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psychological experience

Posted by Gwangi
Posted November 5, 2010
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  • Gwangi
    Gwangi in french there is a story about "les moutons de panurge" (the parnurge's sheeps) : the first one hang of a cliff and all the herd follow...
    November 5, 2010
  • Joe Schmo
    Joe Schmo Ah that proves we are really just sheep for the most part..
    November 5, 2010
  • Gwangi
    Gwangi in french there is a story about "les moutons de panurge" (the parnurge's sheeps) : the first one hang of a cliff and all the herd follow...
    November 5, 2010
  • Joe Schmo
    Joe Schmo Ah that proves we are really just sheep for the most part..
    November 5, 2010