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Mojo Workout 23 - Just Keister It Right In

  • Boldly going where no show has gone before on the 23rd voyage of the Starship Mojo Workout!

    This is the episode that they should have pulled the plug on, thanks to gate-crasher, Hellkitten. Chock full of extra silliness, food, double-entendres, Gregorian Rants, and another dramatic reading by Thee Gentleman "Jazz Hands-Spirit Fingers-Love Holster-Man Cave-BM" Diplo-Matt.

    No less than six Celebrity BowlerSkating matches, including: Harry Morgan vs. Mclean Stevenson, the Mermaid from Splash vs. the Little Mermaid, Ronald McDonald vs. Wendy, and more.

    Points: Manwiches

    Listen to Mojo Workout LIVE each Friday night at 8pm, Eastern Time on Real Punk Radio. Friend us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter.