After I graduate my friend is hosting a show at her house and Charlie & The Moonhearts are playing.
Going to be interesting, she's going to host a bunch all this summer.
Oh yeah, tonight is my senior prom and I didn't go. I also never attended any of the dances haha, there was a live swing band tonight too. Instead I'm analyzing all the Psych aspects of "Rebel Without A Cause" for class.

I dunno, they seem kind of....pretentious???? They are from Orange County, CA mind you. A place where the local band member's girlfriends are dressed in really gross fur coats.
The boyfriends are all American Apparal models too.
Really Crazy-accurate Numerology website:
Oh yeah, I'm curious towards a list of B-Movies?
(I've already seen and love Beyond The Valley Of the Dolls, Faster, Pussycat)