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Hey, kids, how to clean vinyl!

  • when I was at AFN Europe, in Frankfurt.
    Wet Transfer:
    1)Wash your Vinyl Record with Dish Soap and water, removing all dirt and debris. Blot-dry (don’t rub) with a Paper Towel, then dust off with a Compressed can of Air.
    2) Take an Isomerizer/Misting Sprayer Bottle (the kind you use to spray ferns with)
    3) Fill it with 50% Distilled Water/50% Isopropyl Alcohol
    4) Spray it on the spinning vinyl record until it is totally coated with the liquid
    5) Drop the needle on the record
    6) The Needle will float it in the fluid, slightly suspending it
    7) You will hear no scratches, pops or gouges
    8) Record to your computer via a turntable with a USB connector
    9) Use a program like Q Base that will record it in analog
    10) Enjoy your Vinyl Record Collection on your computer for the rest of your life
    CDs are not Hi-Fi, though DVDs can be.
    -CDS are compressions, they do not reproduce the Human Audible Range of 20HZ to 20KHZ
    MP3s are not Hi-Fi
    HD Radio, is NOT!
    Cassette Tapes can be Hi-Fi, as can Reel-To-Reel Machines
    This problem all came to pass when the Chairman of Sony, required his engineers to fit Beethoven’s 9th Symphony on one disc. Compression was required, therefore Dynamic Range was Sacrificed.
    Vinyl is Final!