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The Members-Solitary Confinement

Posted by Jeff of the Future
Original version is Here The official Video for the Virgin Recording of Solitary Confinement...recorded at Great expense and never Broadcast till now....32 years later.... This is a Special Edit of the Record... That was to have been a single.... Part of it was shot in Arturo from the Lurkers Bedsit in Earls Court.
Posted November 15, 2013 - Filed in Music
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  • køpper, monkey-star, and Capt Paul like this
  • John Battles
    John Battles So funny that they went from this , or "GLC" to the Honky Reggae of "Offshore Banking Business" to their one US hit "Working Girl", which I liked at the time , in spite of it's uncoolness.......
    November 16, 2013
  • John Battles
    John Battles They were just here , last week , but , it was $15 to see 'em in a little shithole bar , and I never followed them that much. It was probably a good show , but , my heart was'nt in it (Nor my wallet.).
    September 13, 2014