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The Gories - Nitroglycerine

Posted by køpper
PLEASE COMPLAIN IF ADVERTISEMENTS ARE FOUND ON THIS VIDEO. I HAVE NEVER OPTED INTO YOUTUBE'S MONETIZING PROGRAM, AND YET THEY ARE PLACING ADS ON IT WITHOUT PERMISSION, NOR COMPENSATION. I HAVE ASKED THEM TO REMOVE THE ADS, AND THEY HAVE NOT. I AM HOPING TO AVOID TAKING IT DOWN. THANK YOU This is the second music video I made, back in 1990. It was shot in 16mm at Collins Collision in Detroit, Michigan, and at McClouth Steel. The Gories were my favorite current band at the time, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw them for the first time playing live to about 5 people in a bar in Dearborn, Michigan. They were great for their dynamic performance, and for their unique, original songs, as well as their great choice of covers. I was instrumental in helping Alex Chilton in his efforts to produce their 2nd album, of which this video was for. Mick Collins had already agreed to personify the west-African spirit, Ogun, for my future feature length effort, Wayne County Ramblin', now completed and available at our website; The Gories were supposed to have a live performance in Wayne County Ramblin', but they had broken up long before we began filming. They nearly reunited for a scene, though, for their rendition of 'Ghostrider', with Lorette Velvette substituting for Dan Kroha, who wanted to do it, but had a scheduling conflict that couldn't permit him to be at Wild Bill's when that day came upon us.
Posted November 19, 2014 - Filed in Music - #gories  #mick collins  #nitroglyrcerine 
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