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kaiser von krapenschnitzel January 21, 2010 -
the kaiser army lost a soldier on thursday january 7th 2010...ryan fox, the guitar player/wildman of Thee Nightstalkers has passed away.
i spent only about a year of my life with that man...but it was great. ryan was the kinda guy that if there was ever an awkward silence hed take it upon himself to fix that...a true entertainer...i remember when the nightstalkers came to play los angeles bloodshot bill was closing the night out...bill was re-adjusting some of his gear...and out of nowhere from the merch table at the back of the bar comes this "I LOVE SCOTCH...SCOTCHY...WOOOOOOOOOO"...just loud as fuck...the whole bar turns around and looks at him...he knows maybe 6 of them...and he just looks at everyone and says..."well i do"
the fires of rock and roll lost a lot of kerosene thursday...that fires gonna burn a little colder for a while...
so long buddy.
my heart goes out to his family and his girlfriend laura