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Episode #2 of RAT SURF RADIO! Surf Trash Garage Punk!

  • Fresh fruit for rotting minds, here's Episode #2 of Rat Surf Radio! Serving up all your favorite surf trash garage punk delights from Big Drag, The Novas, Slacktone, The Mummies, Cheater Slicks, Holly Golightly, The Dirtbag Surfers, Screaming Lord Sutch, The Phantom Surfers, The Makers, Chiyo and the Crescents, Guitar Wolf and a bunch of other kick ass bands whose names I forgot to write down! This one clocks in at just under an hour, so I hope you dig it!

    No talking yet, I got the new mic tonight but I am still trying to figure it out. Hopefully we'll have some gravelly-voiced commentary coming up on the next episode, so stay tuned and tell yer friends and yer enemies too!