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  • Last GEEK MAGGOT BINGO gigs of the year...

    Two more gigs for GEEK MAGGOT BINGO before the year ends. 1. THE BONNEVILLES + GEEK MAGGOT BONGO + THE RAG 'N' BONE MAN The Leith Franklin Academicals Cricket Club Leith Links EH6 7QR. Doors open at 7PM. Only £3 to get in and astoundingly cheap drinks all night! It's been two years since The Bonnevi...
  • Free download! GEEK MAGGOT BINGO live at The Parlour Bar

    On 28th September GEEK MAGGOT BINGO played a benefit for Pussy Riot at The Parlour Bar, Edinburgh. This was recorded from the audience and you can download it FREE here...

    Geek Maggot Bingo made its first live appearance on 28th September at a benefit gig in aid of the imprisoned members of Pussy Riot and it went well. So well, in fact, that Geek Maggot Bingo will be let out of its box again soon. Hopefully there'll soon be a video or two from the aforementioned benef...
  • GEEK MAGGOT BINGO will be let loose...

    Concerning the preparation of a GEEK MAGGOT BINGO... Take one Acid Fascist, add two parts Babylon Dub Punks and a generous measure of Sam Barber. Hips should be shaken, not stirred...   GEEK MAGGOT BINGO will be let loose on 28th September at The Parlour Bar, Duke Street, Edinburgh. On stage at abou...
  • ACID FASCISTS are on hold...

    ACID FASCISTS are on hold at the moment... There'll be no Acid Fascists gigs for the time being but that doesn't mean nothing is happening! The documentary, SLICE AND DICE: THE SLASHER FILM FOREVER which features an Acid Fascists song as its main theme will be making it's world premiere at the Sitge...
  • Acid Fascists walk away and talk away...

    You may, or may not, have heard that your friendly neighbourhood ACID FASCISTS are calling it a day at the end of August.This is probably not a permanent state of affairs but the current line-up will almost certainly not grace a stage together again.But fear not, pop fans...You've got one more chanc...
  • Acid Fascists - closing for refit...

    ACID FASCISTS DISASSEMBLE! At the end of August ACID FASCISTS will be shutting up shop. Don't worry pop fans, this probably isn't permanent and there may well be a new something on the horizon to keep your ears hurting and your teeth rattling. We're playing Elvis Shakespeare in Edinburgh on the 18th...
  • Jack White rips us off?

    Anyone seen the new Jack White video? The first 50 seconds are suspiciously similar to our video for Up Against The Wall, Motherfucker. Even Jack's nose is looking very similar to Tad's. From now on he will be known to us as Jack "rip-off" White. 5 reasons why ours is better... 1. Ours is animated. ...
  • Rock 'n' Roll Fundraiser in Edinburgh...

    PRESENTING a fundraiser for The Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty... Leith Dockers Social Club,17-17A Academy Street, Edinburgh EH6 7EE Friday 29th June 7:30PM £3 at the door. All extra donations welcomed. All money goes to Edinburgh C...
  • The Howling News Of Acid Fascists...

    Hey people, Here's the latest news stories from the inglorious world of Acid Fascists... So we played our 5th anniversary gig and everything went the way it should - we were noisy, the audience was noisy and the pub we drank in afterwards roped off the entire lower floor for us and our audience! Her...