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    • October 17, 2012 2:25 PM CDT
    • Thank you for posting this!!!...... So they're jailed for expressing their right under the 1st Amendment. You are absolutely 100% NOT "wasting a vote" on a libertarian, independent, green candidate. You're/We're doing the exact opposite, expressing the rights we're SUPPOSED TO HAVE. Good for them! There are so many people that still don't get it. Obama + Romney = BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. It's not what they SAY, but what the DO, i.e., NDAA & NDRP.  Look it up and check out the signature.

    • October 17, 2012 12:44 PM CDT
    • Not sure where the other pics went in my first post....?

    • October 17, 2012 12:40 PM CDT
    • Thanks! Yep...  since finished, drove it out to Bonneville for Speedweek, just sold it, it's headed for switzerland.

      Mike said:

      @ Andy

      Love the roadster, any update photos on that 5 window conversion?

    • October 17, 2012 11:59 AM CDT
    • Going as Ace Frehley.

    • October 13, 2012 4:19 PM CDT
    • I'm going Lucha Libre -- minus the DiPinto Galaxie 4 unfortunately.

    • October 13, 2012 3:59 PM CDT
    • I'm also setting up the bathroom to look like a bloody mess. So I have one of those shower gel blood packs but that won't be enough. If you use ketchup you can pour it in the bath to mix with water to get the right effect, I have a plastic severed limb and if you write REDRUM on the bathroom tiles in front of the mirror well....

    • October 13, 2012 3:53 PM CDT
    • When I came up with this idea I had to do it instantly, the green jelly and other party food stuffs can wait but gerkins are good for little else in my opinion.

    • October 13, 2012 3:51 PM CDT
    • This one needs a bit of jazzing up but when it's dark with the fairy lights it should look a bit better.

    • October 13, 2012 3:49 PM CDT
    • This thread needs some pictures: I made a sign for my bathroom as it has no lock on it and I hate getting caught with my trousers down.

    • October 17, 2012 11:48 AM CDT
    • Who doesn't love BBQ? It's the universal pig-out (pun intended) food of rock 'n' roll fests, car shows, beer bashes, bluegrass jams, etc. Whenever I travel around, I always try and stop anywhere that advertises their "award-winning" 'que, and usually the more rustic the joint, the better the grub. I thought that it would be useful to us meatheads to post our recommendations, so wherever we are hittin' the highway, we can stop and have that scrumptious smoked pig. It would also be of value to post those establishments that have shitty food (and service), so we know to avoid them rather than waste our time, overpay, and fight off an intense case of indigestion.

      My first posting is on the Lexington BBQ Restaurant in Lexington, NC. Now this town boasts that they are the "BBQ Capital Of the World". I won't dispute that (especially since good BBQ in Roanoke, VA is very hit and miss), but if I had to base that rep on this one place, I'd say that the townfolk are full of chitlins! Ok, the food WAS good, but a little pricey for what you get (I'm a hog, haha), in which I got a little tray of chopped meat, red slaw in a small bowl, and (killer) hush puppies for $10.50. I know pork isn't the cheapest stuff anymore, but shit, this portion seemed like it was for a damn McDonald's Happy Meal. Feel free to read some reviews from previous customers here:

      I would gladly travel back to Lexington to try other 'que joints, but I won't go back to this one...

    • October 16, 2012 7:07 PM CDT
    • Just watched "Boardwalk Empire , Season One". Steve Buscemi outdoes himself. He almost carries the whole show  , but , the supporting cast is very strong , too , even if I , myself , did'nt recognize any of 'em.

    • October 16, 2012 1:26 PM CDT
    • UPDATE: I just weighed myself, and I've lost 20 pounds, Huzzah!

      About 4 months ago I decided to try a vegetarian diet (health reasons, I'm middle-aged, 5'11" and 250 lbs.). At first it was just an experiment to see if I could do it, but so far it's a success. I haven't actually lost that much weight, but inside I feel so much better!

      I recently read an article here in Portland by someone who has been vegetarian for 3 years, and he says that he's lost 100 pounds! If I can even lose 1/2 of that I'm hooked! On July 1st I'm going to make the jump to Vegan for further health reasons. It shouldn't be that hard, mainly lose cream in coffee, and pizza.

      Anyhoo, if anyone is now, or is considering becoming Vegetarian, I'd love to hear your stories and takes on the decision.

      I'm not one of the types to stop wearing leather (ugh, pleather!), nor am I the type to listen to special "Vegan" punk bands, I just decided to lose a bit of weight for the ol' ticker.

      If you are interested in more thoughts My Crazy Vegan Life (recipes/outlook) is a great place to start.

      And here is that rancher that sold his ranch and went Vegan. This is his whole documentary, Mad Cowboy.

      I feel great, but at heart I'm still a cranky Punk rocker!

      Best, Dave

    • October 14, 2012 5:17 PM CDT
    • Lusty Monk Apricot Bourbon Mustard

      Makes four 6-ounce jars.

      1 cup Lusty MonkOriginal Sin mustard

      1 cup bourbon

      1 cup water

      1 cup packed, chopped dried apricots

      5 tablespoons cider vinegar

      5 tablespoons honey

      1 tablespoon sea salt

      Add the apricots and soak for 12 hours.

      Strain mixture and reserve liquid.

      In a food processor, pulse all ingredients to desired consistency, adding remaining liquid as needed.

      Distribute among clean jars, wiping rims and securing lids. Best refrigerated for at least 2 weeks to allow the flavors to develop and mature. It will thicken as it sits. Keeps up to 3 months.

      Lusty Monk Steak Sauce

      Makes 2 1/2 cups.

      1 cup ketchup

      1/3 cup brown sugar

      1/4 cup chopped yellow onion

      1/2 cup water

      1/4 cup lemon juice

      1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce

      1 clove crushed garlic

      1/4 cup white vinegar

      2 tablespoons soy sauce

      2 tablespoons Goya Sofrito

      2 tablespoons molasses

      2 tablespoon Lusty MonkAlter Boy mustard

      1/2 teaspoon paprika

      1/2 teaspoon chili powder

      In a large saucepan, combine all the ingredients and bring to a simmer. Cook until thick, 30 to 45 minutes.

      Pour the sauce into a blender and blend till smooth. Season if needed with salt and pepper. For a finer, smoother sauce push it through a fine-mesh sieve with a spatula. Store in refrigerator.

    • October 13, 2012 1:07 PM CDT
    • Hope that's only for tequila XD  !

      Matt said:

      Here's another, from Damon Runyon:

      1. witty and charming

      2. rich and powerful

      3. philosophical

      4. against the designated hitter

      5. fuck dinner

      6. witty and charming, part II

      7. for the designated hitter

      8. morose and despondent

      9. invisible

      10. bulletproof

    • October 13, 2012 12:35 PM CDT
    • This is the closest I could find to its origin

      DammitDave said:

      Never had or even seen Old Tom.  Am I right that it was the Tom used in the creation of the Tom Collins?

    • October 13, 2012 12:21 PM CDT
    • Wow, the sweetness of bourbon with the punch of lotsa hops. Sounds tasty, Thanks CK!

      ck said:

      here is my recipe:

      4 oz. Buffalo Trace bourbon

      12 oz. double (Simcoe) IPA

      Tools:  tube amps

      Garnish:  fuzz

    • October 13, 2012 12:18 PM CDT

    • Careful, those valves are muy expensive! Cheers!
      Dan Electreau said:

      Do you put the tubes in the freezer to chill them first?

      I think I just found my weekend project.
      ck said:

      here is my recipe:

      4 oz. Buffalo Trace bourbon

      12 oz. double (Simcoe) IPA

      Tools:  tube amps

      Garnish:  fuzz