . The 80's were alive with black comedies , "Neighbors" , "Eating Raoul" ,  etc.

      I started watching "The Veil" , a (Criminally) never - aired TV series produced by Hal Roach , Jr. in 1959. Hosted by Boris Karloff , who also starred in every episode , making it more appealing to me than "Thriller" (Though it was a great show.), it reads like a cross between  " The Twilite Zone" , 50's Noir , and , yes , "Thriller" , to some extent. Guest stars include Patrick McGee , and , would you believe , George Hamilton , and many lesser - known but distinctive TV Actors , American and British( One played a G-man on "The Andy Griffith Show".).

      Something Weird put this two DVD set out in 2001 , It also contains two episodes of "13 Demon Street " , starring Lon Chaney , Jr.

    • November 14, 2012 10:22 PM CST
    • Oh , and "Heathers " was a great Black Comedy , even if the very late 80's , arguably , did'nt suck as much as the very early 80's.
      John Battles said:

      I love "Parents" . The 80's were alive with black comedies , "Neighbors" , "Eating Raoul" ,  etc.

      I started watching "The Veil" , a (Criminally) never - aired TV series produced by Hal Roach , Jr. in 1959. Hosted by Boris Karloff , who also starred in every episode , making it more appealing to me than "Thriller" (Though it was a great show.), it reads like a cross between  " The Twilite Zone" , 50's Noir , and , yes , "Thriller" , to some extent. Guest stars include Patrick McGee , and , would you believe , George Hamilton , and many lesser - known but distinctive TV Actors , American and British( One played a G-man on "The Andy Griffith Show".).

      Something Weird put this two DVD set out in 2001 , It also contains two episodes of "13 Demon Street " , starring Lon Chaney , Jr.

    • November 14, 2012 4:53 PM CST
    • Its great the Maverick filmakers are still being listened to and watched. Film 4 and Studio Canal are just dynamite when they get together. Long live the independents.

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      Got to agree with Mr Climax here, "Dead Man's Shoes" is a really chilling film...and by a bizzarre coincidence I watched "Submarine" this evening...great film...really good stuff..

      Andy Climax said:

      I watched two very British movies last night. Check'em out. You won't be disappointed. Once you get past those 'crazy Brit accents', you yanks, hehe. First was Richard Ayode's ' Submarine' 'bout a young lad and his growing of age. Second was a really dark movie called, 'Dead Man's Shoes' A real fucked up movie about revenge. Amazing stuff. If you can source the, please do. One you might need subtitles for is a movie i saw recently called 'Small Faces'. Based in Glasgow in the 60's and surrounding a very bloody period in Glasgows past when it was known as 'No Mean City' due to it very violent undercurrent. Enjoy

    • November 14, 2012 4:15 PM CST
    • Got to agree with Mr Climax here, "Dead Man's Shoes" is a really chilling film...and by a bizzarre coincidence I watched "Submarine" this evening...great film...really good stuff..

      Andy Climax said:

      I watched two very British movies last night. Check'em out. You won't be disappointed. Once you get past those 'crazy Brit accents', you yanks, hehe. First was Richard Ayode's ' Submarine' 'bout a young lad and his growing of age. Second was a really dark movie called, 'Dead Man's Shoes' A real fucked up movie about revenge. Amazing stuff. If you can source the, please do. One you might need subtitles for is a movie i saw recently called 'Small Faces'. Based in Glasgow in the 60's and surrounding a very bloody period in Glasgows past when it was known as 'No Mean City' due to it very violent undercurrent. Enjoy

    • November 14, 2012 3:49 PM CST
    • I watched two very British movies last night. Check'em out. You won't be disappointed. Once you get past those 'crazy Brit accents', you yanks, hehe. First was Richard Ayode's ' Submarine' 'bout a young lad and his growing of age. Second was a really dark movie called, 'Dead Man's Shoes' A real fucked up movie about revenge. Amazing stuff. If you can source the, please do. One you might need subtitles for is a movie i saw recently called 'Small Faces'. Based in Glasgow in the 60's and surrounding a very bloody period in Glasgows past when it was known as 'No Mean City' due to it very violent undercurrent. Enjoy

    • November 14, 2012 10:46 AM CST
    • I'm just two episodes into Boardwalk Empire, and so far, so good. I'm a big Buscemi fan in general, though. The only other cast member I recognized right off was Kelly Macdonld from Trainspotting and No Country for Old Men.

      John Battles said:

      Just watched "Boardwalk Empire , Season One". Steve Buscemi outdoes himself. He almost carries the whole show  , but , the supporting cast is very strong , too , even if I , myself , did'nt recognize any of 'em.

    • November 14, 2012 10:21 AM CST
    • I actually have not seen The Golem, though I've been meaning to for a while. I appreciate the link, which saves me the effort of the search. I've been checking out some old documentaries, as well. I watched Nanook of the North (which has been said to be the first actual documentary film) a couple weeks ago and it was pretty damn cool.

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      Probably old news to you....but for my money, the original "Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" and "The Golem" are hard to beat...

    • November 13, 2012 11:20 PM CST


    • November 13, 2012 12:52 PM CST
    • On the way back from Orlando, FL, the fam and I stopped in Charlotte, NC for dinner. At the suggestion of a friend, we stopped at "Mac's Speed Shop", located near the Carowinds amusement park. This place is something of a sports bar that caters to bikers, while serving a shit ton of craft beers on tap. This place had a rustic feel that I liked, and it wasn't one of those shit holes that the Black Widows from "Every Which Way But Loose" would be sloppin' down cheese grits. I ordered the "Mac Daddy", which was a good-sized bbq sandwich with slaw already served on it. No sauce, so I was free to put whatever I wanted to on it. This stuff was the real deal! Very flavorful, chopped full bodied pork that I devoured in 2 minutes (yeah, I'm a hog, yuk yuk), and my choice of side (Brunswick stew) was killer. My meal of the sandwich and one side was $12, but damn if I didn't get over it after tasting it! The only things I can bitch about was I was a little disappointed that I didn't get more stew, and the mix of Zeppelin, AC/DC, Soundgarden, (you get the idea) that was blasting out of their sound system. I do recommend this place, though, and sure, you'll pay a little more, but given your choices, it's one of the better ones:

    • November 13, 2012 12:36 PM CST
    • On the way down to Orlando, FL I made a "pit stop" (sorry, couldn't resist) in Columbia, SC to grab some lunch. We pulled into a "Maurice's BBQ" which boasts of having 14 locations, 4 of them in the city I was driving into. The 'que here isn't bad, but it's all mustard-based. Personally, I like my pork smoked plain so I can add whatever sauces I'd like to it. I question the validity of their claims of it being smoked on site, though (I never saw a cooker on the premises), and I wonder if it's just frozen processed bbq. Or possibly they smoke it at a central location, then send it out to all their eateries. The place didn't feel "authentic" enough (I know I'm nitpicking here, but sometimes authenticity of a pork joint says a whole lot), and I felt like I was eating in a KFC with faux log cabin decor/siding while shitty pop country tunes played from a portable cd player. They have a drive-thru, which for some reason kind of cheapened the place to me (along with the new "retro" tin signs on the wall). What wasn't cheap, however, were the prices. Paying $11-&12 for a plate of food (that didn't fill me up) seemed a little high for "fast food bbq". This is probably going to be one pork house that I'll definately keep driving by on future travels. If for any reason you're interested in this chain, here's their website:


    • November 13, 2012 5:40 AM CST
    • Of course! Jim Carrey an Dr Seuss just don'mix. Great that he can sell his interpretations to the world. My kids love 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' but i ain't gonna make a feature length of it. Bah! Humbug! Now, wheres ma Phil Spector Christmas  LP? haha

    • November 12, 2012 7:19 PM CST
    • I'd be all for your interpretaion of "The Long Haul" , except Nova Scotia is still too close to the states.  They could have him if they traded us enough lox and smoked salmon to bring the prices down.....Oh , Chrimbo , I think I HAVE yeard that , now that you mention it...

      It IS all about the kids  , and we adults (!!!) should'nt be stressed.

      I've already listened to a cassette copy I forgot I had , of "How The Grinch Stole Christmas".

      I mean the REAL one , of course.

    • November 11, 2012 3:46 PM CST
    • Chrimbo, I prefer to call 'Christmas' this than 'Xmas' or another popular one over here in the stink, 'Winterfest'. I mean... Honestly! Keep it fun people. Its for the kids. The messages from the sponsors are in overdrive here. If the 'long haul' means a one way ticket to Nova Scotia? I say, lets give the young lad a great send off. Hopefully there's room in there for Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift???

    • November 11, 2012 3:35 PM CST
    • CHRIMBO? Not familiar....Mr. Disney ! You don't hear THAT said , very often. I was on  a short boat cruise in California , several years ago , and a guy gets on the horn and tells us the boat on our right belongs to Roy Disney. I said "Roy Disney?! If he were alive , he'd have to be 110 years old , at least !". Then, someone said, no , Roy Disney , Jr. , Roy's Son and Walt's Nephew  , oversees Disney , now. WOT A MIXUP !  But , all these teen idols are bound to get tired of maintaining a squeaky clean image , and ...(ULP !) rebel . You had your Brittneys and your Olsens and whoever else.....You could have set your watch by Miley (And if she did take topless photos - Not that I heard about it , but , I'm hardly surprised.) on her own time , God ,WHO CARES ?!  She's not the possible Heiress to The Throne of England OR ANYTHING. People get their kit off , as you say in Blighty. But , there are'nt many child stars that are successful , today , unless they got into other fields , like Dick Van Patten , is it? , directing "The Sopranos" and such , and Little Opie Cunningham's remarkable success as a Film Director , THOUGH HE WON'T RELEASE "COTTON CANDY" !!

      I heard Justin Van Beeber saying he was in it for the long haul . Funny , Vanilla Ice said that , too. 

    • November 10, 2012 6:12 AM CST
    • you're right mate. we should never underestiate the power of television on Kids. With Chrimbo coming up its in meltdown. There are quite a number of very high brow cases happening over here just now, surrounding Britains 60's and 70's icons. Its frightening really. We all know the politics of Mr Disney as well. The money machine moves on and on and parents i suppose these days aren't under any more pressure really than back then. Bring back Gerry Anderson. Why has no one invented a Gerry Anderson Channel???

    • November 10, 2012 4:38 AM CST
    • Comedy and culture is very much a matter of taste, I mean I can't stand Family Guy but watch a lot of other American stuff. But either way in America they have massive teams to write the jokes which makes them much more sellable. It's just like the kids TV where they analyse the trends and look for niches and sell a product. British comedy has smaller teams and so it really isn't that commercial because a lot of people don't understand the jokes as they are more personal.

      I think this is an ever increasing trend and compared to today the 50s, 60s, 70s were relatively innocent but even in the 60s and 70s you had shows like the Monkees, made to sell a band. I guess it's just that it's now retro and kind of fits into the genre here that people like it but is it really much different to anything Disney's putting out today?

      I love those kids programs anyway because they always try to sell innocence only to have the actors or presenters get caught doing something riske. Blue Peter in Britain had a few of it's presenters caught on cokain binges and Milly Cyrus with her toples pics.

      Andy Climax said:

      For Every Two and a Half Dads, theres a Family Guy as much as we have for every Mighty Boosh a My Family (garbage sitcom crap). I suppose a good thing about shit telly is we are all goin to the movies again. CGI rocks (most of the time).

    • November 9, 2012 2:48 PM CST
    • Harpo Speaks. Harpo Marx autobiography. For a man who said little this says it all. True genius