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Kogar the swinging ape December 18, 2008 -
Well, here we are. This is part one of a 6 week series of songs mentioned in the liner notes of MAD MIKE MONSTERS from Norton Records.
I’d like to thank Howie Pyro of INTOXICA radio for some of the samples.
Also, please check out FOOL’S PARADISE on WFMU. Rex did a show on Mad Mike when the LP’s came out, and I took some Mad Mike bits from that show. It’s archived at the FOOL’S PARADISE website.
http://www.wfmu.org/FPWR/ (check the September shows)
The rest of the samples of Mad Mike were acquired a few weeks ago thru a tape trade. Originally this comp was going to be all music, but when I got the tapes, and listened to them, I just had to throw some of this stuff on the comp. Some of the bits included are pretty striking, especially towards the end. You can really hear the love he has for the music and what he did.
Lastly, in Mad Mike spirit, certain tracks will not be named! If you need to know what the song is, buy the releases on Norton!
Song One: ??? - This was supposedly the first song Mike played on the radio.
Song Two: Sonics - Have love will travel –
Song Three: Ronnie Molleen - Rockyn' Up –
Song Four: shades of rhythm – gumbo – Sad, this song didn’t make it to the Norton release. Absolutely amazing song! You’ll be singing GUMBO for the rest of the day! I don’t believe this song is comped anywhere else. Enjoy it here…any one know if Georgie’s Diner serves Gumbo???
Song Five: the vulcans - shimmy shuffle –
That’s it for this week. I’ll keep these up for a few weeks in case anyone misses a blog over the holidays!
As always, cut and paste the link into your browser to hear/download the tracks…